100字范文 > 喷丝板 spinneret英语短句 例句大全

喷丝板 spinneret英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-22 22:40:58


喷丝板 spinneret英语短句 例句大全



1.Deviation auto-rectifying system ofspinneret based on double CCD camera;采用双CCD的喷丝板自动纠偏系统

2.Spinning research of conical-holespinneret;含锥形孔喷丝板的纺丝研究


1.The effect of spinneret hole diameter on the filament diameter and birefringence of PET POY was studied by using the same spinneret.研究了同一喷丝板上不同喷丝孔直径对涤纶POY单丝直径与双折射率的影响。

2.Machining process of oblique pilot hole for spinnerets with super high length-diameter ratio超大长径比喷丝板斜导孔加工方法研究

3.Study on flat fiber formation Ⅱ.Spinneret design and development of flat PET fiber扁平纤维纺丝成形研究 Ⅱ.扁平PET纤维喷丝板的设计及产品开发

4.Research on High Polymer Flow in Spinneret Microhole and Profiled Fibers Formation Process;喷丝板微孔中熔体流动及异形纤维成形过程的研究

5.The gas-jets flared noisily, throwing ugly lights on the people, sailors, shopkeepers and farm hands.煤气喷口丝丝地冒出火焰,把令人难受的光线撒向听众--水手们,商店老板们和农场工人们。

6.There are basically three components in experimental installation of a high voltage supplier, a capillary tube with a pipette or needle of small diameter and a metal collecting screen.电纺丝技术的基本装置由高压直流电源、带有细小喷丝头的样品管和收集板三部分组成。

7.Experiment on spray characteristics of baffle-type injector in cross flow侧喷挡板式雾化喷油杆喷雾特性实验

8.pepe stock and dies管子丝攻和螺丝钢板

9.tap and die set全套螺丝攻和螺丝板牙

10.Stocks and Dies套丝器(俗名牙板)

11.Effect of length-diameter ratio on properties of as-spun PANCF喷丝头长径比对PANCF原丝性能的影响

12.slip ram preventer带卡瓦的闸板式防喷器

13.The size of the filament is also controlled by varying the rate at which the filaments are pulled away from the hole by the godet wheel.长丝的直径还与导丝盘从喷丝头孔引离长丝时的速度有关。

14.Usually the number of holes in the spinneret determines the number of filament in the yarn.一般喷丝头细孔的数量决定了纱中长丝的根数。

15.Remove the fender lower screws.拆下挡泥板下螺丝。

16.Ferrocement ribbed slabGB16308-1996钢丝网水泥板

17.Clamping plates for fixing steel wire ropesGB/T5975-1986钢丝绳用压板

18.gas stocks and dies煤气管螺丝板牙和扳手


nozzle aperture喷丝孔板

3)spinneret holder喷丝板座

4)extrusion nozzle喷丝头;喷嘴;喷丝板

5)shaped spinneret plate异形喷丝板

1.The key technical conditions for the design ofshaped spinneret plates and the influence of various spinning conditions on fiber modification ratio during the shaped fiber development are discussed.论述了异形喷丝板设计的技术关键条件和异形纤维开发中各种纺丝条件对纤维异形度的影响。

6)spinneret parameter喷丝板参数


