100字范文 > 超顺磁性氧化铁 superparamagnetic iron oxide英语短句 例句大全

超顺磁性氧化铁 superparamagnetic iron oxide英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-26 06:20:06


超顺磁性氧化铁 superparamagnetic iron oxide英语短句 例句大全

超顺磁性氧化铁,superparamagnetic iron oxide

1)superparamagnetic iron oxide超顺磁性氧化铁

1.Preparation ofsuperparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and its acute toxicity to mice;纳米级超顺磁性氧化铁的制备及其对小鼠急性毒性作用的观察

2.Labeling of myoblasts withsuperparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle;超顺磁性氧化铁纳米粒子标记成肌细胞方法研究

3.Effects ofsuperparamagnetic iron oxide on proliferation and neural differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells;超顺磁性氧化铁标记人Flk-1~+CD31~-CD34~-间充质干细胞对细胞增殖及向神经细胞分化的影响


1.The Preparation and in Vitro Magnetic Resonance Signal Intensity Tests of Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles;超小超顺磁性氧化铁纳米颗粒的制备和体外磁共振信号测试

2.Imaging of pancreas in mice with ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MRI超小型超顺磁性氧化铁颗粒小鼠胰腺增强磁共振成像

3.The Study of the Preparation of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide and the Pharmacodynatics;超顺磁性氧化铁磁共振造影剂的制备工艺研究及药效学探讨

4.Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Magnetic Resonance Imaged in Vitro;骨髓基质干细胞超顺磁性氧化铁标记和体外磁共振成像研究

5.SPIO-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Bone Marrow: Experimental Study;超顺磁性氧化铁粒子增强磁共振在骨髓成像中的应用

6.Study of Spio-enhanced MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Dysplastic Nodule and Hepatocellular Carcinoma;退变结节与肝细胞癌超顺磁性氧化铁增强磁共振成像研究

7.MR Study on Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Labeling Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Vitro磁共振对超顺磁性氧化铁标记的大鼠间充质干细胞成像的研究

8.In vitro MR imaging of superparamagnetic iron oxide labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells from SD rat超顺磁性氧化铁标记大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞的磁共振成像研究

9.Imaging of Pancreas in Mice by Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (USPIO)-enhanced MRI;小鼠胰腺超小型超顺磁性氧化铁颗粒增强MRI显像方法初探

10.Preparation and Surface Properties of USPIO in Dextran;葡聚糖中超小型超顺磁性氧化铁纳米粒子的合成及表征

11.MR imaging of rabbit VX2 tumor with self-made ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide采用自制超小超顺磁性氧化铁行兔VX2肿瘤MR成像

12.Standard study on superparamagnetic iron oxide labeled bone marrow mesenchynal stem cells in vitro超顺磁性氧化铁标记骨髓间充质干细胞的体外标准化实验

13.In vitro study of rat mesenchymal stem cells labeled with superparmagnetic iron oxide超顺磁性氧化铁标记对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞生物学特性的影响

14.The Study of the Feasibility of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Labeled with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide超顺磁性氧化铁作为细胞标记试剂的可行性研究

15.Superparamagnetic iron oxide labeling and its effects on biological characteristics of neural stem cells超顺磁性氧化铁标记神经干细胞及对其生物学特性的影响

16.A Pilot Study of Cerebral Perfusion Imaging Using Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles on MR in Experimental Models;超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)在MR脑灌注成像初步应用实验研究

17.Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-enhanced MR Imaging: The Experiment and Clinical Study in Diagnosis of Liver Lesions;超顺磁性氧化铁增强MRI诊断肝占位的动物实验及临床研究

18.In Vitro MR Imaing of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Labeled Pig Mesenchymal Stem Cells;超顺磁性氧化铁标记猪骨髓间充质干细胞的体外MR成像研究



1.In Vivo Tracking ofSPIO Labeled BMSCs with Two Ways-direct Injection and Intravenous Injection in MRI in Parkinson Disease Rat;帕金森病大鼠尾静脉注射和脑内两点直接注射超顺磁性氧化铁标记的BMSCs后活体MRI示踪观察

2.Objective To investigate the value of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) and Gd-DTPA Enhanced MR imaging in diagnosis of regenerative nodules and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in rat model.目的探讨超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)联合钆剂(Gd-DTPA)增强对诱发大鼠肝硬化肝癌结节的诊断价值。

3.OBJECTIVE: 1,To study the patterns of MR signal intensity (SI) of intracellular and extracellular superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO),and to determine the most optimal protocol of magnetic resonance imaging.目的:(1)探讨超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)在细胞内外对磁共振信号的影响,以获得最佳的磁共振检查方法;(2)探讨以多聚赖氨酸(PLL)为转染介质介导SPIO标记骨髓基质干细胞(BMSCs)的合适条件;(3)探讨磁标记细胞及其传代细胞的磁共振信号变化特点。

3)superparamagnetic iron oxid超顺磁性氧化铁

1.Objective To explore the magnetic resonance imging tracking ofsuperparamagnetic iron oxid(SPIO) labeled embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs) transplantation into corpus striatum of the focal cerebral ischemia(FCI) rats and the effects of learning and memory abilities.目的探讨以超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)标记的胎鼠神经干细胞(NSCs)移植入局灶性脑缺血大鼠纹状体的MRI示踪及其对学习与记忆的影响。

2.AIM: To label bone marrow-derived stem cells withsuperparamagnetic iron oxid (SPIO) and to explore the image characteristics and signal attenuation rules of in vivo the magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) of the labeled cells in rabbit liver.目的:探讨超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)标记骨髓干细胞的方法和标记细胞在肝脏内的磁共振活体成像特点和衰减规律。

3.Purpose:To explore the labeling efficiency and cellular viability of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells labeled with different concentration ofsuperparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particles,and to determine the feasibility of detection of magnetically labeled stem cells with MR imaging.目的:探讨不同浓度超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)颗粒标记鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)的标记率和对细胞活力的影响,以及MR成像显示磁标记干细胞的可行性。

4)Superparamagnetic iron oxides超顺磁性氧化铁

1.Objective To explore the optimal situation of labeling bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) with superparamagnetic iron oxides (SPIO) mediated by poly-L-lysine (PLL), and determine the most optimal protocol of magnetic resonance imaging according to the patterns of MR in vitro.目的探讨以多聚赖氨酸(poly-L-lysine,PLL)为转染介质介导超顺磁性氧化铁微粒(superparamgnetic iron oxides,SPIO)标记大鼠骨髓基质干细胞(bone mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)的合适条件,通过标记细胞的体外磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)获取最佳的磁共振扫描序列。

5)superparamagnetic iron oxide(SPIO)超顺磁性氧化铁

6)ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron超微超顺磁性氧化铁

1.Application ofultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide in MRI diagnosis of central nervous system:recent progress;超微超顺磁性氧化铁在中枢神经系统疾病磁共振影像诊断中的应用


