100字范文 > 高新园区 high-tech zone英语短句 例句大全

高新园区 high-tech zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-04 02:37:25


高新园区 high-tech zone英语短句 例句大全

高新园区,high-tech zone

1)high-tech zone高新园区

1.Study of Dalianhigh-tech zone new development tendency;对大连高新园区发展新趋向的研究

2.Each university,scientific institute,and enterprise form the main body of self-creation inhigh-tech zone.高新技术园区的各个大学、科研院所和企业都是自主创新主体,在高新园区发展中要发挥各创新主体的作用,特别是多元创新主体的合力作用,共同构建一个结构合理、运行高效的创新网络体系,建设创新文化,打造自主创新文化氛围,使高新园区成为有内在联系和较强根植性的产业集群,成为区域经济的增长极。


1.Study on the Evaluation of the Technological Innovation Capability of Dalian;大连高新园区技术创新能力评价研究

2.From High-tech Areas to Innovation Areas--On the Transformation of High-tech Industrial Area in Liaoning;从高新区到创新园区——辽宁高新技术产业区转型

3.Construction of Tianjin Binhai New Area into a "Science Park and Technology Park"天津滨海高新区“科学园区+技术园区”的构建

4.Building the Innovation System to Promote the Development Zone for High-Tech Industries;构建园区创新系统 促进高新区发展

5.A Comparison between Hefei New High-tech Area and the Tech-Garden of Zhong guan Village;合肥高新区与中关村科技园区之比较

6.To Study on Structure in the Regional Innovation Networks of High-New Tech. Park of Industry;高新技术产业园区创新网络构建研究

7.The consideration of establishing newly creative web in high-tech zone;对构建高新技术园区创新网络的思考

8.Cultivation of the innovation environment of high and new technology areas;高新技术园区创新环境的创造和培育

9.On the Hi-Tech Innovation and Systematical Innovation in Hi-Te Zones;论高新区技术创新与园区管理体制及制度创新

10.Planning of High-tech Zone and the Creation of Innovation Environment;略论高新区创新环境的创造与规划——以太原高新区新产业园区为例

11.Study on Eco-Industrial Parks Planning in High-Tech Industrial Park;高新技术产业园区生态产业园规划研究

12.Study on Evaluation System of Establishing Innovation-type Park in Taiyuan High-tech Zone;太原高新区创建创新型园区评价体系研究

13.The construction on the Regional Innovation Networks of High-tech Industry Park of our country;论我国高新技术产业园区的区域创新网络建设

14.The Applied Study of Investment Decision for High-tech Park in Western China;西部高新科技园区投资决策应用研究

15.The Research of Decision Support System of High-Tech Industrial Zones;高新技术产业园区决策支持系统研究

16.Higher Education Zone--A New Field of Cultural and Physical Education Tourism;高教园区——拓展文化体育旅游新领域

17.Analysis on Forming Mechanism of Entrepreneurial Culture in High-technology Indu stry Parks;高新技术园区创业文化形成机制分析

18.Discussion on the Demonstration of Agricultural High Technology Zone;对农业高新技术园区示范作用的探讨


college new campus高校新园区

1.The hot construction ofcollege new campus brings many new challenges,which are commonly seen at college.高校新园区建设热点引发学生工作的诸多新问题并带来新挑战,这些问题和挑战具有共性。

3)high-tech park高新技术园区

1.Study of ecology idea and the environment of human settlements inhigh-tech park;高新技术园区的生态理念及其人居环境的研究

2.During the past 16 years, China’shigh-tech parks have grown rapidly and contributed significantly to China’s high-tech industrial development.中国的高新技术园区在过去的间发展迅速,对中国的高科技产业的发展起了重要的推进作用。

3.It is an important strategy to develop high-tech industry and to promote economic growth by constructinghigh-tech parks in China.高新技术园区作为国家科技创新的重要空间载体,有关其竞争力的评价指标体系也正成为区域经济研究关注的热点。

4)high-tech zone高新技术园区

1.Assessment on the integrated power ofhigh-tech zone s input and output;高新技术园区投入产出综合实力评价

2.The development ofhigh-tech zones is charged with the important tasks of industrializing advanced science & technology.高新技术园区发展是高科技实现产业化的社会载体,是不断将科技成果转化为现实生产力的重要基地,因此,高新技术园区社会进步理应成为整个社会进步的先行区。

3.Talents as the most active factor in productivity is an important driving force to promote further development of High-tech Zone and its industry.人才作为生产力中最活跃的因素,是促进高新技术园区及其产业进一步发展的重要推动力量。

5)high-tech park高新科技园区

1.The Applied Study of Investment Decision for High-tech Park in Western China;西部高新科技园区投资决策应用研究

2.This paper backdates the history of systemization,analyzes the influence of systemization on the development ofhigh-tech park,points out the problems in combining them,and puts out countermeasures for the sys.高校和高新科技园区是我国创新体系建设中的两个重要的组成部分。

3.Planning on Talent Management Informationalisation for Chinese High-tech Parks Based on Sino-Euro Comparison;进入20世纪80年代以来,随着全球范围内新技术革命的全面兴起和产业结构的大变革,不仅在发达国家,而且在发展中国家,都掀起了创办高新科技园区的热潮。

6)high-tech parks高新技术园区

1.To constructing China s own system of knowledge innovation,it s necessary for China to build thehigh-tech parks and zones like silicon valley in America.中国要建立自己的知识创新体系 ,有必要建成“硅谷”似的高新技术园区。

2.High-tech Parks are a kind of special economic phenomenon, their fast development has drawn great attention to China.高新技术园区是一种新的经济现象,它的快速发展引起了世界各国的广泛关注。


临洮新美花卉高科技园区临洮新美花卉高科技园区位于甘肃临洮县县城以南的开阔地带,紧靠212国道,与兰临高速相邻,总面积 1220亩。园区主要集科技运用与人工生态旅游为一体,以现代化智能温室和三代日光温室为主,以园林式绿化、现代农业高科技设施运用为重点。是一家集花卉生产、种球繁育、科技推广、餐饮娱乐、旅游观光为一体的大型农业博览园,并是全国三大花卉生产基地之一。临洮新美花卉高科技园区在临洮新美花卉集团公司基础上,组建千亩花卉高科技示范园区。总规模1500亩,分科技示范区500亩,鲜切花生产区100亩,种球种苗、籽球繁育区650亩,成果展示区50亩, 观光旅游区200亩,总投资1.3553亿元。其中新增投资8215万元。新建高效节能日光温室113座,分区新建2000m2气调库一座,改造200m2气调库1座,2000m2基质原料、现代化自控温室2座63亩,供热供水配套设施,种质资源圃建设100亩,组培室1500m2, 最终将园区建成集科技开发、观光旅游、科普教育、信息交流、教学实验、示范推广、成果展示为一体的现代高科技示范园区。
