100字范文 > 收入流动性 income mobility英语短句 例句大全

收入流动性 income mobility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-02 17:03:32


收入流动性 income mobility英语短句 例句大全

收入流动性,income mobility

1)income mobility收入流动性

1.Income Mobility,the New Research Area of Income Distribution收入流动性:收入分配研究的新领域

2.Income Mobility in Rural China:Perspective from the Absolute Income Mobility中国农村居民收入流动性研究——基于绝对收入流动性的视角

3.The Empirical Research on Income Mobility and the Dynamic Evolution of Residential Economic Status收入流动性与居民经济地位动态演化的实证研究


1.Income Mobility,the New Research Area of Income Distribution收入流动性:收入分配研究的新领域

2.Income Mobility and Long-term Income Inequality in Rural China中国农村居民的收入流动性与长期收入不平等

3.Income Mobility in Rural China:Perspective from the Absolute Income Mobility中国农村居民收入流动性研究——基于绝对收入流动性的视角

parative Analysis of Regional Income Difference and Income Mobility:1978-地区收入差距与收入流动性演进的比较分析:1978-

5.Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics:An Empirical Analysis from Rural China收入流动性与贫困的动态发展:基于中国农村的经验分析

6.The Empirical Research on Income Mobility and the Dynamic Evolution of Residential Economic Status收入流动性与居民经济地位动态演化的实证研究

7.A study on Intergenerational Mobility and Income Inequality代际收入流动与收入不平等问题研究

8.Sexual Difference in Factors Affecting the Wage Earnings of the Floating Population--A Case Study of the Migrant Women in Xiamen City;流动人口工资收入影响因素中的性别差异——以厦门市流动妇女为例

9.The Analysis of Skill of Labor Force,Mobility of Labor Force and Income Redistribution;劳动者技能、劳动力流动与收入再分配

10.Heterogeneous Labor Migration and Regional Income Disparity: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study;异质性劳动力流动与中国地区收入差距:理论与实证

11.The Influence of Heterogeneous Labor Force Mobility on Regional Income Gaps:An Expansion of New Economic Geography Model;异质性劳动力流动与区域收入差距:新经济地理学模型的扩展分析

12.Income Difference, Mobility and Regional Employment Assembly--Based on an Empirical Analysis of the Rural Labor Transference;收入差异、流动性与地区就业集聚——基于农村劳动力转移的实证研究

13.Population Mobility, Public Revenue and Expenditure--Analysis of the Evolution of Huji System;人口流动性、公共收入与支出——户籍制度变迁动因分析

14.Dynamic Relationship between the Illiquidity and Stock Returns:Evidence From Chinese Stock Market;流动性与收益、收益波动的动态关系

15.Income Inequality and Income Mobility:International Comparison and its Significances;收入差距与收入流动:国际经验比较及其启示

16."cash flow:he pattern of income and expenditures, as of a company or person, and the resulting availability of cash."资金流动:公司或个人的收入和开销方式及资金的最终可用性.

17.An Intervention Study on Community-based HIV/AIDS Preventative Education for Low Income Female Floating Population in Kunming City;昆明市低收入女性流动人口艾滋病社区预防教育干预研究

18.Empirical Analysis of Xinjiang Urban Residents Income Distribution Based on the Flow Perspective;基于流动性视角的新疆城镇居民收入分配实证分析


Income mobility in urban and rural regions城乡收入流动性

3)Absolute Iincome Mobility绝对收入流动性

4)Income Mobility收入流动

1.Income Mobility in Urban China;中国城镇个人收入流动性研究

2.Modern Framework of"Income Distribution-Income Mobility":Theoretical Analysis and Policy Implication;“收入分配—收入流动”现代框架:理论分析及其政策含义

3.Income Inequality andIncome Mobility:International Comparison and its Significances;收入差距与收入流动:国际经验比较及其启示

5)Flow of Tax Revenue税收收入流动

6)Low-incoming immigrates低收入流动人口


