100字范文 > 经济发展模式 economic development model英语短句 例句大全

经济发展模式 economic development model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-09 01:40:12


经济发展模式 economic development model英语短句 例句大全

经济发展模式,economic development model

1)economic development model经济发展模式

1.In order to research the different influence on forestry economic development that the forestryeconomic development model brought,the author classified the forestryeconomic development model in different direction and compared the similarities and differences between them,so that comments and suggestion can be provide for the establishment of the forestryeconomic development model.本文力求从不同方向和角度对林业经济发展模式作系统的分类,比较不同林业经济发展模式的异同,试图探索不同的林业经济发展模式对林业经济发展的不同影响,对林业经济发展模式的战略制定提供借鉴作用。

2.So it is necessary to compare and distinguish the difference betweeneconomic development models of China and India after eco- nomic reform,which is not only helpful to economic development of the two countries in coming years,but also great benefit to choose correct economic path for other one.因此,对经济改革后两国经济发展模式的特征进行比较和鉴别,不仅对中印两国今后的经济发展有所帮助,而且对其他发展中国家经济发展道路的选择也大有裨益。



2.Cyclical economy: The development model of economy with nature in harmony;循环经济:与自然和谐的经济发展模式

3.Green economy:the radical change of economic growth pattern;绿色经济:经济发展模式的根本性转变

4.A Study on Economic Develoment Models of Main Developing Economies in East Asia东亚主要发展中经济体经济发展模式研究

5.The Development Path and Enlightenment of Economic Growth--Selection of Economic Development Mode for China经济增长模式的发展路径及其启示——兼论中国经济发展模式选择

6.Research on the recycle economy developing mode in Jilin economic development zone;吉林省经济开发区循环经济发展模式研究

7.Persist in the Sustainable Economic Development Pattern to develop the west of China;西部开发要坚持可持续经济发展模式

8.A Study on Economic Development Model of East Asia in the Perspective of Late-developing后发视角下的东亚经济发展模式研究

9.The Development of the Economy and Society Calls to Createthe New Mode of Economic Development--"Green and Harmonious" Development;经济、社会的发展呼唤经济发展模式创新——“绿色和谐”发展

10.The Changing Chinese Model of Economic Development and the Institutional Perspectives in Economic Sociology;中国经济发展模式转型与经济社会学制度学派

11.Circular Economy Development Mode Based on Major Economics;从主流经济学角度谈循环经济发展模式

12.China"s Inevitable Choice of Changing Economic Development Model--Low Carbon Economy中国经济发展模式转变的必然选择——低碳经济

13.The Economic Integration of Urumqi and Changji city--A new pattern of regional economy development;乌昌经济一体化——区域经济发展新模式

14.Recycling-Economy Mode: the Key to the Scientific,Technological and Economic Development;循环经济模式:科技与经济发展的上策

15.The Relationship Between the Mode of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development;循环经济模式和经济社会可持续发展

16.Environmental Protectim Ard Circulative Economy In Forestry Area;从林区的经济模式发展思考循环经济

17.Economic Growth,Pattern Rebuilding and the Change of China s Economic Developing Style;经济发展、模型再造与中国经济发展方式的转变

18.Research on the Developing Models of China"s Three Main MICE Economic Zones我国三大会展经济地带发展模式研究


economic development pattern经济发展模式

1.The Comparison Research of Economic Development Pattern of Capital Metropolitan Area in China and Japan;中日首都圈经济发展模式比较研究

2.According to findings,this paper exploreseconomic development pattern on the way to the con-struction of new countryside.本文根据调查材料,对新农村建设中经济发展模式进行探究。

3.Especially there are few quantitative studies on the harmonious development of county level economy and environment and county leveleconomic development pattern considering the environment factor.特别是关于县域经济与环境协调发展问题的实证研究、考虑环境因素的经济发展模式的定量研究更是少之又少。

3)mode of economic development经济发展模式

1.Having realized the negative factors of the traditionalmode of economic development,people agree upon an entirely new mode, one that is with knowledges as its core,with the all - round development of man as its prerequi- site, and with the harmonious development of nature, economy and society as its purpose, and one to which the sustain- able development of education is indispensable.面对传统经济发展模式的负面效应人们逐步认同了面向未来的制胜思想武器──可持续发展战略,一种以知识为内核,以人的全面发展为前提,以自然、经济、社会协调发展为目的的新型经济发展模式。

4)economic development mode经济发展模式

1.He advocates such regionaleconomic development modes as "the forth Jiangsu Mod.他提出了“苏南模式”、“温州模式”与“珠江模式”等区域经济发展模式,以及以香港为中心的华南经济区、以上海为龙头的长江经济区等经济区域的建设思路。

5)Budget hotel pattern"经济型"发展模式

6)developing mode of economies of scale规模经济发展模式


