100字范文 > 现代新兴商圈 modern commercial circle英语短句 例句大全

现代新兴商圈 modern commercial circle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-03 22:51:30


现代新兴商圈 modern commercial circle英语短句 例句大全

现代新兴商圈,modern commercial circle

1)modern commercial circle现代新兴商圈

2)New Businesses were springing up rapidly.新兴商业迅速涌现

3)modern scholar-businessman现代新型儒商

4)realistic trade areas现实商圈

parative analysis of fictitious trade areas andrealistic trade areas;虚拟商圈与现实商圈的比较研究

5)new commercial zone新商圈

6)modern commerce现代商业

1.This thesis, starting with the development of internationalmodern commerce, analyzes the trend of internationalmodern commerce and raises the corresponding methods on the development of our nation.本文从国际现代商业的发展着手,分析了国际现代商业的趋势和走向,并提出我国商业发展的应对思路。

2.It is necessary to properly redefine and understand business,and to clarify the characteristics ofmodern commerce.我国现代商业的发展已达到了历史上前所未有的水平,构建现代商学体系、整合现代商科教育学科体系成了当务之急。

3.The essay further discusses the nature and characteristics ofmodern commerce in the course of modernization, and suggests that the commerce modernization with the Chinese characteristics could.现代商业作为现代经济的重要组成部分,推动着经济和社会的发展。


1.Trying to Discuss the Development of Sports Which is in the OverseasCultural Industry and Modern Commercial Sports;域外文化产业视域中的现代商业体育

2.Revelation from modern international trend国际现代商业发展趋势对我国商业的启示

3.Modern Commerce System and Modern Commerce Architectural Design--Creation Understanding of Yunnan Jin Ying Emporium;现代商业体系与现代商业建筑设计——云南金鹰购物中心创作体会

4.The Research of Jin-Merchants Management Theory and Method in View of Modern Commerce Aspect;基于现代商业视角的晋商管理理论与方法研究

5.Detail Management Subduing talisman for modern commercial banking细节管理——现代商业银行的制胜法宝

6.Cultural Background in Creative Work of Modern Advertisement现代商业广告创意中的文化背景探寻

7.Study on Finance Management System of Chinese Moden Commercial Banks我国现代商业银行财务管理体系研究

8.Utility Analysis of Operational Risks in Commercial Banks;现代商业银行全面风险管理模式浅析

9.The Ecological Display Art in the Modern Commercial Space;现代商业空间中的生态陈设艺术研究

10.Thinking on Fostering The Core Competence of Modern Commercial Banks;提高现代商业银行核心竞争力的思考

11.Modern commercial development of sports in sight of cultural resources;文化资源视域中的现代商业体育发展

12.C. A. [commercial agent]商业代理、代理商[

13.E-commerce Era under the Modern Enterprise Management of the New Initiatives;电子商务时代下现代企业管理新举措

14.A Taste of the Commercialization of Olympic and the Development and Price of Competitors;体味现代“奥运”商业化的发展与代价

15.Modernization of Commercial Corperation--Conceptual Transformation and Innovation;商业企业现代化之路——观念转变与创新

mercial Behavior of Modern Caricature from the Angle of Commercial Painting;从商业绘画的角度看现代漫画的商业属性

17.The research of city commercial modernization evaluation system--judges basically to the Beijing commercial modernization level;城市商业现代化评价体系研究——对北京商业现代化水平的基本判断

18.Viewing Decoration Design of Modern Interior Commercial Space from Tianjin Lebin Shopping Mall;从天津乐宾商场看现代室内商业空间装饰设计


New Businesses were springing up rapidly.新兴商业迅速涌现

3)modern scholar-businessman现代新型儒商

4)realistic trade areas现实商圈

parative analysis of fictitious trade areas andrealistic trade areas;虚拟商圈与现实商圈的比较研究

5)new commercial zone新商圈

6)modern commerce现代商业

1.This thesis, starting with the development of internationalmodern commerce, analyzes the trend of internationalmodern commerce and raises the corresponding methods on the development of our nation.本文从国际现代商业的发展着手,分析了国际现代商业的趋势和走向,并提出我国商业发展的应对思路。

2.It is necessary to properly redefine and understand business,and to clarify the characteristics ofmodern commerce.我国现代商业的发展已达到了历史上前所未有的水平,构建现代商学体系、整合现代商科教育学科体系成了当务之急。

3.The essay further discusses the nature and characteristics ofmodern commerce in the course of modernization, and suggests that the commerce modernization with the Chinese characteristics could.现代商业作为现代经济的重要组成部分,推动着经济和社会的发展。


