100字范文 > 通达度 accessibility英语短句 例句大全

通达度 accessibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-06 12:17:19


通达度 accessibility英语短句 例句大全




1.Evaluation of transportation ability of China:From county to province level中国交通通达度评价:从分县到分省

2.achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative.达到或实现最小的程度通常是否定的。

3.Transposition of Two Vector Expressions for Rigid-body Angular Velocity刚体角速度两种矢量表达式的互通性

4.Fifth, expanded areas accessible to highways.五是公路通达深度进一步提高。

5.I"m as liberal as you are religious.我通情达理的程度不比你虔诚的程度差。

6.With the temperature unchanged, the air is made to reach condensation by adding water.在温度不变时,通过加入水汽而使空气达到饱和。

7.not reaching the usual standard or required weight,length,quantity, etc(在重量、长度、数量等方面)未达到通常标准的

8."I have more knowledge than all my teachers, because I give thought to your unchanging word."我比我的师傅更通达。因我思想你的法度。

9.Spiritual height is reached by attunement to the Creative Forces in meditation.在冥想中通过调谐至创造力,就能达到精神高度。

10.I have more insight than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.诗119:99我比我的师傅更通达.我思想你的法度。

11.Proper and Stately, Sensible and Fluent;合度端庄 通达流畅——启功先生《论书札记》学习心得

12.The expression of NF-κBp65,TNF-α and IL-1β in lung issue of high mechanical ventilation过度机械通气致肺损伤TNF-α、IL-1β及NF-κBp65的表达

13.These cables can maintain temperatures up to150° F(65° C) and survive intermittent exposure up to185° F(85° C) with power applied.该电热带维温达65°,在通电情况下耐受的间断暴露温度达85°。

14.Eight new highways will begin to be constructed in the western region to complete and expand the highway network there.起步建设西部公路的八条新通道,完善路网结构,提高路网通达深度。

15.Some 99.5 percent of the towns and townships and 93 percent of the administrative villages in the country will be accessed to highways.公路通达深度明显提高,全国99.5%的乡镇和93%的行政村通公路。

16.The goal of controlling the traffic capac- ity is achieved by taking planning measures such as controlling the intensity of land utilization,etc.通过控制土地利用强度等规划措施达到控制交通容量的目的;

17.In addition, for temperature stabilization, the cuvette holder"s base plate has internal channels that can connect to a circulating, constant-temperature water source.另外为了达到稳定的温度,试管支架的底架有内部通道,通道与一个循环的、恒温的水源连通。

18.The temperature was up in the nineties.温度高达90多度。


traffic understanding区域通达度

1.This paper introduces how to design and implement atraffic understanding model based on raster data.介绍了基于栅格数据的区域通达性模型的设计和实现思路,提出了以GIS为基础平台,以地图为载体,整合各种资源,建立区域通达度模型的方法,讨论了基于栅格数据的最佳路径分析方法,综合考虑各种影响因素,通过计算最小累加费用值确定最佳路径。

3)accessibility index通达度指数

1.This paper took Huangshan City for example, and computed the changes of theaccessibility index of the traffic network in Huangshan City after the Huihang Super-High Way and Hongru Road was completed.以黄山市为例,从区际与区内两个角度构建黄山市区际、区内旅游交通网络无向图,并采用拓扑分析的方法,测定了区际的徽杭高速公路以及区内的宏儒公路建成前后黄山市旅游交通网络通达度指数的变化。

2.This article used two indicators,that wereaccessibility index and β index to research on the character of the net,which was consisted of star hotels,gateways and tourist attraction complexes of the tourist destination.在少量已有研究的基础上,采用通达度指数和β指数两个指标,从星级宾馆的旅游交通通达性新视角,将宾馆、交通口岸和景点一并纳入旅游目的地交通网络,定量研究旅游目的地内部的交通通达性,旨在提供一种更准确的评价旅游目的地内部旅游通达性的方法。


1.The writer refers to his university s 38 subjects experiments of typical priming effect, semantic and phonetic processing levels to explore the semanticaccess mechanism of Chinese and English languages.采用典型启动效应的实验范式,语义和语音两种不同加工水平的试验任务,通过3个实验探讨了中英双语第二语言的语义通达机制。

2.The subjects are more sensitive to the similarity of conceptual schemata than the equation type as the similarity o conceptual schemata is more likely to lead to theaccess of principles.应用题深层抽象结构有几个不同层次 ,被试对概念图式的相似性更敏感 ,而不是方程结构 ,概念图式的相似性更容易引起原理的通达。

3.It was also pointed out that the conclusion "the different superficial likeness of the example and problem in surface story lines would not only affect the principle saccess, but also could affect the principle s use" is not still believable.对两项关于样例学习心理实验研究的报告进行了逻辑分析 ,指出了Ross的研究设计的合理性以及莫雷等的“表面概貌对原理运用的影响的实验研究”中的逻辑欠缺 ,进而给出了莫雷等的结论“样例与作业问题表面概貌的相似性 ,不仅会影响原理的通达 ,而且也会影响原理的运用”尚不足信的断言 ,所以只能继续维持Ross的“表面概貌是否相似不影响原理的运用”的结论。


1.An interesting phenomenon was found in 2 cognitive experiments: in lexical decision task, frequency of Chinese monosyllabic words obviously improved theiraccessing, whereas in semantic category task, the interrelation between word frequency and accumulative frequency influenced the semanticaccessing of monosyllabic words.通过两个认知实验发现一个有趣现象 :在需要语义程度不同的两种认知任务中 ,单音词的通达模式显著不同。


1." By deeper study, his cynical, painful andunderstanding feelings are revealed, these are t he "essence.自赏、自嘲与自慰 ,是元曲家乔吉心态的种种表征 ,是“形” ;细究开来 ,里面充溢着玩世、苦闷与通达的人生情怀 ,是“意”。

2.As a leader in literature in the transitional period o f Tang Dynasty, Zhang Shuo s idea on literature stressed on both literary grace andunderstanding.张说作为初盛唐过渡时期的文坛领袖 ,以他既重风骨又重文采的通达文学思想 ,既不非薄古人又能正确对待今人的公允平稳的文学批评态度 ,影响了开元文风 ,对盛唐文人的文学观念、文学风貌的形成 ,起到了重要的推动作


道路通达度分值道路通达度分值城镇土地足软佰饥甲供【道路通达度分值j城镇土地二映道路通达度指标高低的参数值通过对影响土地通达程度有关指标计算转化得来。所谓通达度,是体现城镇土地交通区位条件的指标,反映土地内交通通达性能。其指标值取决于道路类型及其在交通中的作用,地块与道路的距离,以及道路的通达方向。道路的类型和作用大小,按道路宽度和通行能力衡量,随着距道路越远,道路的影响力呈指数递减,通达方向以通达系数表示。道路通达度分值范围在1-100之间,分值高低与通达度的高低正相关。分值计算步骤为:1.划分道路类型;2.计算道路作用指数和通达作用分。指数与道路作用的大小成正比,数值在0一1之间,通达作用分计算公式:fi=100民(fi为通达作用分,凡为作用指数);3.确定道路影响距离和相对距离。主干道、次干道的推算公式为:d=S于ZL(S城镇建成区面积,L主、次干道长度,d为影响距),相对距离:r=d;于d(d。某道路影响距离内,距道路的实际距离,d为影响距);4.计算各类道路的作用分在土地单元上的得分值。推算公式:五=户一r)(羁得分值,f是道路作用分,:是相对距离);5.确定土地单元的道路通达系数,通达方向越多系数越大,范围为1 .0一0.58。6.计算道路通达度分值。由土地单元上最高的通达作用分和通达系数共同决定,公式为:F‘=fix民(fi为道路通达度分值,fi为单元内通达作用得分最高值,民为单元的通达系数)。
