100字范文 > 疏通 dredge英语短句 例句大全

疏通 dredge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-27 03:41:24


疏通 dredge英语短句 例句大全



1.Traditional treatm ent of pipe block-up of underw ater concrete bored pile is discussed, and the m easure of quick lift and hurl todredge the pipe is offered and dem onstrated in this paper.本文针对灌注桩在灌注水下砼发生堵管时的传统处理方法进行探讨,提出可将砼导管暂时拔出砼面的泥浆中进行快速提掷管疏通的方法,并对其进行论证。

2.Hereinafter some preliminary opinions are given on how todredge grammar items autonomously, assisted by English grammar courseware to connect the points and the lines.对于已学过几年英语的学习者而言,要求教师在课堂内再系统地讲解英语语法被认为是没有必要,然而不少学习者在语言表达方面确有许多语法知识拿不准 本文就自主学习进行自我疏通语法知识、点线贯通、英语语法课件辅助学习方面提出了一些粗浅的观


1.Pay...Co.not negotiable付...公司,不准疏通

2.The traffic will get less congested soon .交通阻塞会迅速疏通。

3.The traffic will let up in a few minutes .交通阻塞公迅速疏通。

4.They are busy clearing out the drains.他们正忙于疏通排水道。

5.The re-moving therapy is to use various methods to dredge meridians and qi activity and to clear collateral and qi.通法,是运用各种方法疏通经脉,疏通气机使经气畅通的治疗方法。

6.had to outwait the traffic jam.只好等到交通阻塞被疏通后

7.unstop a sink, toilet, drain, etc疏通洗涤槽、 抽水马桶、 下水道等.

8.The drain is blocked and needs unplugging.排水管堵塞了, 得疏通一下.

9.The secret of reducing the Body weight and prolonging life is to exercise the Bones and muscles and dredge the channels and collaterals.轻身延寿的秘诀是活络筋骨,疏通经络。

10.How does an herb move blocked energy?药草是如何来疏通被阻滞的能量的呢?

11.The traffic safety allows of no negligence交通安全不容疏忽。

12.Unclog (or dredge)readjust the circulation channel for commodities疏理商品的流通渠道

13.Traffic was diverted around the scene of the accident.疏导交通绕过出事现场

14.Easy is the road down to Hell.疏忽是通向地狱之路。

15.(III) Those who do not guarantee the evacuation passageway and safety exist unblocked.(三)不能保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通的。

16.The Ministry of Communications sent 300 more traffic police to direct the traffic.交通部增派300名交警疏导交通。

17."Fire Escape, Keep Clear; Fire Escape, Asked to be Cleared Off OBstruction; Fire Escape to be Clear of OBstruction"安全出口,保持通畅;火警疏散通道,请保持通畅

18.They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it.他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航.



1.The technology of pumping anddredging of blockage in the pneumatic fly ash conveying system;粉煤灰气力输送系统的抽吸疏通技术

2.Thus, the thought of design ondredging for strengthening of the embankments in the.为此,今后的挖河固堤须转换设计思路,即:无堤防的河口河段以疏通设计为主,有堤防河段的开挖以固堤设计为主;开挖可只设计部位和深度,不再强调开挖断面的设计。


1.The principle and ingredients of draindeoppilants are introduced with a view of the latest development of its solid and liquid types in China.概述了下水道疏通剂的疏通原理及各组分的作用,综述了近年来建筑物下水管道固体疏通剂和液体疏通剂的国内开发情况。


5)Obstacles release疏通渠道


1.Curative Effect ofShuxuetong Injection on Progressive Cerebral Infarction;疏血通注射液治疗进展性脑梗死的疗效观察

2.The effects and mechanism of Alprostadil combined withShuxuetong treatment on diabetic peripheral neuropathy;前列地尔联合疏血通治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效及其机制

3.Clinical Study ofShuxuetong Injection on Cerebral Arterial Thrombosis;疏血通注射液治疗缺血性脑卒中78例


疮疡疏通法疮疡疏通法 疮疡疏通法 疮疡的内治法则之一。今称通里法。见《太平圣惠方》卷六十一。指应用泻下药物,使蓄积于脏腑的毒邪得以疏通排泄,以促进疮疡治愈的方法。该法适用于疮疡初、中期,内蕴热毒较盛者,方剂可选用内疏黄连汤等。若阴虚火旺,胃肠失于濡润者,则用润肠汤。年迈体弱及孕妇慎用。
