100字范文 > 隔绝 isolation英语短句 例句大全

隔绝 isolation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-12 11:12:30


隔绝 isolation英语短句 例句大全



1.Starting from an analysis on archetypal situation,archetypal characters,archetypal symbolism,Biblical themes and American history and culture,this article discusses that gradation of skin color,isolation from the outside world could never create a Paradise on earth.本论文从场景原型、人物原型、象征原型和主题原型等四个方面剖析解读《天堂》丰富的圣经原型和意象;并结合美国历史文化传统分析,指出以肤色深浅决定一切,隔绝封闭是不可能构建天堂般的生活的。

2.This paper will offer a focused discussion of the Gothic elements in the novel and tentatively analyse how an effect of defamiliarization is created to reinforce the motif ofisolation.聚焦于该文本的哥特文体特征 ,尝试分析这些哥特成分在小说的整体情节设计中如何造成“陌生化”的效果 ,从而有效地起到强化作品“隔绝”主题的作用。


1.We were completely cut off from the outside world.我们和外界完全隔绝了。

2.Black out a nation from the rest of the world使一个国家与外界隔绝

3.The small town was secluded.这个市镇与外界隔绝。

4.seclude oneself from society与社会隔绝,过隐居生活

5.I want to keep away from the world while I am here.在此期间我要与世隔绝。

6.the secluded life of a convent修道院与世隔绝的生活

7.cut off from civilization by the high mountains.与世隔绝的穷乡僻壤。

8.the state of being alone in solitary isolation.与世隔绝的独处状态。

9.lived an unsocial reclusive life.过着与世隔绝的生活。

10.Foam rubber provides good insulation.泡沫橡胶隔绝性能良好.

11.The village was cut off by the flood.村子被洪水隔绝了。

12.Her family insulates her from contact with the world.她的家人使她与世隔绝。

13.thick walls that deaden street noises隔绝市街噪声的厚墙

14.To cause to be in a detached or isolated position.隔离使处于孤立或隔绝的位置

15.To a life deprived of the works of genius.过着与天才们的作品相隔绝的生活。

16.They found it best to close off the bedroom.1他们发现最好把卧室隔绝。

17.We are quarantined off from the local inhabitants.我们和当地居民完全隔绝。

18.While they are sleeping, people @tune [email protected] the things around them.在睡觉的时候,我们与外界相隔绝。


endovascular exclusion腔内隔绝

3)Isolating insulation隔离绝缘

4)valve isolation阀门隔绝

1.Hot-water heating systems and theirvalve isolation systems used in highrise buildings;高层建筑热水采暖系统及其阀门隔绝系统

2.This article explains the selecting principles of high building\"s hot-water heat system,analyses present and popular high building\"s heat system and its connecting methods,and makes further discussion on some problems of several kinds ofvalve isolation at the same time,in order to accumulate the design experience in hot-water heat system of high building\"s.阐述了高层建筑热水采暖系统形式的选择原则,分析了目前常用的高层采暖系统及连接方式,同时对几种阀门隔绝系统的一些问题进行了深入探讨,以积累高层建筑热水采暖系统设计经验。

5)isolating mechanisms隔绝机制

1.In view of the importance and features of Growth Strategy,its mechanisms have to be constructed,based on Core competence,in terms of related plurality,isolating mechanisms,transverse expansion from a certain point of the industrial chain,and innovation cluster formation on technology platform and technology trajectory.具体表现在实行以核心能力为基础的关联多元化 ,建立基于核心能力的隔绝机制 ,在产业链的某一点横向扩张 ,培育基于技术轨道和技术平台的创新集群。

6)isolation valve隔绝门

1.A Scheme for retrofitting the primary air sisolation valves at coal mill s entrance of Huaneng Fuzhou Power Plant s sets No.针对华能福州电厂3号、4号炉磨煤机入口一次风隔绝门不严的问题,提出了对其进行改造的方案,即把一次风隔绝门全部换成闸板门,同时对闸板门三种安装方式进行了比较。


