100字范文 > 科学技术与社会 science technology and society英语短句 例句大全

科学技术与社会 science technology and society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-07 16:35:00


科学技术与社会 science technology and society英语短句 例句大全

科学技术与社会,science technology and society

1)science technology and society科学技术与社会


1.Trenchless technology is a practical new technology that the advanced science and technology is combined with social demand.非开挖技术是先进的科学技术与社会需求相结合的实用型新技术。

2.Status Quo and Prospects for STS Study in Northeast Asia;东北亚科学技术与社会(STS)研究的现状与展望

3.On the relationship between the development of science and technology and the progress of social culture--Concurrent discussion on the harmonious development between science and technology and social culture in China;论科学技术发展与社会文化进步——兼论中国的科学技术与社会文化协调发展

4.The Interaction of Science & Technology and Social Factors about ‘Dong Fang Hong (The East is Red)1’ Satellite;“东方红一号”卫星科学技术与社会因素的互动

5.The Relation Between Science-technology and Society in Ancient China;浅谈中国古代科学技术与社会发展的关系

6.On the Interrelationship Between Earth Science and Technology and Economy and Social Dvelopment;浅析地球科学技术与社会经济发展的相互关系

7.Discussion about the development concordancebefween Science & Technology and Socialism --accompanied with discussing the prospects of Socialism development;论科学技术与社会主义发展的同步性──兼论社会主义发展前景

8.On the Trend of Integration of Social Science and Social Technology;论社会科学与社会技术的一体化趋势

9.Development and Social Value of Technological Science;技术科学的发展与技术科学的社会价值

10.Study on Education and Social Demand of Simulation Science and Technology Discipline仿真科学与技术学科的人才培养与社会需求

11.Study on Relation among Transportation,Society,Science and Technology;交通运输与社会、科学技术的关系研究

12.Science, Technology and Society: A Research Area Combining Natural and Social Sciences;科学、技术与社会:文理交融的研究领域

13.S&T and the Transition of Traditional Society in Rural China科学技术与中国传统农村社会的变迁

14.Science and Technology and Harmonious Society in the Context of the Scientific Outlook on Development;论科学发展观语境中的科学技术与和谐社会

15.Humane Studies and Scientific and Technological Progress--Take Scientific and Technical development of Guangxi for Example;人文社会科学与科学技术进步——以广西科技发展为例

16.A Summarization of Academic Symposium on Nationwide Scientific & Technological Culture and Social Modernization;全国"科技文化与社会现代化"学术研讨会综述

17.Social Computing: A Digital and Dynamical Integration of Science, Technology, and Human and Social Studies社会计算——科学、技术与人文的数字化动态交融

18.Scialization of Science and Technology and Political Power;试论科学技术的发展与政治权力的社会化历程


Social science and technology社会科学技术



5)Information technology and social discipline conformity信息技术与社会学科整合

6)Science and technology and the society科技与社会


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
