100字范文 > 人格测验 personality test英语短句 例句大全

人格测验 personality test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-14 01:08:05


人格测验 personality test英语短句 例句大全

人格测验,personality test

1)personality test人格测验

1.The paper used two kinds of methods-CTT and IRT respectively to figure out the differences between these two methods in the way of calculating the results of simulativepersonality tests and an actual test.为了说明使用经典测量理论(CTT)方法和项目反应理论(IRT)方法计算出的人格测验结果的差异,本研究使用IRT和CTT这两种方法分别计算出模拟人格测验和实际人格测验的测验结果,并对此进行比较。

2.The Life Orientation Test(LOT) and its revision(LOT-R) were selected for exploring the item response process and data analysis ofpersonality test.为研究人格测验的项目反应过程与数据分析方法,该博士论文选取了生活取向测验(LOT)及其修订版(LOT-R)作为例子。


1.objective personality test客观人格测验 客观人格测验

2.Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory明尼苏达多相人格测验

3.Conditional Reasoning Measurement:A New Approach to Personality Assessment;条件性推理测验:人格测验的新思路

4.The Effectiveness of Person-fit Statistics in Personality Questionnaire;个人拟合指标应用于人格测验的有效性

5.SK-Kraepelin Psychological Test--The Research and Construction of an Objective Personality Test;SK—克雷佩林心理测验——一种客观性人格测验的研究和编制

6.A Study on Applying IRT into Prersonality Tests;项目反应理论在人格测验中的应用研究

7.The Study of Social Criteria of Personality Tests in Human Resource;管理情境中人格测验的社会评价性研究

8.Social Desirability Responding and Its Relationship with Personality Tests;社会期望性反应对大学生人格测验的影响

9.A Research on the Differential Index of the "Y-G Personality Test" on Excellent Nurses;优秀护士“Y-G人格测验”特异性指标的研究

10.People were afraid of taking mental and physical tests.人们害怕参加心理测验和体格检查.

11.A study on Personality of college students of Miao Nationality in west Hunan湘西苗族大学生人格特征的测验研究

12.The first test failed half the class.第一次测验使班上一半人不及格。

13.Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire卡氏十六种人格因素测验

14.16 personality factors test shows that old people are more deferential and self-assured.应用卡氏16项人格因素测验进行人格特征的测查。

15.IPAT Humor Test of PersonalityIPAT性格幽默测验

16.Applicability of Five-kind of Personality Inventory for College Students Personality Measurement:A Comparison Study with 16PF.;五态性格测验对大学生人格测量的适用性—与16PF的对比研究

17.Application of An Evaluation of Five Kinds of Personalities in personality evaluation for students in institutes of P.E.;《五态性格测验》在体育院校大学生人格测评中的应用研究

18.Gray Oral Reading Test格雷朗读测验格雷朗读测验


personality tests人格测验

1.Generally speaking,however,the results ofpersonality tests don’t remarkably related to work achievements for the neutrality of them.在现代的人事测量中,人格测验被广泛地用来挑选"人—职匹配"的员工并对员工的绩效作出预测。

2.By using maturepersonality tests to make diagnoses for managers or job applicants personality characteristics during the process of personnel assessments,can provide consulting information for reasonably utilizing manpower resources.在人事测评过程中,利用成熟的人格测验方法对管理者或应聘人员的人格特征进行诊断,可以为合理利用人力资源提供参考依据。

3)YG Personality InventoryYG人格测验

4)personality test人格测验;性格测验

5)Y-G Personality TestY-G人格测验

1.Study on Personality Characteristics of Civilian Nurses Serving in the Army byY-G Personality Test;非现役文职护士“Y-G人格测验”人格特征的研究

6)creative personality scale创造性人格测验

1.This article used Chinese creative personality trait adjective table toestablish structural model of creative personality in social sciencesdomain, and on this basis preliminarily constructed the society-branchcreative personality scale for the middle-school student.2)社科型中学生创造性人格测验量表具有较好的信度和效度。


