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汉末 Late Han Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-16 17:49:23


汉末 Late Han Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

汉末,Late Han Dynasty

1)Late Han Dynasty汉末

1.Confucianism in theLate Han Dynasty andConfucian ideology of the Jian an Seven Scholars;汉末儒学及建安七子的儒家思想

2.The movement of striking groupings had great influence on the literature of the late Han Dynasty.党锢之祸对汉末文学产生了重大的影响。

3.D (when CaoCao ordered to ban the practice of writing tablet inscriptions), this paper probes into the ups and downs of the inscriptions in the late Han dynasty in an attempt to lay bare the organic relations between the evolution of literary styles and social systems, social conventions as well as cultural conceptions.本文以桓帝即位(公元147年)至建安十年曹操碑禁(公元205年)期间的碑文为研究对象,探讨了碑文在汉末的兴衰变化,试图以此揭示文体的演变与社会制度、社会风气及文化观念之间的有机联系。


1.On the complex process of becoming nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties from celebrities in the late Han Dynasty;论汉末名士到魏晋士族的复杂历程——以汉末颍川荀、陈、钟三家为中心

2.An Analysis of the Structure of City Grading in the Late West Han Dynasty--A Study of the Bamboo Slips of the Han Unearthed in Yiwan;西汉末年城市等级结构分析——尹湾汉简研究

3.Research on the Form of "Prestigious-Favorable" Feudal Official from Last Phase of Han to Jin Dynasty汉末魏晋时期“威惠”型官吏形态研究

4.Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), state power fell into Dong Zhuo"s hand, a very cruel and manipulating person.东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。

5.The Relation Between the "Hongdumen Schoo1 of C1assical Philology" and the Shift of Literature Academicism of the Later Han Dynasty“鸿都门学”与汉末文学风气变迁之关系

6.On the Confucian Innovation in the End of Han Dynasty:Zheng Xuan and Wang Su论郑玄、王肃对汉末儒学的改造与创新

7.Private Troops at the End of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Initial Formation of Hereditary Military Service System;东汉末季之家兵与世兵制的初步形成

8.Influence of the Thoughts transmutation at the End period of East-Han Dynasty on Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases;汉末思想嬗变对《伤寒杂病论》的影响

9.On the Reiteration of the Study of Classics in the Late Han Dynasty: Taking Zheng Xuan and Wang Su as Examples;论汉末经学的反复:以郑玄、王肃为例

10.Social Material Foundation for the Development of Kaishu in Late Han Dynasty and Wei-Jin Period;论汉末魏晋楷书发展孕育的物质基础

11.Nineteen Ancient Poems and the Life Consciousness of Literary Men in Late Eastern Han Dynasty;《古诗十九首》与东汉末文人的生命意识

12.Longzhongdui and Analysis of Politics and Geography During the End of Donghan Dynasty;《隆中对》与东汉末期的政治地理分析

13.The Hero Orientation of Han Dynasty Telophase Heroical Biography by New Sentence;《汉末英雄记》:新语境下的英雄定位

14.Appraisement of Guo Tai and Mi Heng in Outer Chapter of Baopuzi;正郭与弹祢——《抱朴子外篇》汉末名士评议

15.The intense conciousness of life-care-and-worry in the poetry of the Late Han Dynasty,the Wei and Jin Dynasties;汉末魏晋诗歌中浓郁的生命忧患意识

16.IActire Involvement in the World, Regression,Anxiety and Initiative;《古诗十九首》与汉末文人的情感世界

17.Aesthetic Nature(Shen Yun):From the Judgment of the Human Relationship Ethics in the Late Han Dynasty to the Art Work Figures Appreciation in the Wei & Jin Dynasties;神韵:从汉末人伦鉴识到魏晋人物品藻

18.There is an English Chinese vocabulary at the end of the book.书末附有英汉词汇表。


the late Han Dynasty汉末

1.On the influence of partisan spirit inthe late Han Dynasty on the common practice of scholars in Jian’an period;论汉末党人精神对建安士风的影响

2.Great careative changes took place in the Buddhist world inthe late Han Dynasty.东汉末期的赋坛,在创作内容上发生了巨大的变化,大赋与模拟之作已漸少,抒个人情感之作成为主流;赋受诗歌的影响,出现了诗化的痕迹;道家思想在创作中有明显的反映。

3.Scholars inthe late Han Dynasty had the psychology of choosing masters for two purposes: achieving political ambition and avoiding disasters.择主而仕成为汉末多数士人的心态。

3)abuses in the late Han Dynasty汉末流弊

4)in the late East Han Dynasty西汉末年

5)the late Eastern Han Dynasty东汉末年

1.Early Five-Character Verses and the Costom inthe late Eastern Han Dynasty;早期五言思、别诗与东汉末年的游学、游宦风气

6)the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty汉末三国

1.Reading The Spring and Autumn Annals became a common practice the period ofthe Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty.汉末三国时期,阅读《春秋》蔚然成风。


汉末英雄记《汉末英雄记》(《汉书英雄记》见《新唐书·艺文志》),八卷(《唐·志》作十卷)。三国魏王粲撰。王粲(177-217),字仲宣,山阳高平(今山东邹县)人。博学多识,为“建安七子”之一。他先依附刘表,后归曹操,任丞相掾、侍中。除《英雄记》外,尚著有诗、赋、论、议共六十篇。该书记述汉末乱世众多人物行状,可补正史之缺。此书久佚,明人辑有《王侍中集》。今从《黄氏逸书考》整理。一卷(江苏巡抚采进本) 旧本题魏王粲撰。粲字仲宣,高平人,仕魏为丞相掾,赐爵关内侯,事迹具《三国志》本传。按粲卒於建安中。其时黄星虽兆,玉步未更,不应名书以“汉末”,似後人之所追题。然考粲《从军诗》中已称曹操为圣君,则俨以魏为新朝,此名不足怪矣。《隋志》著录作八卷,注云残缺。其本久佚。此本乃王世贞杂抄诸书成之。凡四十四人,大抵取於裴松之《三国志注》为多。如《水经注》载白狼山曹操敲马鞍作十片事,本习见之书,乃漏而不载。又如筑易京本公孙瓒事,乃於瓒外别出一张瓒,以此事属之,不知据何误本,尤疏舛之甚矣。 ----出《四库总目提要》
