100字范文 > 少儿英语小短文-炎帝的故事


时间:2019-03-29 05:15:31



Ra Nong Nu heaven after several years, appeared on earth and a great God. He and his great-great-Vulcan Vulcan govern together with twelve thousand miles south of the earth, and to dominate the life of the South.

    Yan is a Ci Airen thick great God. When he was alive, human beings on the earth due to the ongoing lives and breeds, nature of food production has been insufficient to meet people"s needs, so, caring Yandi will teach how humans sowing and harvesting grain, with their own hard work to in exchange for all of life needs.

    When he wants to teach the human germ grain from many kinds Sky Valley have landed, he gathered up the valley to the species, have been sown on reclaimed land. Once, he saw a bird covered in red, mouth title of a Spike nine seedlings from flying in the air, fall to the ground grain on the ear, Yan put picked them up to the kinds of fields.

    After these grains grown, people eat can not only eat, but also to live forever. With enough food from humans, life is very stable.

    At that time, humans working together, helping each other, neither masters nor slaves, harvest the fruit evenly distributed, people"s emotions like a general personally close enough.

    In order to allow human beings to live a happier life, Yan letting enough light and heat emitted by the sun, so that more grain grow well, so that people living in the bright warm light in. Since then, mankind no longer worry about food and clothing, people are very grateful Yandi kindness, they called him Shennong. According to legend, Emperor look is head of a cow, it is probably that his contribution is inseparable.

    Sunlight is a healthy source. Therefore Nong god of agriculture, is also the god of medicine. Yan has a whip, known as ocher whip. He used this root whip a variety of herbs, through a variety of medicinal herbs ocher whip whip, toxic or non-toxic cold or hot it is clearly presented. So he depending on the potency of these herbs to saving lives. In order to determine more potency, he also personally herbs to taste. To taste the medicine, he was poisoned in one day many times in his seventies. Once he tasted a highly toxic Gelsemium elegans, it is now being broken rotten intestines.

    Yan see the human though clothed, but in life but there are a lot of inconvenience, so letting people set up a trade market, need each other to get things up exchange market. In the market, available-for-grain hide, or pearls exchange axes and the like. With this exchange, the more rich people"s property up.     Was no clocks, no other method of recording time, people can not put down the live long day waited at the market to determine what time to exchange it so, Yandi and a method to teach people, when the sun shines on the people when on the head, you go to the market to trade, after a period of time, it will automatically leave the city also scattered. At the time, people are put into practice, it feels easy and accurate.

     In Yandi education, his descendants also made many contributions to mankind. Shu as his grandsons made archery arrows, targets, drums and Ting, also produced a musical instrument called the bell, and later, through the efforts of both of them, wrote many songs, make music in the world is widely popular.






为了能让人类过上更加幸福的日子,炎帝又让太阳发射出足够的光和热,使五谷更加茁壮地生长,使人们生活在灿烂温暖的光明中。从此,人类再也不愁衣食,人们非常感谢炎帝的恩德,便尊称他为 神农 。相传炎帝的样子是牛头人身,这大概与他的这一贡献是分不开的。


炎帝看到人类虽然丰衣足食了,但在生活上却还有诸多不便,于是又让人们设立了贸易市场,把彼此需要的东西拿到市场上来交换。在市场上,可用五谷换兽皮,或用珍珠交换石斧等。有了这种交换,人们的财产就更加丰富起来了。那时没有钟表 ,也没有其他记录时间的方法 ,人们又不能放下手中的活整天守在市场上,凭什么来确定交换的时间呢 于是,炎帝又教给人们一个方法,当太阳照在人们头顶上的时候,就到市场上去进行交易,过了这段时间,大家便自动离去,也就散市了。在当时,人们实行起来,感觉既简便又准确。

