100字范文 > 功能法 Function method英语短句 例句大全

功能法 Function method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-01 09:00:17


功能法 Function method英语短句 例句大全

功能法,Function method

1)Function method功能法

1.This thesis makes initial research about the quotation of the function method during theprocess of middle level oral Chinese teaching.本文对功能法在中级汉语口语教学中的运用作了一些初步的探讨。

2)Functionalist Approach功能法

1.On Film Subtitling Translation from Perspective ofFunctionalist Approach;从功能法析电影字幕的翻译

2.Functionalist Approaches to Film Subtitle Translation;从功能法析电影字幕翻译

3.The German functionalist approach has opened up a new perspective to the study of advertisement translation.在诸多的研究中,德国功能法为广告翻译开辟了一条全新的道路。

3)legal function法律功能

1.The electronic signature has the followinglegal functions: identifying the signer,proving the signer s admission to the contents of the electronic data,and guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of the original documents.电子签名的法律功能包括鉴定签名者的身份、表明签名者对电子数据内容的认可以及确保原始文件的完整性和真实性。

2.Law of society thinks legal loophole is inevitable for law because of law being in the society,the dichotomy between legal ends andlegal functions or uncertainty of rule,fact and legal method.社会学法学主要基于法律是社会中的法律而不是社会是法律中的社会,法律目的和法律功能的二分性与规则、事实和方法的不确定性这三点理由,认为法律存在漏洞具有必然性。


1.Legal Function Superiority in the Construction of Resource-saving Society;资源节约型社会建设的法律功能优势

2.The Function of Folk Law to Legal Argumentation in Judicial Process;民间法对司法过程中法律论证的功能

3.On Realization of the Textual Functions in Legal Translation-from the Perspective of Forensic Rhetoric;从法律修辞的角度看法律翻译文本功能的实现

4.The Formation and Functions of Legal Metaphor Taking Legal Transplanting as Materials;法律隐喻的形成与功能——以法律移植为素材

5.A Review on Laws and Regulations of American Early Intervention to Functional Dysfunction;美国功能障碍早期干预法律法规述评

6.An Analysis of the Function of the Folk Law as a Remedy for Legal Loopholes民间法于法律漏洞补充中的功能探析

7.It has accumulative, indicative, integrative, and directive function in the practice and development of law.法律传统在法律实践与法律发展中具有积淀、引、合、向四种功能。

8.Functions and Protection of Strong Brands;高强品牌的功能与法律保护综合研究

9.The Legal Structure of Business Organizations: A Functional Perspective;商事组织的法律构造——经济功能的分析

10.Legal Function of Sticking up for Filial Piety During Wei,Jin,Southern-northern Dynasties;浅析魏晋南北朝时期法律的维孝功能

11.The Research on Object,Character,Function of Logical Jurisprudence;法律逻辑学的研究对象、特征与功能

12.Functional Complementarity and Harmony between Law and Moral Duty;法律义务、道德义务的功能互补与协调

13.The Function of Moral Education in Elementary Legal Course in Universities;浅谈高校法律基础课德育功能的发挥

14.Risk Controlling:An Analysis on the Function of Securities Law System;风险控制:证券法律制度的功能分析

15.Social stratification of China in transformation and the function of legal norm转型中国的社会分层与法律规范功能

16.On the Application of Functional Translation Theory in Legal Translation浅论功能翻译理论对法律翻译的适用

17.How to Unify the Legal Interpretation?;法律解释如何统一——关于司法解释权的法律统一解释功能的思考

18.Analysis on Legal English Text and Speech Acts by Functional Grammar;试用功能语法分析法律英语篇章和言语行为


Functionalist Approach功能法

1.On Film Subtitling Translation from Perspective ofFunctionalist Approach;从功能法析电影字幕的翻译

2.Functionalist Approaches to Film Subtitle Translation;从功能法析电影字幕翻译

3.The German functionalist approach has opened up a new perspective to the study of advertisement translation.在诸多的研究中,德国功能法为广告翻译开辟了一条全新的道路。

3)legal function法律功能

1.The electronic signature has the followinglegal functions: identifying the signer,proving the signer s admission to the contents of the electronic data,and guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of the original documents.电子签名的法律功能包括鉴定签名者的身份、表明签名者对电子数据内容的认可以及确保原始文件的完整性和真实性。

2.Law of society thinks legal loophole is inevitable for law because of law being in the society,the dichotomy between legal ends andlegal functions or uncertainty of rule,fact and legal method.社会学法学主要基于法律是社会中的法律而不是社会是法律中的社会,法律目的和法律功能的二分性与规则、事实和方法的不确定性这三点理由,认为法律存在漏洞具有必然性。

4)legal function法治功能

5)function element method功能元法

1.Considering reliability information modeling as a key technology in CNC(Computerized Numerical Control) machine tool reliability information system, thefunction element method, a kind of new CNC machine tool reliability information modeling method, is proposed.提出了一种数控机床可靠性信息建模的新方法———功能元法,定义了功能元法的基本概念和基本理论,得出了基于功能元法的数控机床功能信息抽象方法和故障模式及原因等可靠性信息抽象方法,应用于某国产数控车床故障模式与影响分析(FMEA)的信息建模。

6)grammatical function语法功能

1.Types of Xingning dialect demonstrative pronouns are discussed, theirgrammatical functions and character of quantifying demonstration are analyzed.描写了资兴兴宁土话指示代词的类型,分析了其语法功能及量词定指的特点。

2.Summarizes the discontinuation in English sentence structure, which is so commonly found in so various forms,and groups them into five categories, namely discontinuation between the attribute and the modified, between subject and the verb, object and the complement and the discontinuations caused by modification andgrammatical functions.文中归类成五种,即定语分隔,主谓分隔,复合宾语分隔,修饰引起的分隔和语法功能引起的分隔。

3.This article embarks from three conditions of the part of speech division standard,weighs the three delimitation standard of the word shape,the word significance and the wordgrammatical function,expounds that the wordgrammatical function is the best standard of Chinese part.本文从划分词类标准的三个条件出发,衡量词的形态、词的意义、词的语法功能这三个划类标准,阐明词的语法功能是汉语词类划分的最佳标准。


