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本体性 noumenon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-25 22:52:57


本体性 noumenon英语短句 例句大全



1.Literary meaning develops under the call ofnoumenon speaking of self-understanding, and it shows some variation because the personality of aesthetic subject and the way of self-knowledge is different.文学意义是在自我理解的本体性言说的召唤中展 开,也是由审美主体自我个性的差异和自我认识方式的不同而在意义阐释中呈现某种变异。

2.Therefore the overlapping verbs distinguish themselves in the verb itself in sematic meaning,syntax and pragmatics and they show their ownnoumenon.与非重叠式动词比较 ,重叠式动词语义上动作性增强 ,语法上自足性增强 ,语用上焦点性增强 ,在语义、语法、语用三个平面上都突出了动词本身 ,体现了其本体


1.Human character is the unity of organism and spirit.素质的本义是本源性与本体性的结合。

2.On language importance:from tool to ontology;从工具性到本体性——语言重要性之初探

3.Experience:The Core of Chinese Contemporary Prose Noumenon;体验:中国现当代散文本体性的核心

4.Mencius and Xun Zi s Doctrine of the “Nature-Sentiment” Structure and the Ontology of Art;孟荀的“性—情”结构论及艺术本体性

5.The ontology possesses inherent consistency with human nature.本体论与人的本性具有内在的一致性。

6.The essence and nature of the Chinese language education;世纪性难题:语文教育的本体与本性

7.Wish-centered Moral Education:the Subjective Aspiration of People-centered Moral Education in Colleges and Universities心本德育:高校人本德育的主体性诉求

8.Universe Ontology·Reason Ontology·Anthropology Ontology ──New Exploration on the Evolvement of Western Tragedy Theory;宇宙本体论·理性本体论·人类学本体论——西方悲剧理论嬗变新探

9.On Noumenon of Marxism Humanism Rational Philosophy--Noumenon of Human Individualistic Life论马克思人本理性哲学的本体论——人的个体生命本体论

10.Transition from "Knowledge-based Mode" to "Morality-based Mode;从“知识本位”到“德性本位”——教师创造教育观的整体性与根本性转型

11.Study on Combined Frame Integrity of Body for 120MN Hydraulic Press;120MN锻造液压机本体整体性研究

12.Body,Sensibility and Freedom--New Annotation of Sport Essence;身体·感性·自由——体育本质新诠释

13.Investigation of Cultivating the Independence of Gym Undergraduates of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities;民办高校体育本科生主体性培养探究

14.a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something.个体表现本性的外观性质。

15.The Invariability and Variability in Watercolour;论水彩画本体语言的恒定性与变化性

16.Suppressed-Male Intellectuals of the Modern Basic Experience;压抑——男性知识分子现代性的基本体验

17.Anti-shear Property of Drag Reducer Prepared by Bulk Polymerization本体聚合油溶性减阻剂的抗剪切性能

18.The Quality of The Style of Commentaries on Classics and The Differences between The Official Style and The Unofficial Style;传体的史事性质及本事传体与非本事传体的区别



3)Bulk modification本体改性

1.Mimicking cell-matrix interaction and the properties of extracellular matrix(ECM),bio-inspired modification of polylactides has been achieved by surface modification,bulk modification and composition with bioactive molecules such as collagen,short peptide sequences derived from intact ECM proteins,polysaccharides,as well as hydroxyapatite.模拟细胞与基质相互作用的特点以及细胞外基质的特性,通过表面修饰、本体改性和复合加工的方法在聚乳酸中引入蛋白胶原、活性肽、多糖以及羟基磷灰石等生物活性分子,实现聚乳酸的仿生修饰,能够有效提高聚乳酸材料的生物学功能。

4)ontological attribute本体属性

1.The acquisition attribute of press is the attribute press displays under the name of impure press relationship,which is a new attribute acquired or marked on the foundation of theontological attributes.新闻获得性属性是新闻在非纯粹的新闻关系名义下具有的属性,它是在本体属性基础上获得或凸现出来的一些新的属性。


6)integral inherent quality整体本性

1.The nature system has two main inherent qualities, theintegral inherent quality of complement of diversities and the dialectical inherent quality of unity of opposites.自然系统有两个主要本性,即差异相辅的整体本性和对立统一的辩证本性,前者为自然系统的显在本质,后者为自然系统的潜在本质,两者在相互渗透中发挥作用。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
