100字范文 > 构造原则 principles英语短句 例句大全

构造原则 principles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 08:54:18


构造原则 principles英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper fully explores English euphenism from the aspects of definition,types,principles and methods so as to help us appreciate and use English better.本文对委婉语的定义、主要类型、构造原则及主要表达方式对英语委婉语进行了研究。

2)global construction principle全局构造原则

3)The similarity rule of seismogenic structure构造类比原则

4)the construction principle of the code type码型构造原则

5)rebuild principal改造原则


1.Landscape Design and Reconstruct Principle of Urban Overcrossing District;城市立交桥地段景观设计与改造原则

2.I. China"s Basic Principles of Criminal Reform一、中国改造罪犯的基本原则

3.The rewriting of Pre-Qin classics in the Han Dynasty follows the principles of selectivity, creativity and compatibility.为达成目的,汉代经典改造遵循了选择性的原则、创造性阐释原则和整合性原则。

4.A Brief Talk on Principles to Redesign Landscape for Industrial Heritages;浅谈当代工业遗产景观改造设计的原则

5.The Purposes and Principles in the Han Scholars Rewriting Pre-Qin Classics;汉代学者对先秦典籍改造的目的及原则

6.The Principle of Protection against Repeated Prosecution and the Reform of the Chinese Criminal Retrial System;禁止重复追诉原则与我国刑事再审制度改造

7.Principles of justice is the moral principle to be followed in establishing the basic structure of society, and dominate the subsequent and amendment of institution.正义原则是确立社会基本结构应遵循的道德原则,支配着对制度的所有随后的批评和改造。

8.Due to the implementation of the above-mentioned principles, China has met with great success in criminal reform.由于上述原则的贯彻,中国改造罪犯的实践取得了显著的成就:

9.In the actual practice of criminal reform, China pays close attention to implementing the principles of humanitarianism.中国在改造罪犯的实践中注意贯彻人道主义的原则。

10.There are two principles for the united front: the first is to unite, and the second is to criticize, educate and transform.统一战线的原则有两个:第一个是团结,第二个是批评、教育和改造。

11.Establishment of Contemporary Mathematics Courses Transformation Principles;当代教育观念下计算机技术改造数学课程原则的建立

12.Article3 A prison shall, with regard to prisoners, implement the principle of combining punishment with reform and combining education with labour, in order to transform them into law-abiding citizens.第三条监狱对罪犯实行惩罚和改造相结合、育和劳动相结合的原则,将罪犯改造成为守法公民。

13.China"s success in the reform of criminals proves that its principles and policies, as well as its laws and system are correct for handling the reform of criminals.中国改造罪犯的这些成就,证明了中国改造罪犯的原则与政策、法律与制度的正确。

14.Particularly in the transformation and maintenance of monasteries, palaces and old urban areas, the principle of "keeping them as they are"is followed, which helps effectively maintain the original style of local structures.尤其是对寺庙、宫殿和老城区的改造维修,坚持整旧如旧的原则,有效地保持了原有风貌和特点。

15.Processor speeds cannot increase unless manufacturers improve the raw materials used to build the chips.除非制造商改进用于生产芯片的原材料,否则处理器的速度不可能提高;

16.The Chapter Six from the perspective of the overall thinking,, probes into“city village”transformation ideas and principles with the goal of harmony and win together ;第六部分从整体思维的角度,探讨以和谐与共赢为目标的“城中村”改造理念与原则;

17.According to the principle of increasing analysis, the quantity of evaluation index is realized by means of Delphi.根据技术改造项目评价时的增量分析原则,用德尔菲法实现了指标的量化;

18."The law upholds the principle of combining punishment with rehabilitation, which is centered around the objective of transforming criminals into law-abiding citizens who live by their own labour and are of use. in building the nation."监狱法坚持惩罚与改造相结合的原则,旨在将罪犯改造成为自食其力,有益于国家建设的守法公民。


global construction principle全局构造原则

3)The similarity rule of seismogenic structure构造类比原则

4)the construction principle of the code type码型构造原则

5)rebuild principal改造原则

6)principles of landscaping造景原则


