100字范文 > 搅拌桨 impeller英语短句 例句大全

搅拌桨 impeller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-03 03:39:08


搅拌桨 impeller英语短句 例句大全



1.Three-dimensional flow numerical simulation of double turbineimpellers;双层涡轮搅拌桨三维流场数值模拟

2.Calculation of stress of animpeller acted by liquid in a stirred tank;搅拌槽内流体作用力下搅拌桨叶的应力计算

3.The power characteristic of three-layimpellers in gas-liquid stirred tank;三层组合式气液搅拌桨的功率特性


1.Geometrical Analysis and Calculation of Mixing Arm for New-type Mixer-granulator新型搅拌制粒机搅拌桨的几何分析及计算

2.Performance of Flow Field in Different Fluids Stirred with Double Helical Ribbon and Screw Impeller双螺带-螺杆搅拌桨在不同流体中的搅拌流场特性

3.Numerical Simulation on Fluid Flow of Xanthan Gum Solution Stirred by Different Types of Impeller不同型式搅拌桨对黄原胶水溶液搅拌效果的CFD数值模拟

4.Simulation Analysis on Stirring Effectiveness of Different Stirring Paddle in Rare Earth Extraction Tank不同搅拌桨形式对稀土萃取槽内搅拌效果的影响模拟分析

5.Application of a New Type of Punched Agitator to Phosphoric Acid Reaction新型穿流式搅拌桨在湿法磷酸反应器中的应用

6.Application Study of Five-Coordinate Numeric-Control Machining Technology for Propeller;螺旋搅拌桨五坐标数控加工技术的应用研究

7.Study on Key Technologies of Rapid Design & Manufacturing for Crystallizer Propeller;结晶器搅拌桨快速设计与制造关键技术研究

8.The Application of a Newly-homemade Blade in PTA Reactor;新型国产化搅拌桨在PTA反应器中的应用

9.Gas-Liquid Dispersion by Hollow-blade Disk Turbines with Different Blade Shapes不同叶片形状盘式涡轮搅拌桨的气-液分散特性

10.push-pull propeller stirrer推挽式螺旋桨搅拌器

11.top entering propeller agitator顶伸式螺旋桨搅拌器

12.gyratory paddle(搅拌机)涡形回转桨

13.three-blade marine type propelle agitator三叶推进桨式搅拌器

14.plow blade mixer犁片桨式搅拌混合器

15.Numerical Simulation of Mixing Characteristics in a Stirred Tank with Turbine Impellers;涡轮桨搅拌槽内搅拌特性数值模拟研究

16.Investigation of Fluid Flow in a Dual Rushton Impeller Stirred Tank Using PIV;双层桨搅拌槽内流动场的PIV研究

17.The Study of Fluid Character for Rushton Turbine in the Stirred涡轮桨搅拌槽内流动特性的PIV研究

18.Characteristics of flow fields and trailing vortices in a stirred tank with a Rushton turbine涡轮桨搅拌槽内流动及尾涡特性研究



1.The cause ofagitators breaking in reactor and curing tank and its countermeasure;反应槽、熟化槽搅拌桨断裂原因及处理措施

2.A brief description is given of the operational situation in recent years toagitator in extraction tank.简述该公司近几年来萃取槽(1200/3900×4550mm)搅拌桨的运行状况,分析搅拌轴和桨叶脱落、断裂以及槽底防腐层损坏等故障的原因,并提出相应地解决办法和防范措施。

3.In the research, mass transfer coefficients (KLa) of various type ofagitators in a vertical cylindrical vessel were measured by pure oxygen absorption method, aad the power consumption were also determined.所以,双层桨作为聚四氟乙烯生产的搅拌桨是最佳的。


1.The structure of industrial crystallierpropellerhas been analyzed.对结晶器搅拌桨进行了结构分析,以结晶器内各点流速均匀分布为原则,基于流体力学利用Fluent软件对搅拌桨螺距比、盘面比、和筒径比等进行了参数化求解,寻找结构参数对流场的影响规律,从而确定其最优值。

2.Describing the use of the finite element analysis method,analysing the processing modal of vibration and distortion of Propeller,could determine the weak parts of the blades,and according to this,designing the rational support fixture.阐述利用有限元分析的方法,分析加工时搅拌桨的振动模态和变形,可以确定桨叶的薄弱部位,以此为依据设计合理的支撑夹具,在铣削力不变的前提下,保证桨叶的加工精度和加工效率。

3.The traditional design method ofpropellers is calculating the surface ofpropeller from table of offsets, which is low-precision and time-consuming.搅拌桨是搅拌釜式结晶器的重要部件,搅拌釜内饱和溶液的整体流动形式与搅拌桨的叶剖面形函数和桨的结构参数密切相关。


1.Calculation ofstirrer shaft power of a WPA reactor;湿法磷酸萃取槽搅拌桨轴功率的计算方法

2.Astirrer with jet function has the advantages of higher efficiency and lower energy consumption in mixing.穿流式搅拌桨桨叶上的开孔所引起的射流对于提高搅拌效率、降低搅拌能耗起着重要的作用。

5)pitched-blade turbinePBT搅拌桨

6)Stirred bottom oars搅拌底桨


