100字范文 > 覆盖层 Overburden英语短句 例句大全

覆盖层 Overburden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 06:08:37


覆盖层 Overburden英语短句 例句大全



1.Test on vibrosinking piles in dam foundation overburden;某水电站坝基覆盖层振冲桩试验

2.The structural design of plinth slab on the overburdenfor Chakanwusu Project on the Kaidu River;开都河察汗乌苏水电站覆盖层上趾板结构设计

3.Application of Multichannel Transient Surface Wave Technique in Investigation forOverburden;多道瞬态面波法在覆盖层调查中的应用


1.To cover or surround with mulch.覆盖用覆盖层覆盖或包围

2.flexible pavement coating & micro-surfacing柔性路面覆盖层和涂层

3.non-flammable roof covering不易燃的屋面覆盖层

4.(of a covering)come off in strips or flakes(指覆盖层)剥落,脱落

5.The confining material rises to the surface.覆盖层升高至地表。

6.Overburden had concealed the radioactivity.覆盖层屏蔽掉了放射性。

7.Material overlying a useful mineral deposit.覆盖层,超覆层覆盖在有价值的矿石沉积物之上的物质

8.A coat or layer enveloping an organ or a part.被膜一种覆盖器官或身体部位的覆盖层或包被

9.Metallic coatings--Electroplated coatings of tin-nickel alloysGB/T17462-1998金属覆盖层锡--镍合金电镀层

10.Metallic coatings-Electroplated coatings of tinGB/T12599-1990金属覆盖层锡电镀层

11.Metallic coatings-Electroplated coatings of chromium for engineering purposesGB/T11379-1989金属覆盖层工程用铬电镀层

12.To cover with a thin protective layer.覆盖以薄的保护层覆盖

13.To coat or cover with a thin layer of metal.覆盖用一薄层金属涂层或覆盖

14.The ground was covered with snow.地面上覆盖着一层积雪。

15.hills with a mantle of snow覆盖着一层雪的山.

16.(of walls) covered with a coat of plaster.(关于墙)覆盖一层泥灰的。

17.To cover with a layer, as of paint.涂上覆盖一层,如油漆

18.a mist filmed over the mirror镜子上覆盖着一层薄雾。


overburden layer覆盖层

1.The processing methods ofoverburden layer on Mg alloys and the correlative national standards;镁合金表面覆盖层形成方法及相关国家标准

2.Excavation of deep and thickoverburden layer in the foundation pit ofDaxia Hydropower Station in the second stage;大峡水电站二期基坑深厚覆盖层开挖施工

3.After change from open-pit mining to underground mining,the deep drill holes in Shangqing zone of Banshigou Iron Ore Mine meet in winter always the trouble of freezing due to thin thickness ofoverburden layer.露天转入地下生产后,由于受到露天坑底覆盖层厚度的影响,井采冻孔问题一直是影响冬季生产的主要矛盾。

3)covering layer覆盖层

1.It is necessary to breakout the layer of mine isolation,and at the same time,bradking out the side slope to form thecovering layer.介绍了通过计算机模拟和实验,观察放矿过程中覆盖层界面的移动规律,通过散体渗漏实验,研究覆美层的渗漏规律。

2.In this paper, by determination of SFRC mechanical properties, the author make certain the proportioning of SFRCcovering layer used in the old houses transformation for energy saving and menstruate the mechanical properties of SFRC and polystyrene plate complex wall.本文通过对钢纤维混凝土力学性能的测定,确定了用于旧房墙体改造中钢纤维混凝土覆盖层的配合比,同时对钢纤维膨胀混凝土——苯板复合墙体的力学性能进行了测定。

3.It is difficult to find out a rich quarry with thincovering layer there.万安溪坝址附近为巨斑粗粒似斑状花岗岩,风化覆盖层深厚,难以找到覆盖层薄、储量大的好料场。

4)cover layer覆盖层

1.Taking the bio-compost as landfill cover can oxidize methane more effectively than traditional soilcover layer,and maybe a latent technology for landfill methane emission reduction.垃圾填埋场覆盖层土壤具有一定的甲烷氧化功能,土壤特性、环境条件影响甲烷氧化能力。

2.In this paper principles and main technological points of red glaze withcover layer were studied.叙述了覆盖层大红釉的原理及工艺要点,给出了覆盖层组成配方和主釉层釉式。


1.The effective corrosion protection measures for natural gas pipelines are described, and the advantages and disadvantages of severalcoatings of good performances and their application processes are discussed.文章就天然气管道的有效防腐蚀措施作了较为全面的论述,着重介绍了性能较好的几种涂层的优缺点及涂敷工艺,对阴极保护及有机覆盖层与阴极保护的关系也作了详细的阐述。

2.Performances and applications of several kinds of organiccoatings for gas pipelines are introduced and analyzed.介绍和分析了几种天然气管线有机覆盖层的性能特点和应用情况,指出采用以有机防腐涂层为主,阴极保护为辅的联合保护是埋地天然气管线最为有效的防腐方法。

3.The selection of the appropriatecoating system and cathodic protection material and equipment based upon the soil conditions of the pipeline route is studied, and economics and the importance of the cathodic protection in pipeline operation are highlighted.根据对埋地金属管线所处环境的分析,选择了聚乙烯(PE)覆盖层、高硅铸铁辅助阳极外加电流阴极保护及设备,部分管段选用了MUG-2及MUG-5镁牺牲阳极,该管线已投用2年多,运行正常。

6)coating indusion/interface layer覆层/覆盖膜


