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装配 assembly英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-06 01:34:33


装配 assembly英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the Visual Assembly and Simulation of Spindle Box Based on 3D Model;基于3D模型的数控机床主轴箱装配和运动仿真研究

2.Assembly of Guide Pulley Subassembly and Analysis of Problem Existing in Assembly;电火花线切割机导轮组合件装配及相关问题的解决

3.Application of Semiautomatic System on Target Assembly;用于装配微靶的半自动系统


1.Install column onto the mounting studs.安装转向柱至装配螺椿。

2.Assembly Modeling and Planning of the Die For Automatic Assembling Process面向自动装配的冲模装配建模与规划

3.Do I have to keep assembling these units until kingdom come?我装配这些玩意要装配到何年何月?

4.Research on Assembly Sequence Planning for Assembly Simulation;面向装配仿真的装配顺序规划的研究

5.A fitting together of parts, as those in a machine.装配规格构件的装配,如安装于机器上的

6.The Assembling Suggestion about Loading Parts of Series of DXD Liquid Packaging MachineDXD系列液体包装机装料部分装配建议

7.One that assembles, as a worker who puts together components of an item being manufactured.装配工装配的人,如将生产的部件装配在一起的工人

8.Assembly planning is one of the key technologies for virtual manufacturing and design for assembly (DFA).装配规划是虚拟装配和面向装配设计的关键技术之一。

9.The company shenzhen jiaxinyu industrial development co., ltd. deals in Assembly parts and also in Assembly parts.提供内装部分、装配部件及工业装配、工业安装领域内的产品。

10.vacuum flask, complete with cases保温瓶,外壳装配齐全

11.increase the speed of an assembly line提高装配线的速度。

12.The assembly of cars is often done by machines.汽车常由机器装配.

13.equipped with or wearing a helmet.装配有或者戴有头盔。

panhia de Tubagem de Mocambique, SARL莫桑比克管道装配公司

15.the tail assembly of an aircraft飞机的机尾装配组件.

16.high desity assembly高密度装配高密度组件

17.filter polarizing optical mounted偏色滤色片,已装配好

18.optical polarizing filter, unmounted偏色滤色片,未装配好



1.Achievingassemble and drawing of reducers by CAXA 3D electronic planning board;用CAXA三维电子图板实现减速器装配和出图

2.Discussing the Key Technique Requirements About Locale Choice of Assemble Work for Super and Heavy Product;论超大型/重型产品装配厂选址的关键技术要求


1.Innovation of Assembling and Packing Techniques of Textile Machinery;纺机装配包装技术的创新

2.Controlling Measures of Assembling Quality for Typical Cable Connector;典型电缆连接器的装配质量控制措施

3.Design and application of quick-settingassembling sub-embankment for flood prevention;快速设置装配式防洪子堤的设计及应用


1.And also it analyzes the material selection,moulds,patterns and decoration andassemblage for the saddles and explains in details its unique national and artistic characteristics to attract social attention for new exploration and further development.本文对蒙古族马鞍具手工艺的历史、工艺流程作了简要介绍,通过对选材、造型及样式以及装饰与装配的分析,深入阐述其独特的民族艺术特色,以期引起社会的重视,重新去发掘、发展蒙古族马鞍具制作的特色工艺。

2.Axiomatic design theory provides an instructional frame for the design of multi-part integrationassemblage composed of multi-robots and automatic weld system.公理设计理论为由多机器人组成的多零部件集成装配与自动焊接系统的设计提供了一种指导性的框架。

3.Some measures about type selection,assemblage and usage were introduced,which elongate the service life of bearing used in roughing and intermediate mill of high-speed wire mill.介绍了安阳钢铁集团公司高线轧机的轧辊轴承在选型、装配、使用中为延长使用寿命采用的技术措施。


1.Application Example of Cold Shrinkage and Thermal Expansion Type Fitting for Large Key;大型键冷缩热胀式装配方式的应用实例

2.Improvement of Fitting Structures of Sidewindows and Running Water Troughs;客车侧窗与流水槽装配结构改进设计

3.The structure principle and improvedfitting process of imported new type hub framework oil seal(EQ153) are introduced.介绍了我国引进的新型轮毂骨架油封(EQ153)的结构原理与改进后装配工艺。


1.The improvement for the fabrication technique of the generator rotor of Dachaoshan hydropower station;大朝山水电站发电机转子装配工艺及相关改进


装配一、装配的概念 任何一台机器设备都是有许多零件所组成,将若干合格的零件按规定的技术要求组合成部件,或将若干个零件和部件组合成机器设备,并经过调整、试验等成为合格产品的工艺过程称为装配。例如一辆自行车有几十个零件组成,前轮和后轮就是部件。 装配是机器制造中的最后一道工序,因此它是保证机器达到各项技术要求的关键。装配工作的好坏,对产品的质量起着重要的作用。 二、装配的工艺过程1.装配前的准备工作 (1)研究和熟悉装配图的技术条件,了解产品的结构和零件作用,以及相连接关系。 (2)确定装配的方法、程序和所需的工具。 (3)领取和清洗零件。2.装配 装配又有组件装配、部件装配和总装配之分,整个装配过程要按次序进行。 (1)组件装配将若干零件安装在一个基础零件上而构成组件。如减速器中一根传动轴,就由轴、齿轮、键等零件装配而成的组件。
