100字范文 > 城市创新能力 city innovation ability英语短句 例句大全

城市创新能力 city innovation ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-05 18:08:35


城市创新能力 city innovation ability英语短句 例句大全

城市创新能力,city innovation ability

1)city innovation ability城市创新能力

1.How to improve thecity innovation ability to consummate and develop the city function and strengthen the city competitive ability is the requirement for the rising of middle part and also the key of the rising of central China.河南省必须通过提高城市创新能力来完善和开发城市的各项功能,增强城市竞争力,带动河南率先在中部实现中原崛起。


1.The Relationship Analysis of City Innovation Capability and City Informatization;城市创新能力与城市信息化水平测度研究

2.Evaluation of City Innovation Ability and the Construction of ″Four Major Innovation Circle Mode″ in Shandong;山东省城市创新能力评价及“四大创新圈模式”构建

3.Enhance the Independent Innovation to Accelerate the Construction of Innovative City of Qingdao;增强自主创新能力,加快青岛创新型城市建设

4.Innovation Ability Evaluation and Upgrading Countermeasures of Wuhan City Innovation System;武汉城市创新系统创新能力评价与提升对策

5.Urban Comparison Research on Science and Technology Innovation Capacity among Tianjin and Domestic Cities天津市与国内若干城市科技创新能力比较研究

6.Urban Environment Influence upon Technological Innovation Capability of National High-tech Zones;城市环境对国家高新区技术创新能力影响分析

7.Evaluation on the innovation model and capability of the city based on the enterprises as the mainstay;以企业为主体的城市创新模式分析与能力评价

8.The investigation on city s regional innovation capability based on principal component analysis;运用主成分分析的城市区域创新能力研究

9.An empirical study of evaluation system of the urban technology innovation capability;城市技术创新能力评价指标筛选方法研究

10.Sharpens the Area South of Yellow River Urban Cluster Region Innovation Ablity the Countermeasure Ponder提高中原城市群区域创新能力的对策思考

11.On the Statistical Analysis on the Capacity of Unban Technology Innovation and its Upgrading城市科技创新能力的统计分析及其提升之管见

12.Exploring the innovative ability cultivation of image thinking for urbon planning major城市规划专业形象思维创新能力培养初探

13.Constructing Urban Innovation Culture and Promoting Urban Modern Glamour营造城市创新文化,提升城市现代魅力

14.The coordination development study on the urbanization and innovation ability of city groups located in central China;中原城市群城市化水平与创新能力协调发展研究

parison of Fifteen Vice-province Cities on the Innovation of Urban Construction;副省级城市创新型城市建设比较研究——兼论大连市创新能力的成长与提升

16.Analysis and Evaluation of Principal Component of Regional S&T Innovation Capability;区域科技创新能力的主成分分析与评价——中原城市群科技创新能力的综合评价

17.Creative City,Innovative City and Innovative Region;创意城市、创新型城市与创新型区域

18.The Problems and Countermeasures about the Technological Innovation Ability of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises in Yancheng;盐城市中小企业技术创新能力存在的问题及对策


the ability of city"s technical innovation城市技术创新能力

1.In this paper, the application of multilevel fuzzy mathematic appraisement ways in the ability of city′s technical innovation was studied.研究了多级模糊数学综合评价方法在城市技术创新能力评价中的应用;给出了二级模糊综合评价模型,并结合实例进行分析。

3)the urban innovation城市创新功能

4)urban innovation function城市创新职能

1.The paper views that urbanization is not only changing process of population and landscape and also is the creation of process ofurban innovation function.城市的职能已由工业城市的生产、制造职能、服务城市的管理与协调职能向创新、创意职能转化,城市化是人口与景观的变化过程,也是城市创新功能的创造过程,城市创新职能表现出与其他职能不同的特征。

5)Innovative City创新城市

1.A Study on the Strategies of Constructing a High-techInnovative City——With Chengdu as An Example;构建高科技创新城市的战略路径研究——以成都市为例

6)city innovation城市创新

1.By analysing the importance of city economy in regional economic′ development, this paper points out the necessity ofcity innovation, and it also puts forward the basic theory frame ofcity innovation aiming at improving the city competence and promoting the sustainable development of the regional economy.通过分析城市在区域经济发展中的重要作用,指出城市创新的必要性,并从提高城市竞争能力、带动区域经济可持续发展的角度出发,提出了城市创新的基本理论框架,并就促进城市创新行为提出了相应的措施与建议。

2.City Innovation, a part of Regional Innovation, has the character of denseness, high effective and diversificat.而城市创新属于区域创新的一部分,是在一定边界内的具有城市的人才、物质、活动的密集性、高效性和多元化特点的区域创新,是城市资源要素进行重新配置、城市发展运行模式重新确定的过程。


领导者创新能力领导者创新能力leader"s creative capability领导者创新能力(leader’5 ereative eapa-bilitv)领导者在各种领导活动中,善于捕捉新事物的萌芽,提出新的设想、新的方案,创造性地进行工作的能力。创造是领导活动的根本属性,一个称职的领导者,应当是创造新世界的先锋和组织者。勇于开拓创新是现代领导者的基本特征。富有创新能力的领导者具有如下特征:(l)兴趣广泛,能从平凡中发现奇特,从人人习以为常的现象中找到“异常”之处。(2)具有敏锐的洞察力,能及时找出实际存在和理想模式之间的差距,能察觉到别人未注意到的情况,不断地发现人们的需要和本部门的潜力。(3)善于创造性地思维,敢于怀疑,不墨守成规,善于运用与众不同的原则和方法使问题得到圆满地解决。(4)对事物具有深思熟虑,严密推敲的科学态度。(5)处理问题灵活多变,对于党的路线、方针和政策,上级的指示,不是消极地、被动地“照章办事”,而是善于从实际情况出发,灵活地加以贯彻执行。(6)意志坚强,在各种困难面前不动摇,有坚定的信心和信念。(黄志机撰王树茂审)
