100字范文 > 作者共被引分析 author co-citation analysis英语短句 例句大全

作者共被引分析 author co-citation analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 11:19:29


作者共被引分析 author co-citation analysis英语短句 例句大全

作者共被引分析,author co-citation analysis

1)author co-citation analysis作者共被引分析


1.Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Research in Strategic Managemen--A bibliometric study of author co-citation;绘制战略管理研究的知识地图:作者共被引分析

2.Research on the Genres of Knowledge Management Based on Author Co-citation and Meta Analysis;基于作者共被引和元分析的知识管理流派研究

3.Author Co-Citation Analysis of Information Service Research in China作者同被引视角下的我国信息服务研究分析

4.Analysis on the Highly Cited Papers and Authors of《大学图书馆学报》高频被引论文和作者分析

5.An Analysis of the High-Frequently Cited Writers and Their Essays from Modern Library and Information Technology(1980-)《现代图书情报技术》(1980——)高频被引作者及论文的分析

6.Analysis on the Authors with Higher Cited Number in the Research Field of Human Resource Management in Foreign Countries国外人力资源管理研究领域中高频被引作者的分析

7.The analysis on the citation relevance of journal research papers;期刊工作研究论文被引相关性的分析

8.Knowledge Mapping of the Theory Fronts of China Technology Innovation : Based on the View of Author Co-cited;中国技术创新理论前沿知识图谱:作者共被引视角

9.Analysis of the authors, coauthorship and quotations of the Statistical Research papers;《统计研究》论文的作者、合著及引文分析

10.An Analysis of the published papers,authors and references in Southern Metals from to 《南方金属》~载文、作者和引文分析

11.Investigating and Analysis on 《Information Learned Journal》 in Ninth-five Stage Paper Author and Cite《情报学报》九五期间论文作者及引文的调查分析

12.A Statistical Ananlysis on the Authors and Citations in "Journal of Higher Education" from -;-《高等教育研究》作者及引文的统计分析

13.A Statistical Analysis of the Patterns of Publications, Authors and Citations in the Environmental Science, ;《环境科学》载文、作者及引文的统计分析

14.Statistical Analysis on Papers & Authors & Quotations in Liquor-making Science & Technology in 《酿酒科技》载文、作者与引文统计分析

15.Statistical Analysis of Published Papers,Authors and Citations of Industrial Technology Economy in 《工业技术经济》载文、作者与引文统计分析

parative analysis on author self-citation of foundation-papers and non-foundation-papers基金论文与非基金论文作者自引对比分析

17.Quantitative Analysis of Papers,Authors and Citations in "Optical Technique" in 《光学技术》载文、作者与引文定量分析

18.Analysis of Low Citation Articles Written by Scholars with High Academic Influence高学术影响力学者的低被引论文分析——以图书馆学情报学领域为例


document co-citation analysis作品共被引分析

3)author co-citation analysis作者共引分析

4)Author Co-citation作者共被引

1.Research on the Genres of Knowledge Management Based onAuthor Co-citation and Meta Analysis;基于作者共被引和元分析的知识管理流派研究

2.The Visualization Analysis of Public Administration Research Based onAuthor Co-citation——Take Public Administration Review as Research Object基于作者共被引的公共行政研究状况图谱分析——以《Public Administration Review》为研究对象

5)Co-citation Analysis共被引分析

1.On the basis of statistical methods,co-citation analysis and visualization measures,are applied to explore the academic structure and the relationship among them.在运用统计分析方法的基础上,采用共被引分析法,运用可视化的手段,揭示了国际专利研究中的主要领域及其间的关系。

2.Use the newest developed information visualization methods,this paper makes document co-citation analysis for the records retrieved from Web of Science (SCI,SSCI,A&HCI) from 1975 to .利用信息可视化方法对论文的引文数据进行文献共被引分析,以图谱的方式展示了生态经济学的若干主要知识群,研究生态经济学从学科基础形成、学科领域拓展到学科纵深发展三个阶段的演化过程,以及关键节点所代表的生态经济学家及其专著或者论文对生态经济学发展所起的重要作用,根据信息可视化工具 Cite Space 自动检测出的前沿术语反映生态经济学在不同时期的研究前沿。

6)author co-citation network作者共被引网络


