100字范文 > 国际政治资源 international political resources英语短句 例句大全

国际政治资源 international political resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 22:54:00


国际政治资源 international political resources英语短句 例句大全

国际政治资源,international political resources

1)international political resources国际政治资源

1.Study on the History of Global Governance from the View of International Political Resources;国际政治资源视角下的全球治理历史考察

2.International political resources are resources of matter and spirit which international political actors can utilize them to attain their objective.国际政治资源是国际行为主体为了实现自己的目的能够利用的物质的和精神的来源。

3.Therefore, based on the international political reality, this paper presents and discusses the concept ofinternational political resources and its feature.因此,结合国际政治现实,本文提出并论述了国际政治资源这一理论范畴,在详细分析其概念、特征、分类的基础上,重点论述了国际政治资源影响国际政治格局变迁的几种主要方式。


1.On the Impacts of International Political Resources on the Change of International Political System;论国际政治资源对国际政治格局变迁的影响

2.The impact of individual in the international politic--from the perspective of the international political resources;试论国际政治中的行为个体——基于国际政治资源的视角

3.Study on the History of Global Governance from the View of International Political Resources;国际政治资源视角下的全球治理历史考察

4.The Plundering and Exploiting International Political Resources of Western Capitalist Countries;西方资本主义国家对国际政治资源的掠夺与开发

5.The Development of Our Country s "Party Ouation Direct";充分开发我国“党际监督”的政治资源

6.An Analysis of Information Resource and its Status and Effect on International Politics;信息资源及其在国际政治中的地位和作用分析

7.The Necessity of Fully Developing the Political Resources of“Inter-party Supervision” in China;论充分开发我国“党际监督”政治资源的必要性

8.On the CPC"s Political Resources in the Governing Practice中国共产党执政实践的政治资源述论

9.Sino-US Energy Strategic Cooperation from the Perspective of International Politics国际政治背景下的中美能源战略合作

10.Political Resources Allocation: Choices of Political Development of Contemporary China;政治资源配置:当代中国政治发展的路径选择

11.The Value of Strategic Resources in Central Asia and Its Strategic Meaning to China--From the View of International Politics;论析中亚的战略资源价值及其对中国的战略意义——以国际政治的视角

12.The Scientific and Rational Allocation of Chinese Political Resource in the Time of Economic and Political Change;论转型时期中国政治资源的优化配置

13.Another Function of Civic Virtue Development viewed from the Angle of Politics;精神文明建设:我国政治资源的新生点

14.Existing Political Resources and Power Balance with Chinese Characteristics“存量政治资源”与中国特色的权力制衡

15.Resources and Influence--An analysis of the political resources and the power of influence of the American ethnic groups in the making of American foreign policy;资源与影响力——美国族裔群体影响美国外交政策的政治资源分析

16.China s Energy Security:an IPE Perspective;中国的能源安全:国际政治经济学的视角

17.Petroleum Resource Geopolitics and Our Country Energy Safety Strategy;石油资源地缘政治与我国能源安全战略

18.The Research on Chinese Corporation s FDI in ASEAN: Perspective of IPE;中国企业对东盟直接投资:国际政治经济学视角


international energy politics国际能源政治

3)international water resources policy framework国际水资源政策

4)international politics国际政治

1.Will new leading powers challenge hegemonic powers?——The periodic law ofinternational politics is doubtful;新兴大国挑战霸权国家?——国际政治“周期性规律”辨正

2.Analysis on the relativity of culture andinternational politics;文化与国际政治的相关性探析

3.On Several Conceptions Related to International Politics;国际政治几个相关概念辨析

5)The International Energy Political System能源国际政治系统

1.The International Energy Political System is in a state of anarchy.能源国际政治系统处于无政府的状态,没有一个世界政府管理分配稀缺且分布不均衡的能源资源,特别是石油资源,因此,石油需求超过自身的供应能力而不得不依赖进口石油的能源消费国家在寻求能源安全的过程中必须“自助”。

6)political resources政治资源

1.Resources and Influence——An analysis of thepolitical resources and the power of influence of the American ethnic groups in the making of American foreign policy;资源与影响力——美国族裔群体影响美国外交政策的政治资源分析

2.Deviation with rational value reason and tool-Running off and protection analysis ofpolitical resources in the public policy carrying;价值理性与工具理性的偏差——公共政策执行中政治资源的流失与保护分析

3.Onpolitical resources of the educational policy of the “learning society”;“学习型社会”教育政策的政治资源优势


