100字范文 > 河流生态学 river ecology英语短句 例句大全

河流生态学 river ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-27 17:57:08


河流生态学 river ecology英语短句 例句大全

河流生态学,river ecology

1)river ecology河流生态学

1.Progresses of interdisciplines related toriver ecology河流生态学相关交叉学科进展

2)Ecology of river habitats河流生境生态学

3)riverine eco-hydrology河流生态水文学

1.Research status ofriverine eco-hydrology河流生态水文学研究现状

4)river ecosystem河流生态

1.By studying the essence of river life and river health and analyzing all the requirements of river itself, human andriver ecosystem, it proposes the major healthy indicators of the Yellow River at present as continuous flow, free-and-safe riverbed, suitable water quality, acceptableriver ecosystem and certain water supply capacity.从河流生命和河流健康的本质出发,通过分析黄河自身、人类和河流生态系统的生存需求,认为连续的河川径流、通畅安全的水沙通道、良好的水质、良性运行的河流生态和一定的供水能力是现阶段黄河健康生命的标志,提出用低限流量、平滩流量、湿地面积等9个指示性因子具体表达健康黄河的标志,并给出了这些因子在未来不同阶段的量化指标。

2.In order to investigate the influences of dams and water gates on theriver ecosystems of the Huaihe River,the biological indexes were employed to assess the present status ofriver ecosystems on typical dam and water gate sections in the Huaihe River.结果表明,大多数水库处在生态稳定的健康状态;64%的所调查评价的河流生态系统处在不健康或亚健康状态。

3.This research result will play an key role to improve water environment andriver ecosystem of Weihe River.在对生态需水量概念及方法深入分析的基础上,应用Tennant和最枯月实测径流量多年平均值两种不同的方法,分别计算了渭河中下游林家村、魏家堡、咸阳、临潼、华县五个断面的生态基流量,并最终确定各断面维持生态环境的最低流量,这一探索对改善渭河水环境及促进河流生态系统健康具有重要意义。


1.Impact of running water transport to the mainstream of the Tarim River on ecological efficiency of the river;塔里木河干流输水运行对河流生态功效的分析

2.Study on eco-restoration modes for rivers on plain of Haihe River Basin Ⅱ: application海河流域平原河流生态修复模式研究Ⅱ——应用

3.Research on eco-enviromental water requirement for main rivers in Haihe Basin海河流域控制性河流生态环境需水量研究

4.Multi-Variable Assessment of River Ecosystem Health in Liao River Basin辽河流域河流生态系统健康的多指标评价方法

5.Characteristics and Ecological Effect of Flow Regime of Riverine Ecosystem;河流生态系统特征及流量变化的生态效应

6.Study on Eco-environmental Water Requirement and Eco-environmental Early Warning of River System in TaiZhou;泰州市河流生态环境需水量及河流生态环境预警研究

7.Eco-environmental Water Demand about the Main Current of the Huifa River in River Course;辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究

8.Assessment of ecosystem health for typical estuary in Haihe River Basin海河流域典型河口生态系统健康评价

9.Ecosystem Services Evaluation of River Wetland in Yulinghe Watershed;御临河流域河流湿地生态系统服务价值评价

10.Research on Eco-Environmental Water Requirement of Tarim Mainstream Watershed;塔里木河干流流域生态—环境需水研究

11.Urban Waste Water Transporting to the River: Biologic Recovery Technologies Research on the Xinyi River;城市尾水输移河流—新沂河生态修复技术研究

12.Research on the Ecological and Environmental Water Requirements of the Highland and River Channel in the Yellow River Basin;黄河流域坡高地与河道生态环境需水规律研究

13.Study on the Minimum Water Requirement of Eco-environment of the Yellow River Artery in Henan;黄河干流河南段最小生态环境需水量研究

14.Research of Ecological Administration to River Pollution--Take Jihe River in Gansu as an Example;河流污染的生态治理研究——以甘肃省藉河为例

15.Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Stream-Channel in the Plain Reach of Hai-River Basin;海河流域平原河道生态环境需水量计算

16.The Influence of Flow Interruptions in the Yellow River on the Yellow River Delta;黄河断流对黄河三角洲生态环境的影响

17.Historical Variance of the Ecological Environment in the InlandRiver Area along the Hexi Corridor;河西走廊内陆河流域生态环境的历史变迁

18.Regional ecological risk assessment in catchment area along the Weihe River based on GIS基于GIS的渭河下游河流沿线区域生态风险评价


Ecology of river habitats河流生境生态学

3)riverine eco-hydrology河流生态水文学

1.Research status ofriverine eco-hydrology河流生态水文学研究现状

4)river ecosystem河流生态

1.By studying the essence of river life and river health and analyzing all the requirements of river itself, human andriver ecosystem, it proposes the major healthy indicators of the Yellow River at present as continuous flow, free-and-safe riverbed, suitable water quality, acceptableriver ecosystem and certain water supply capacity.从河流生命和河流健康的本质出发,通过分析黄河自身、人类和河流生态系统的生存需求,认为连续的河川径流、通畅安全的水沙通道、良好的水质、良性运行的河流生态和一定的供水能力是现阶段黄河健康生命的标志,提出用低限流量、平滩流量、湿地面积等9个指示性因子具体表达健康黄河的标志,并给出了这些因子在未来不同阶段的量化指标。

2.In order to investigate the influences of dams and water gates on theriver ecosystems of the Huaihe River,the biological indexes were employed to assess the present status ofriver ecosystems on typical dam and water gate sections in the Huaihe River.结果表明,大多数水库处在生态稳定的健康状态;64%的所调查评价的河流生态系统处在不健康或亚健康状态。

3.This research result will play an key role to improve water environment andriver ecosystem of Weihe River.在对生态需水量概念及方法深入分析的基础上,应用Tennant和最枯月实测径流量多年平均值两种不同的方法,分别计算了渭河中下游林家村、魏家堡、咸阳、临潼、华县五个断面的生态基流量,并最终确定各断面维持生态环境的最低流量,这一探索对改善渭河水环境及促进河流生态系统健康具有重要意义。


1.Primarily discussion on structuring technology of buffer zone ineco-stream;生态河流缓冲带构建技术初探

6)ecological river生态河流

1.Based on these problems,the concept ofecological river was put forward and the .分析了河流治理技术的发展现状及遇到的问题,提出生态河流的概念,并探讨了生态河流的基本特征和构建原理,然后分别从河道景观设计、河道平面形态设计、河道断面设计和岸堤设计几个方面论述了生态河流构建的技术体系。


