100字范文 > 近化学计量比LiNbO3 near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 single crystal英语短句 例句大全

近化学计量比LiNbO3 near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 single crystal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-03 11:03:54


近化学计量比LiNbO3 near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 single crystal英语短句 例句大全

近化学计量比LiNbO3,near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 single crystal

1)near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 single crystal近化学计量比LiNbO3

2)near stoichiometric Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3近化学计量比Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3晶体

3)stoichiometric Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3化学计量比Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3晶体


1.Numerical Simulation on Mode Field Distribution in Near-stoichiometric Ti: LiNbO_3 Strip Waveguide Fabricated by VTE Technique;VTE技术制备的近化学计量比Ti:LiNbO_3条形波导模场分布的数值仿真

2.An magnesium(MgO)-dopednear-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystal(MgO:SLN)of 40 mm in diameter and 60 mm in length was grown by an improved Czochralski technique from a 58.5]熔体中生长了φ40mm×60mm的掺镁近化学计量比铌酸锂(LiNbO3)晶体。

3.Domain structure of thenear-stoichiometric LiNbO_3 crystal grown by double-crucible pulling method and cut along its each direction is analyzed in this paper.本文对采用双坩埚提拉法生长的近化学计量比LiNbO3 晶体沿其各向切块腐蚀后通过直接观察和在金相显微镜下观察,对其各个面的畴结构进行了分析。


1.Photorefractive property of near-stoichiometric Fe:LiTaO_3 crystal近化学计量比Fe:LiTaO_3晶体的光折变性能

2.Domain structure moving characterization of near-stoichiometric lithium tantalate近化学计量比LiTaO_3反转畴运动特性研究

3.Growth of Near Stoichiometric Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO_3 Crystals and Their Optical Performance近化学计量比Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO_3晶体生长及其光学性能

4.Growth and Properties of Zn,Co Co-doped Near-stoichiometric LiNbO_3 CrystalZn,Co双掺杂近化学计量比LiNbO_3晶体的生长及性能

5.Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Ti-indiffused Near-stoichiometric LiNbO_3 Waveguides钛扩散近化学计量比铌酸锂光波导的制作和光学表征

6.Optical Properties of Co-doped Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate双掺杂近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体的全息光学特性研究

7.Dynamic Simulation for Li-Ti Indiffusion Simultaneous: Fabrication of Near-stoichiometric Ti: LiNbO_3 Optical Waveguide;锂—钛同时内扩散制备近化学计量比Ti:LiNbO_3光波导的动态模拟

8.Numerical Simulation on Mode Field Distribution in Near-stoichiometric Ti: LiNbO_3 Strip Waveguide Fabricated by VTE Technique;VTE技术制备的近化学计量比Ti:LiNbO_3条形波导模场分布的数值仿真

9.Growth, Properties and Potential Application of Series LiNbO_3 Crystals同成分、近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体生长、性质及应用探索

10.Study on the Growth and Properties of Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate Doped with Cu铜掺杂近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体的生长及其性能的研究

11.The Growtgh of Near-Stoichiometric LiNbO_3 and Nd~(3+) Doped LiNbO_3 Crystals Using Bridgman Method近化学计量比及掺Nd~(3+)铌酸锂晶体的下降法生长研究

12.Charge Transport Process in Mn-doped Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate锰掺杂近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体的电荷输运过程

13.Study on growth and photorefractive of near-stoichiometric LiNbO_3 crystal of double-doped with Cu and Fe铜铁双掺近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体生长及其光折变性能研究

14.The relation of light intensity and the domain switching voltage of the near-stoichiometric Mg-doped lithium niobate was studied.研究了在可见光诱导条件下的近化学计量比掺镁铌酸锂的反转电压与光强之间的关系。

parison of two chemometrics methods in common use for the glucose concentration using near infrared spectra;血糖近红外光谱分析中两种常用化学计量学方法的比较

16.Stucture and Photorefractive Properties of Fe: Stoichimetric Lithium Niobium Crystals;化学计量比Fe: LiNbO_3结构与光折变性能

17.Preparation of Stoichiometric Boron-Carbon Ceramics by Spark Plasma SinteringSPS反应烧结不同化学计量比硼-碳陶瓷

18.Synthesis of Stoichiometric LiNiO_2 by Carbon Element Addition添加碳元素合成化学计量比LiNiO_2


near stoichiometric Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3近化学计量比Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3晶体

3)stoichiometric Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3化学计量比Mg∶Fe∶LiNbO3晶体


1.Numerical Simulation on Mode Field Distribution in Near-stoichiometric Ti: LiNbO_3 Strip Waveguide Fabricated by VTE Technique;VTE技术制备的近化学计量比Ti:LiNbO_3条形波导模场分布的数值仿真

2.An magnesium(MgO)-dopednear-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystal(MgO:SLN)of 40 mm in diameter and 60 mm in length was grown by an improved Czochralski technique from a 58.5]熔体中生长了φ40mm×60mm的掺镁近化学计量比铌酸锂(LiNbO3)晶体。

3.Domain structure of thenear-stoichiometric LiNbO_3 crystal grown by double-crucible pulling method and cut along its each direction is analyzed in this paper.本文对采用双坩埚提拉法生长的近化学计量比LiNbO3 晶体沿其各向切块腐蚀后通过直接观察和在金相显微镜下观察,对其各个面的畴结构进行了分析。

5)near stoichiometric近化学计量比

1.A kind of Mg-dopednear stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystal was grown with Czochralski method from a stoichiometric melt with addition of llmol% K20 and lmol% MgO.利用提拉法,从掺入11mol%KzO和1mol%MgO的化学配比LiNbO3熔体中生长了高质量的掺镁近化学计量比LiNbO3晶体。

2.9% K 2O (in mole) flux in raw materials of LiNbO 3 crystal, Fe dopednear stoichiometric LiNbO 3 (SLN∶Fe) crystal were grown by top seeded solution growth (TSSG) method and Fe doped congruent LiNbO 3(CLN∶Fe) were grown by Czochralski method.9%K2 O(摩尔分数 )助熔剂 ,用顶部籽晶 (TSSG)法生长近化学计量比掺铁铌酸锂 (SLN∶Fe) ,以及采用Czochralski法生长同成分掺铁铌酸锂 (CLN∶Fe)。


1.Optical Properties of Co-doped Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate双掺杂近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体的全息光学特性研究

2.However, the composition of LiNbO_3 crystal de- viated from itsstoichiometric ratio, the existence of lithium vacancies and antib- it niobium defects, and result in many carrier traps, space charge easily be capt- ured, which led to the disadvantage of crystal response time of long, small coup- ling gain coefficient and anti-light-induced scattering ability of low.尽管近化学计量比的晶体比同成份配比的本征缺陷少,但仍然存在摩尔分数为1%的反位铌和摩尔分数为4%的锂空位以及大量的极化子、双极化子、氢离子、局域钛铁矿等缺陷结构。


化学计量式分子式:CAS号:性质:是用元素符号和分子式来表示一个化学反应的等式。等号左边表示全部反应物,右边为全部生成物。因为每一个化学反应都要遵守质量守恒定律,也就是反应前后各元素的原子总数保持不变,所以在化学计量式中每个化学式前面都有系数(称为化学计量系数),以使等号两边各元素的原子总数相等。因此化学计量式表达了物质在化学反应中质的变化和量的关系。 化学计量式一般也可写成这样的通式:;式中,Aj为组分;αj为化学计量系数(stoichiometric coefficient)。
