100字范文 > 分批补料 fed-batch英语短句 例句大全

分批补料 fed-batch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-22 22:07:25


分批补料 fed-batch英语短句 例句大全



1.Preparation of cellulase-poor xylanase by Trichoderma reesei Rut C30 in batch andfed-batch fermentations and its application on biobleaching were investigated.研究了里氏木霉RutC30在分批培养和分批补料培养模式下合成低纤维素酶酶活力的木聚糖酶及其在生物漂白上的应用。

2.During the high density fermentation,some toxic inhibitor metabolites produced,which could be decreased byfed-batch culture.在高密度发酵过程中 ,会产生一些有害抑制代谢副产物 ,但通过分批补料可以降低影响。

3.coli DH5α/pDH-B 2m and the condition suitable for expression of recombinant mature peptide of human bone morphogenetic protein-2 was carried out in 500mL shaking flasks and then transferred to NBS Bioflo IV, a 20L DO feed-backfed-batch culture system, to obtain rhBMP-2.coliDH5α pDH B2 m在 5 0 0mL摇瓶中进行了培养条件的摸索实验 ,并在此基础上扩大至NBSBiofloIV 2 0L发酵罐 ,利用溶氧反馈 -分批补料培养技术 :在培养过程中保持适当的溶解氧 (4 0 % ) ,以溶氧值在线反馈控制搅拌速度及流加补料培养基 ,使细菌保持适当的比生长率 ,成功地进行了工程菌的高密度培养 ,最终菌体密度达OD60 0 =5 7,每升干菌量 2 2 。


1.Fed-batch fermentation of Monascus pigments in shakeing flask by Monascus purpureus JR红曲霉JR摇瓶分批补料发酵产红曲色素的研究

2.High Cell Density Fed-batch Cultivation of Rhizopus oryzae As3.819 for Production of L-lactic Acid分批补料高密度培养米根霉As3.819产L-乳酸的研究

3.Fed-batch Fermentation and Dynamic Model of Microbial Transglutaminase;微生物谷氨酰胺转胺酶分批补料发酵及动力学模型的研究

4.fed batch system补料分批(培养)系统

5.Study on Process of D-Ribose Production by Fed-Batch Fermentation;补料分批发酵生产D-核糖的过程研究

6.The function of the system includes controling and monitoring of burdening and feed, compensating tue weight error of a batch and moisture error of coke.系统功能包括配料、上料控制、料批重量误差补正及焦炭水分补正。

7.Flask-shaking fed batch fermentation is carried out in the study by feeding glucose, ammonium acetate and ammonium sulfate and complete fermentation medium.进行了补葡萄糖、补醋酸铵和硫酸铵和全组分补料的摇瓶补料分批发酵实验。

8.MethodsThe study was in flask and fermentation tank culture by batch and fed batch method.方法通过摇瓶培养和分批及补料分批发酵培养进行研究。

9.Study on Flask-shaking Fed Batch Fermentation of γ-PGAγ-多聚谷氨酸摇瓶补料分批发酵的研究

10.Production of Welan Gum by Alcaligenes sp.NX-3 with Fed-batch FermentationAlcaligenes sp.NX-3产威兰胶的补料分批发酵工艺研究

11.Optimization Control of pH in Appending Stuff and Batch Fermentation Process of Mycetozoan-element多粘菌素补料分批发酵过程pH值的优化控制

12.Application Study of the Fed-batch Fermentation in Two-step Fermentation of Vitamin C;补料分批发酵工艺在维生素C二步发酵中的应用研究

13.High-density Cultivation of Lactobacillus Bulgarian in Alkalinity Neutral Combined with Feed-batch碱性中和与补料分批高密度培养保加利亚乳杆菌的研究

14.triple weighing batcher三斗称重分批配料器

15.That"ll depress the market tomorrow morning, and then we"ll begin covering in separate lots-"混过了明天上午,明天早市我们分批补进——”

16.To examine and approve the company"s plans for profit distribution and recovery of losses审议批准公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案

17.The system calculates the quantity recorded in the procurement proposal according to the lot-sizing procedure that you specified in the material master.〉系统根据批量程序计算补货建议中已经记录的数量,其中批量程序是设置在物料主数据中。

18.in-and-out type furnace分批装出料的室式加热炉


fed batch分批补料

1.The optimization of cultivation condition in 500ml shake flasks was carried out to produce recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2A(BMP 2A)in recombinant Escherichia coli YK537/pDH B2m,followed by 5L fermentor batch and condition controlledfed batch culture to obtain BMP 2A.对表达人骨形成蛋白2A(BMP2A)的重组大肠杆菌YK537/pDHB2m在500ml摇瓶中进行了培养条件的摸索实验,继后用5L自控发酵罐进行分批培养和分批补料培养,以获取rhBMP2A。

3)Batch and fed batch of fermentor cultures分批和分批补料培养

4)fed-batch fermentation分批补料发酵

1.With ammonia water as nertralizer,L-lactic acid batch andfed-batch fermentation by ammonia resistant mutant Rhizopus oryzae JS-N02-02 were conducted in a 15L fermentor.oryzaeJS-N0-2-02进行15L自动发酵罐的分批和分批补料发酵及其发酵动力学的初步研究,结果表明,降低起始糖浓度,产酸期补糖可明显提高菌体L-乳酸比生产速率和耗糖产酸能力,提高L-乳酸产量和纯度,降低残糖。

2.Optimization of thefed-batch fermentation process of hyaluronic acid (HA)produced by Streptococcuszooepidemicus was studied.采用兽疫链球菌(Streptococcus zooepidemicus)进行分批补料发酵生产透明质酸(HA)。

5)fed-batch culture补料分批发酵

6)fed-batch culture分批补料培养


