100字范文 > 民房 house英语短句 例句大全

民房 house英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-11 11:12:23


民房 house英语短句 例句大全



1.Modes ofhouses construction together on the spot, whole restoration and reconstruction and changing place for construction together which based on the facts of Lijiang earthquake area are discussed.结合丽江地震灾区实际 ,论述了就地试点统建、整体恢复重建和易地搬迁统建模式 ,对研究地震民房恢复重建有着重要意

2.This paper presents the study for the electric fields nearbyhouses adjacent to one transmission line.为此,针对某线路邻近民房处的电磁环境进行了测量研究,结果表明,民房附近工频电场强度的测量结果均<4kV/m,根据现有的标准和规程,认为该电磁环境能满足要求。


1.The soldiers commandeered the houses.士兵们征用了民房。

2.The invading troops tore down the people"s houses by force.侵略军强行拆毁民房。

3.The soldiers commandeered the house to use as offices.士兵强征民房用作办公室。

4.The Decisive Model of Residents’ Individual Housing Based on AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process);基于AHP的居民个人住房购房决策模型

5.Study on the non-state investment in Real Estate--Analysis with the aspect of housing resident investment;房地产民间投资研究——住房居民投资角度的分析

6.slum clearance,ie knocking down of slum houses清拆贫民窟(拆除贫民窟的房屋)

7.Outside estate trade fair, citizens change estate information.房屋交易会”场外,市民自发交换换房信息。

8.A Study of the Reform of Housing Institution and Resident Housing Burden of Changchun City;长春市住房制度改革与居民住房负担问题研究

9.The Influence of House Prices on Commercial Housing Purchasing Power of Residents;房价对我国居民商品房购买能力的影响

10.Researc of China resident house consuming level and house structure adjustment research我国居民住房消费分层与住房结构调整研究

11.Toward Housing Reform,Price Escalation,and Income Gap住房改革、房价上涨与居民收入差距扩大

12.Research on Housing Payment Ability and Housing Issues of Our Country"s Residents我国居民住房支付能力与住房问题研究

13.The Analysis on Concrete Evidences of the Residents Housing for the Minorities and Han Nationality in Rural Area of China;中国农村少数民族与汉族居民住房实证分析

14.The peasants own their houses.农民的房子是属于自己的。

15.He declaimed against the high rents in slums他痛斥贫民区高昂的房租。

16.Regulations for placing boiler room of civil buildings民用建筑锅炉房设置规定

17.Next door, Chueh-min struck a match and lit the oil lamp.在隔壁房间里觉民把火柴擦燃,点了灯。

18.We need more housing for the needy.我们必须为贫民提供更多的住房。


house damage民房开裂

3)housing by villagers村民建房

4)peasant housing农民房

1.In order to analyze the influence of housing characters onpeasant housing rent of village-in-city and give advice for public rental housing policy,this paper introduces the Hedonic Price theory.为了分析住房特征对城中村内农民房租金的影响,从而为制定公共租赁住房政策提供借鉴,本文引入特征价格(HedonicPrice)理论,应用样本调查数据,建立深圳市城中村农民房的租金特征模型。

5)rural buildings农村民房

1.Survey and analysis on the seismic vulnerability ofrural buildings in Gansu Province;甘肃省农村民房地震易损性的调查与分析

2.The features and earlhguake damage lessons on therural buildings of Longnan suffered from Wenchuan 8.0 earthquake;陇南地区农村民房遭受汶川8.0级地震震害分析及启示

6)house re-building民房改建


