100字范文 > 胡 Hu英语短句 例句大全

胡 Hu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-22 04:43:48


胡 Hu英语短句 例句大全



1.Shortcomings "Hu","foreign" which includes the word culture;汉语“胡”、“洋”之历史文化义涵探析

2."Hu (胡)"and "Xiongnu (匈奴)"in Shiji(史记, the History);《史记》所见“胡”与“匈奴”称谓考


1.To season or sprinkle with pepper.用胡椒调味,撒以胡椒粉

2.A nest or colony of wasps or hornets.胡蜂巢胡蜂或黄蜂的巢

3.have [wear] a mustache [a pair of mustaches]留着小胡子 [留着八字胡]

4.perfect nonsense, rubbish, etc纯粹胡说八道、 一派胡言

5.A carrot, a carrot, a carrot, a carrot.一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜。

6."Well, fiddle-dee-dee!""哼,胡说八道!"

7.A single hair of a beard or mustache.(一根)须一根络腮胡或八字胡的胡须

8.A dried berry of the pepper vine Piper nigrum.胡椒粒干的胡椒子胡椒属

9.Of or belonging to the family Vespidae.胡蜂科的胡蜂科的或属于胡蜂科的

10.The gaohu was used as the lead instrument or for special renditions.主奏或特性乐器是高胡,也称粤胡、南胡,

11.The rabbit wants a carrot, a carrot, a carrot.兔子想要一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜。

12.In the beginning is nonsense, and the nonsense is with god, and the nonsense is god .太初有胡说,胡说与上帝同在,这胡说就是上帝。

13.The Study on Comparative Biology of North-Chaihu、South-Chaihu and Sandao-Chaihu;北柴胡、南柴胡和三岛柴胡比较生物学的研究

14.A Discussion of the Influences of Non-Han Music on the Society in the TangDynasty;胡乐胡音竞纷泊——胡乐对唐代社会影响述论

15.Get along Don"t be silly.别胡扯啦!别犯傻!

16.Major Bupleurum Decoction大柴胡汤(中成药)

17.derived from pepper (especially black pepper); source of the hotness of black and white pepper.来源于胡椒(尤其是黑胡椒),是黑胡椒和白胡椒的辣味源。

18.A4/A6 ratio of humic acid胡敏酸A4/A6比


the foreign music胡乐胡舞

3)Populus euphratica胡杨

1.Studies on scale convention of individualPopulus euphratica and forest water consumption in Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地胡杨单木与林分耗水量的尺度转换研究

2.Study on the Extraction Process of Polyphenols from the Bark ofPopulus euphratica;胡杨树皮多酚的提取工艺研究

3.Volatiles from the Heartwood ofPopulus euphratica in Ancient Tomb;古墓中胡杨心材的挥发性化学成分


1.Study on the method of extracting natural preservative inpepper and its bacteriostasis;胡椒中天然防腐剂的提取方法及其抑菌作用研究

2.Study on ultrasonic extraction of antioxidant frompepper;超声波提取胡椒中抗氧化成分的研究

5)Radix Bupleuri柴胡

1.Gas chromatographic analysis of cyclohexanol content inRadix Bupleuri injection;气相色谱法测定柴胡注射液中环己醇

2.Application ofRadix Bupleuri in Medical Records as Guidance of Clinical Practice;《临证指南医案》柴胡应用探析


1.Investigation of method for quantitative analysis of chemical composition ofoil-flax fiber and its properties;胡麻纤维化学成分定量分析方法和性能的研究

2.The paper studied the dyeing performance ofoil-flax on the foundation of flax fibers modification.文章对胡麻改性前后上染率进行了研究。

3.The technology about the kier bleach,soft and vat dyeing ofoil-flax linen yarn was studied,especially a systematic explain on its softening machanism,function and meaning before dyeing theoil-flax knitting yarn was given.本文探讨了胡麻粗纱的煮漂、柔软、还原染料染色工艺,尤其对生产胡麻纱染色前粗纱的柔软整理机理、作用、意义作了阐述,提出了胡麻纤维染色适宜的染料和相应的煮漂方法,并介绍了染色工艺配方。


