100字范文 > 共引 co-citations英语短句 例句大全

共引 co-citations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-04 16:08:44


共引 co-citations英语短句 例句大全



1.This article discussed the co-occurrence analysis methods,such as co-words,co-classifications,co-citations,and presented their applications for patent mapping respectively.本文对专利情报研究中的共现分析方法作了分类,将其分为共引、共词与共类分析3种。


1.Visualization of Technology Tracking Based on Patent Citation:Co-citation,Cross-citation,Extra-citation and Self-citation基于专利引文的技术跟踪可视化研究——共引、互引、他引、自引

2.Synthesis of Block Copolymer of Isobutylene and Styrene Coinitiated by AlCl_3;Al系共引发合成异丁烯和苯乙烯嵌段共聚物

3.having a loud resonant metallic sound.大的,引起共鸣的金属声。

4.Will the Kuomintang draw over the Communist Party, or the Communist Party the Kuomintang?是国民党吸引共产党呢,还是共产党吸引国民党?

5.Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.对非共享成员的引用要求对象引用。

6.The Function of City Public Policy as Guideline for Public Infrastructure;公共政策对城市公共物品开发的引导作用

7.It often causes a lot of inconvenience when buses come late.公共汽车晚点时,常常引起许多不便。

8.Create an index of a file share and optional subfolders创建文件共享和可选子文件夹的索引

9.Build an index of a file share and optional subfolders建立文件共享和可选子文件夹的索引

10.The two exhibitions attracted a total of 14 495 visitors.两个展览共吸引参观者14495人次。

11.Conviction breeds conviction.心悦诚服的话是会引起共鸣的。

12.His words aroused no echo in their hearts.他的话未能在他们心中引起共鸣。

13.The music struck a chord with the listeners.这音乐引起了听众的共鸣。

14.That book really knocks me out.那本书确实引起了我的共鸣。

15.His words go directly to the heart, finding their support in the understanding.他的话深深打动人心,引人共鸣。

16.He is the character with whom the reader can most easily identify.他是最容易引起读者共鸣的人物。

17.This thesis is composed of three parts besides foreword.全文除了引言外,共分为三部分。

18.Except foreword, the thesis consists of five parts.除引言外,全文共包括五个部分。



1.Studies of Poly(urea)urethane Type Polymeric Photoinitiator Comprising Benzophenone and Coinitiator Amine;含共引发剂胺的聚(脲)氨酯高分子型二苯甲酮光引发剂的研究


1.Stannous octoate (Sn(Oct)2) and diethanolamine(DEA)were chosen respectively as catalyst and co-initiator to initiate the polymerization of DL-lactide at 130C for 36 h.以辛酸亚锡[Sn(Oct)2]为催化剂,二乙醇胺(DEA)为共引发剂在130℃进行DL-丙交酯开环聚合36h,单体转化率平均约为75%,基本上与DEA投料比无关。

4)Universal primers共同引物


1.Co-citation has been affecting wildly since put forward in 1973,most of us deal with theco-citation matrix in the ways established by usage,but recently the discussions on it are hot.共被引(Co-citation)分析方法自1973年提出后便产生了很广泛影响,大家一直以来都按约定俗成的方式去处理共被引矩阵,但是最近对该方法的讨论非常激烈。

2.Use the function of "Cited Reference Search" in Web of Science,a new method is introduced in this paper to obtain theco-citation matrix of scientific journals indexed in JCR and classified then based on the matrix.本文利用 Web of Science 中的 Cited Reference Search 等功能,提出一种新的 JCR 期刊共被引矩阵获得方法,从而可以对 JCR 期刊进行分类。

6)co-citation analysis共引分析

1.Visualization algorithm for interrelation of Chinese herbs based onco-citation analysis;基于共引分析的中草药相互关系可视化算法

2.Co-citation analysis is one of citation analysis methods, it is an important method of information researches.共引分析方法是引文分析方法中的一种,是一种定量的情报研究方法,主要通过分析两篇文献同时被别的文献引用的情况来研究文献之间的关系,这种方法被广泛用于科学评价、科技管理等诸多领域。


共引发剂分子式:CAS号:性质:又称共催化剂,助催化剂。在碳-碳双键正离子聚合反应中,路易斯酸并不起有效的催化作用,必须在另一类物质——共引发剂的存在下才能发挥其催化功能。共引发剂与金属卤化物形成不稳定的配位化合物,它能进一步分解产生质子H+或碳正离子R+,这些正离子再与单体作用,从而诱发单体聚合。如以BF3为催化剂,以H2O为助催化剂,形成具有活性的配位离子: BF3+H2O→BF3·OH2←→H(BF3OH)或以卤代烃RCl为助催化剂,协助路易氏酸离解生成正碳负子:SnCl4+RCl(溶剂)←→R+SnCl5
