100字范文 > 科技观 science and technology view英语短句 例句大全

科技观 science and technology view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-27 08:09:23


科技观 science and technology view英语短句 例句大全

科技观,science and technology view

1)science and technology view科技观

1.With the emergence of post-modernism scientific view,Taoismscience and technology view has become the main concern of scholars.道家科技观随着后现代主义科学观的兴起,越来越引起学人的再估价。

2.In this paper,the author discussed the Marx’s theory about the development path of the science and technology after analyzed the classical originals of Marx,from which the author revealed Marx’s harmonious thought about thescience and technology view.分析马克思经典原著,探讨马克思科技观的发展轨迹,来揭示马克思科技观的和谐思想;进而分析了资本主义制度下的科技异化的本质,并从生态和人文关怀等方面提出要走出科技异化。


1.Integration of three kinds of science and technology:A whole new view of science and technology;三类科学技术“集成”:一种全新的科技观

2.The qualitative change of science and the renewal of scientific view;科技发展的质变问题与科技观的更新

3.The Science and Technology Ideologies and Policies from American Presidents美国总统的科技观与科技政策(二)

4.Timothy Richart s Scientific and Technological Thoughts and Development of Science and Technology of Chinese Modern Times;李提摩太的科技观与中国近代的科技发展

5.The Influence of the Westernization Group s Views of Science and Technology on China s Modern Science and Technology;论洋务派科技观对中国近代科技发展的影响

6.On Jiang Zeming s View of Science and Technology and his Strategy of Developing Science and Technology;略论江泽民的科技观及其科技发展战略

7.The scientific and technical view of Deng xiao-ping is the tremendous impetus to modern scientific and technical revolution;邓小平科技观是促进现代科技革命的强大动力

8.Defend for contemporary science and technology;为当代科技辩护—一兼评法兰克福学派的科技观

9.The Science and Technology Ideologies and Policies of American Presidents--the science and technology policies for promoting economic recovery and development(Ⅲ)美国总统的科技观与科技政策(三)——促进经济恢复与增长的科技政策

10.On the Connections between Science and Technology,Development and Harmony under the Background of the Scientific Concept of Development;科学发展观语境中的科技、发展与和谐

11.Promoting Technological Innovation in Enterprise from Viewpoint of Scientific Development;坚持科学发展观 推进企业科技创新

12.Keeping on to Policy of Developing Our Country Scientifically,Work Hard to Promote Scientific Cultivation;坚持科学发展观 推进科技开发工作

13.Making use of the idea of scientific development to instruct the administrative work in public security science and technology;用科学发展观指导公安科技管理工作

14.Persist in the Scientific Development View,Pushing Forward the Science and Technology Development of Electric Design;落实科学发展观,促进电力科技进步

15.Thinking Highly of the Shaping of Science and Technology WorkersScience Worldview;高度重视科技人员科学世界观的塑造

16.The Research of Science and Technology Evaluation Based on Scientific Development View基于科学发展观的科学技术评价研究

17.Scientific outlook on Development & Development Path of science & Technology with Chinese Characteristics科学发展观与中国特色科技发展道路

18.The Scientific Outlook on Development and the Guidance of Science and Technology科学发展观与科学技术导向——西方马克思主义科技导向观及其启示


scientific and technological view科技观

1.A lot of western scholars have analyzed and criticized the human survival predicament that science and technology caused,and its basic reason lies in unreasonablescientific and technological view.许多西方学者对科技所造成的人类生存困境进行了分析和批判,其根本原因在于不合理的科技观所致。

2.His learning contained Astronomy and Calendar Science、Mathematics、Geography、Physics、Medical Science and other technical fields and gained some achievements and formed hisscientific and technological view.他的毕生所学涵盖了天文历法、数学、地理、物理学、医学及其他应用型技术等多个学科领域,取得了一定的成就,形成了其独特的科技观。

3)new outlook on science and technology新科技观

4)the morality idea of the Science and technology科技道德观

5)the view of science and technology全新科技观

6)outlook on science and technology科学技术观

1.On the pluralistic development of theoutlook on science and technology;科学技术观的多元化发展


