100字范文 > 核心竞争能力 core competence英语短句 例句大全

核心竞争能力 core competence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-14 08:06:35


核心竞争能力 core competence英语短句 例句大全

核心竞争能力,core competence

1)core competence核心竞争能力

1.Culture of thecore competence;企业核心竞争能力的培育

2.Cross-boarder Merger & Acquisition with Establishing Core Competence of China Enterprise;跨国并购与中国企业核心竞争能力的构建

3.Based on basic theory of corporation"score competence,the meaning and essential characteristics ofcore competence of iron and steel enterprises are analysed.运用企业核心竞争能力的基本理论 ,分析了钢铁企业核心竞争能力的内涵和基本特征 ,在此基础上建立了钢铁企业核心竞争能力的评价指标体系 ,并采用模糊多级综合评价方法 ,构建了评价钢铁企业核心竞争能力的数量模型。


1.Financial Competitiveness and Core Financial Competence of Enterprises;企业财务竞争力与财务核心竞争能力

2.The Capability of Key talents and Enterprises Core Competence;企业核心人才能力与企业核心竞争能力

3.Devoting to the three innovations of the enterpriseand cultivating its main competitive ability;致力企业三个创新 培育核心竞争能力

4.Research on Core Competitive Power of the State-owed Commercial Bank in China;我国国有商业银行核心竞争能力研究

5.Implementing the Resource Integration to Strengthen the Core Competitive Power of Enterprise;实施资源整合 提高企业核心竞争能力

6.Constructing the modern managing platform, advancing the core competitive ability;构筑现代管理平台 提升核心竞争能力

7.Innovation:Improve the Key of the Key Competitive Power of Enterprise;创新:提高企业核心竞争能力的关键

8.Analyzing and evaluating method of core competences of large-sized corporations;大型企业核心竞争能力的分析与评价

9.Strengthening Enterprise Technology Innovation Heightening Core Competitive Ability;加强企业技术创新 提高核心竞争能力

10.Building up the Core Competitive Ability to Face WTO;培植核心竞争能力,积极应对WTO

11.On the characteristics and formation of core competitiveness in enterprises;论企业核心竞争能力的特征及其形成

12.Cultivation of Enterprises Annexation and Core Competitive Ability;企业兼并扩张与核心竞争能力的培育

13.Research on the Financial Core Competence of Listed Companies of Dynamoelectric Enterprises上市发电企业财务核心竞争能力研究

14.Studies on the Competitiveness by Inter-firm Strategic Alliances: An core competence approach;企业战略联盟的竞争力研究:核心竞争能力的观点

15.R&D--Core Competence of Online Security Dealers in the Age of Internet;研发能力——网络时代券商的核心竞争力

16.Research on the Urban Function Position That Based on Core Competence;基于核心竞争力的城市功能定位研究

17.Nurturing Able Entrepreneurs to Lift Enterprises Competitive Power;培育企业家才能,提高企业核心竞争力

18.The Potential Ability to Develop Is the Symbol of Commercial Bank s Core Competence;发展潜能——商业银行核心竞争力的体现


core competitiveness核心竞争能力

1.Study on thecore competitiveness of key medical disciplines and the path of its development;医学重点学科核心竞争能力及其发展路径研究

2.The article holds if the region obtains the competing advantage in the fierce market competition, the region must identify and cultivate itscore competitiveness.Hamel的核心竞争能力理论引入到区域经济领域 ,并以珠江和长江三角洲的经济发展和竞争状况为例 ,阐述核心竞争力在区域经济可持续发展中的作用和意义。

3.The article presents the basic concept aboutcore competitiveness of scientific research organization,and it also explores its identification,fostering and renewal.对科研组织核心竞争能力的概念、识别、培养、更新等基本问题进行了研究。

3)core competitive ability核心竞争能力

1.Analysis of thecore competitive ability of China s chemical enterprises;中国化工企业的核心竞争能力分析

2.Currently,vehicle transportation enterprises in our country confront a complicated and difficult environment,so only those withcore competitive ability will finally gain the opportunity for survival and development.当前,我国汽车运输企业面临着艰难复杂的市场竞争环境,最终只有那些具备核心竞争能力的运输企业才能获得生存和发展的机遇。

3.In order to constructcore competitive ability,the corporations must own their own core technologies since development of competitor s technologies will become a big threat.企业构建和发展核心竞争能力的基础是拥有核心技术,竞争对手的技术发展随时可能对企业的核心竞争能力构成威胁,技术信息对于企业生存与发展具有重要意义。

4)core competitive competence核心竞争能力

1.The discernment method and judging standard of private scientific and technological enterprise score competitive competence;民营科技企业核心竞争能力识别方法与判断标准

2.Whether the corporation can carry out the diversification or not depends on theircore competitive competence.是否具备核心竞争能力是企业能否搞多元化的关键,核心竞争能力同时也决定了企业多元化的边界。

5)Key competitive power核心竞争能力

1.This text has analysed the current main drawbacks existing in the process of private enterprise`s development, and points out that the further development must accomplish the following: develop multi-dimensional ecconomy and establish the modern enterprise system, implement sciectific management and improve the key competitive power.分析了当前我国民营企业发展中存在的主要弊端 ,提出了我国的民营企业进一步发展须做到 :发展多元混合经济 ,建立现代企业制度 ;实行科学管理 ,提高核心竞争能力。

6)new core competitive power新核心竞争能力


