100字范文 > 旅游民俗文化空间 Tourism folk culture space英语短句 例句大全

旅游民俗文化空间 Tourism folk culture space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 18:17:36


旅游民俗文化空间 Tourism folk culture space英语短句 例句大全

旅游民俗文化空间,Tourism folk culture space

1)Tourism folk culture space旅游民俗文化空间


1.SCREENING TOURISM FOLK CULTURE SPACE AND ANALYZING ITS VALUE--A Case Study of Shaanxi旅游民俗文化空间的筛选与旅游价值分析——以陕西为例

2.To Discuss the "Pollution" and Prevention of Folklore Tour to Folklore Culture in the Tourist Area;论民俗旅游对旅游地民俗文化的“污染”与防治

3.The Research of National (Folkway) Culture Tourism Development in XinJiang;新疆民族(民俗)文化旅游开发建设研究

4.Analysis on the Situations of Regional Culture-Oriented Tourism in Shaanxi Province and Counter-Measures;陕西区域民俗文化旅游现状分析与旅游开发

5.Niyan cricket folk culture trourism resources SWOT analysis;宁阳蟋蟀民俗文化旅游资源的SWOT分析

6.Protection and Exploitation of Tourist Resources of Folk Culture in Shanxi Province;陕西民俗文化旅游资源的保护与开发

7.A study of Liaoning folk culture tourism resources development;辽宁民俗文化旅游资源开发策略研究

8.Researches on Shanxi Folk Cultural Tourism Resources and its Development;山西民俗文化旅游资源及其开发研究

9.On the Authenticity of Tourism Folklore and the Reality of Folklore Tour;对民俗旅游文化本真性的多维度思考

10.Planning of Tourism Projects for Heiyizhuang National Culture Village in Napo;那坡黑衣壮民俗文化村旅游项目策划

11.On the Exploration of the Folk Cultural Resources of Weifang潍坊市民俗文化资源的旅游开发研究

12.Xinzhou Folk Culture Tourism Resources and Its Research and Development忻州民俗文化旅游资源及其开发研究

13.An Approach to Tourism-Oriented Development of Dali"s Bai Folk Customs大理白族民俗文化旅游开发模式分析

14.SWOT Analysis of Fuzhou Folk-custom Culture Tourism Development福州民俗文化旅游开发的SWOT分析

15.Study on the Development of the Fock Culture of Hui Ethnic People in Ningxia Hui Autumous Region宁夏回族民俗文化旅游资源开发探析

16.Dialectic Relationship between Folk Culture Protection and Tourism Development and Selection of Protection Subjects民俗文化保护与旅游开发之间的辩证关系及保护主体的选择

17.Research from Nomadic Culture and Female Customs to Folk Faith;从游牧文化、女性民俗到民间信仰研究

18.Construction of Folk Festival Atmosphere and Continuance of Cultural Space--Cases of Taiwan Folk Festivals and Commercial Cultural Amusement Parks;民俗节日氛围营造与文化空间存续——以台湾民俗节日与商业性文化游乐园区为例


folk-custom culture tourism民俗文化旅游

1.As Fuzhou as the famous history and culture Country city,it has abundancesfolk-custom culture tourism resource.福州作为国家历史文化名城,具有悠久的历史,民俗文化旅游资源丰富。

3)the tourist resources of folk culture民俗文化旅游资源

1.Referring to the protection and exploitation in the whole country,combined with the characteristics ofthe tourist resources of folk culture in shanxi,this paper gave some concrete suggestions about how to protect and exploit it.陕西民俗文化旅游资源丰富,具有较高的社会价值和旅游价值,但由于政府部门的疏于重视和广大民众认识的浅薄,导致陕西民俗文化旅游资源受到严重的破坏,同时也造成不良风气的大量出现,使这些价值未能得以发挥。

4)folk cultural tourism resources in Shanxi山西民俗文化旅游资源

5)production of folk culture民俗文化旅游产品

1.The article analyses the differences between folk culture andproduction of folk culture in concepts.本文分析了民俗文化与民俗文化旅游产品概念的根本区别,阐述了民俗文化是生活的真实,它是不能被商品化的,它将随着时代的进步而进步;而民俗文化旅游产品要追求的是艺术的真实,它是商品,这一商品的开发必须以反映生活的真实为基础,离开生活的真实就没有艺术的真实。

6)ecology folk custom culture tourism生态民俗文化旅游


文化遗存类旅游资源文化遗存类旅游资源ancient cultural tourist resourceswenhua yieun lei 10you ziyuan文化遗存类旅游资源(ancient。ultural tourist 05~-es)人类创造物质与精神产品所处的空间及创造物,具有历史意义和艺术文化价值。包括7种基本类型:①古人类嘟西安的半坡遗址—半地下房屋复原(《西安半坡》)文化遗迹。指旧石器时代与新石器时代人类活动的遗址、遗物。如古人类栖居的村舍、洞穴、住房、遗留的文物和栖居的文化地层等。②社会经济文化遗址。指历代从事社会活动的场所以及从事贸易、文化、科学、教育活动的场所和工矿、 馋梦冷乡 巍《中国原始艺术符号的文化破译》及其所刊载的岩画 (孙新周著)交通遗址。亚类型很广泛,如古代城堡(参见彩图插页第89页)、聚落、街巷、屋舍、仓储、矿场、佛寺(参见彩图插页第89页)、骚站、烽隧、栈道、桥涵、灌渠、坑井等遗址。③碑褐。指为纪事颂德而筑的刻石。其中长方形的刻石称“碑”,圆首形的,或形在方圆之间,上小下大的刻石称为“褐”。有墓碑、界碑、标志碑、纪念碑。④雕塑。指用于纪念、装饰、美化环境的个体雕塑和雕塑群。⑤字画刻石。在山崖、石壁、岩穴、块石上镌刻的文字、图形,绘制的画面。如摩崖石刻、岩画、刻石石人、阴刻浮雕等。⑥石窟。指临崖开凿的洞窟,包括洞穴、造像、壁画及造窟工程等。⑦纪念地与标志物。指为纪念在社会历史和经济文化发展过程中有影响的人物或事件而保留的现场和原始标记。(尹泽生)
