100字范文 > 产业链 industry chain英语短句 例句大全

产业链 industry chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-18 12:41:46


产业链 industry chain英语短句 例句大全

产业链,industry chain

1)industry chain产业链

1.Diversification of China garment consumption structure and its tractions for the integration of woolindustry chain;中国服装消费结构的变化对羊毛产业链的影响

2.A study on theindustry chain of the recycling economy in large-sized pulp and paper enterprises;大型浆纸企业循环经济产业链研究

3.Development trend and suggestion on polyesterindustry chain;聚酯产业链发展趋势及建议


1.upstream and downstream of the industrial / Business chain产业链的上游和下游

2.“Dragon-head Enterprise”,“Seven-inch of Industry Chain” and Cultivating of Industry Chain;“龙头企业”、“产业七寸”与产业链培育

3.Production Industry Chain, Production Matching Radius and Self-development Capability of an Enterprise;产业链、产业配套半径与企业自生能力

4.The Study on Three Vertical Chains to Analyze the Resources and Competence of an Enterprise:Value Chain,Supply Chain,and Industry Chain;论企业资源与能力分析的三个纵向链条——价值链、供应链与产业链

5.Analysis on China s Industrial Safety Problems Based on the Industry Chain;基于产业链角度探析我国的产业安全

6.Design the industry chain,push forward the development of high-tech industrialization;构建产业链,推进高科技产业化发展

7.Discussion about the Development of Software Industry from the View-point of Software Industry Chain;从软件产业链角度论软件产业的发展

8.Development of PTT Products and its Commercial Production in Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.;上海石化PTT产业链研发和产业化进展

9.The Research on MICE Industry from the Perspective of Industry Chain产业链视角下中国会展产业发展研究

10.Study on eco-industrial chain (net) and industry scale in mining area矿区生态产业链(网)及其产业规模研究

11.Application of industrial agglomeration and industrial chain in the development of western industry;产业集聚、产业链及在西部产业发展中的运用

12.Make Longer the Agricultural Product Chain,and Push forward the Agricultural Industrialization Development;拉长农产品加工产业链,推进农业产业化发展

13.The Study on China"s Enterprise Industry Chain Controling Power in the Devision of Global Value Chain全球价值链分工中我国企业产业链控制力研究

14.Information service business for industrial chain in agriculture面向农业产业链的信息服务业务分析

15.The Product Structure Adjusting of Polyester Industry Chain and it"s Marketing Exploring聚酯产业链产品结构调整的市场探索

16.Research on Development Mechanism of Product Chain during Agricultural Industrialization;农业产业化进程中产业链成长机制研究

17.Study on Agriculture Industrialization Operation Model under the View of Industry Chain Alliance;产业链联盟视角下的农业产业化经营模式研究

18.Improvement of the Comprehensive Agricultural Productivity through Agricultural Chain Management;浅析农业产业链管理与提高农业综合生产力


industrial chain产业链

1.Logistics network resource allocation strategy based onindustrial chain evolution;基于产业链演化的物流网络资源配置策略

2.Forge a Scientific and Technological Industrial Chain in Our Institute Utilized with Developments and Researches of Environment and Energy;用环境和能源开发研究打造我所的科技产业链

3.Analysis on Development of Hog Cultivation Industry from the Perspective of Industrial Chain;从产业链角度分析我国生猪养殖业发展趋势

3)industrial chains产业链

1.Strategy of integration of agricultureindustrial chains between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农业产业链整合的战略思考

2.In light of the characteristics of the industry, enterprises of textile and clothing should introduce the idea ofindustrial chains, strengthen the inter-enterprise coordination, and establish a system coordinating product development and management so as to achieve rapid product innovation and improve the enterprises’ response to changes in the market.纺织服装业是上下游行业紧密衔接的产业,纺服企业应该根据行业特点在产品开发中树立产业链观念,加强企业间的协同运作,建立协同产品开发和管理体系,以实现快速的产品创新和提高对市场的反应能力。

3.In order to improve their social and economic benefit, this paper proposes,industrial chains of university journals should be set up with joint running and leveled management based on the changed educational market.高校学报要提高自身的社会和经济效益,除要提高办刊质量,扩大读者群外,还必须根据变化了的教育市场需求,组建高校学报产业链,进行联合办刊、分层管理。

4)industry chains产业链

1.The mainindustry chains will be down-stream products of SM, EO, PO, CA, C5-C9, PX and refined chemicals.惠州大亚湾石化区以炼油、乙烯为龙头,形成炼油—化工一体化的上下游产业链。

2.It analyses this topic from four aspects,namely,reducing production cost through trans-media,cutting expansion cost through mergers and acquisitions,decreasing transaction cost through integratingindustry chains and preventing cost diffusing through centralizing market strategies.这四个方面 ,分别是通过跨媒体降低生产成本 ;通过购并降低扩张成本 ;通过整合纵向产业链降低交易成本 ;通过经营战略集中化防止成本扩

5)production chain产业链

1.To extend theproduction chain of steel company is an efficient way for increasing the additional value of products,saving .结合我国钢材生产总体产能过剩的现状,提出应该发展钢材深度加工领域;对钢材深度加工的概念、分类和范围作了阐述;认为当前钢铁企业应该重视产业型深度加工技术,延伸产业链是提高钢材附加值、节约资源、节约能源、发展循环经济、提高企业竞争力的有效途径。

2.To extending theproduction chain of steel company is a efficient route for saving the resource,developing recycling econom.论述了我国钢材整体产能过剩形势下,发展钢材深度加工的重要性;对钢材深度加工的概念、分类和范围作了阐述;并指出钢材生产产业链的延伸是提高钢材使用效率、发展循环经济的有效途径。

3.In line with production and products development of polyesterproduction chain and new polyester investigation at Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd.结合上海石化在聚酯产业链生产和产品开发、新聚酯研究等方面的实践,综述了聚酯纤维品种应用规模以及非纤聚酯产品和发展概况。

6)industry chain产业链条

1.Integrality of salt industry will be protected,merger and reorganization inside the industry will be promoted,saltindustry chain.文章从盐业市场竞争无序、盐业开放势在必行和盐业肢解威胁生存三个方面,论证了盐业整合的紧迫性,并在此基础上提出了其路径选择的基本思路,这就是:出台相关政策法规,为盐业重组保驾护航;保护盐行业完整性,推进业内兼并重组;延长盐产业链条,逐步实施盐化并举;延伸盐业触角,走出国门开发资源。

2.There are many problems in Chinese Animation & Manga industry, such as defectiveindustry chain, insufficient investment and outdated policies, which make many negative effects on the further developing of Chinese Animation & Manga industry.目前我国动漫产业还存在着一些问题,如产业链条脱节、资金缺少、政策滞后等等,它们在很大程度上阻碍了动漫产业的健康发展。


