100字范文 > 雌性繁殖 Female reproduction英语短句 例句大全

雌性繁殖 Female reproduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-30 03:54:29


雌性繁殖 Female reproduction英语短句 例句大全

雌性繁殖,Female reproduction

1)Female reproduction雌性繁殖

1.Food habits,sexual dimorphism and female reproduction of the skink ( Eumeces chinensis)from a Lishui population in Zhejiang;浙江丽水中国石龙子的食性、两性异形和雌性繁殖

2.This paper reports the data on sexual dimorphism and female reproduction of Pachytriton labiatus population in Nanling,Guangdong,Southern China The body and head size,body weight of 235 Pachytriton labiatus (young and adult) were measured to indicate the ontogenetic changes in sexual dimorphic size in both total length and head body length.报道了粤北南岭无斑肥螈 (Pachytritonlabiatus)的两性异形和雌性繁殖 。


1.Sexual Dimorphism and Female Reproduction of Pachytriton labiatus in the North of Guangdong;粤北南岭无斑肥螈的雌雄异形及雌性繁殖的研究

2.a female horse used for breeding.用于繁殖后代的雌性马。

3.(of reproduction) not involving the fusion of male and female gametes reproduction.(指繁殖)不涉及雌、雄两性配子结合的生殖。

4.The Technical Research of Female Individual Asexual Propagation and the Establishment of Propagation System of Castor (Ricinus Communis) in Two Forms;蓖麻雌性单株两种无性繁殖技术研究及繁殖体系构建

5.male animals serve the females for breeding purposes.为了繁殖后代雄性动物与雌性动物交配。

6.Concentrations of Fecal Estradiol and Progesterone in Semi-free-ranging Amur Tigers during Reproductive Period半散养雌性东北虎繁殖期粪样中雌二醇和孕酮含量的变化

7.Study on the Change of the Normal Reproductive Hormones of Female Sika Deer in Reproductive Season;繁殖季节雌性梅花鹿主要生殖激素变化规律的研究

8.reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete.由雄性和雌性结合体相结合或融合而进行的繁殖。

9.Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites which thrie in humans and are passed between them by female Anopheles mosquitoes.疟疾由疟原虫引起,这种原虫在人体内繁殖,并通过雌性按蚊传播。

10.Studies on the Relationship between Swine Reproduction Performance and Osteopontin or Estrogen Receptor Gene;骨调素和雌激素受体基因与猪繁殖性能关系的研究

11.Effect of pGM-CSF/SS DNA Vaccine on Growth and Reproduction as Well as It s Biosafety in Female Mice;pGM-CSF/SS基因免疫对雌鼠生长和繁殖的影响及其安全性研究

12.Effects of Vitamin A on Immune Function and Reproductive Performance of Pregnant Mice Infected Pseudorabies Virus维生素A对感染伪狂犬病毒妊娠雌鼠免疫功能及繁殖性能的影响

13.The Protection Effect of Vitamin E on Reproductive Performance and Immune Function in Female Mice Infected with Pseudorabies Virus维生素E对病毒感染妊娠雌鼠繁殖性能及免疫功能的保护效应

14.Occurring or reproducing without the union of male and female cells; asexual or parthenogenetic.无性的不经过雄性和雌性细胞结合而产生或繁殖的;无性的或单性生殖的

15.In the feeding season and the overwintered period,the sexual ratio betwee the females and males is about 1:1. The change of maturity coefficient of the female is 14.50% in the breedin season and there is a bit of decrease in other seasons.繁殖季节中雌鱼的成熟系数高达14.5%。

16.Under the general term genetic system we include the modes of reproduction of the species (bisexual, thelytokous haploid, etc. )我们在总遗传系统中包括种的繁殖方式(两性的,产雌单性生殖的,单倍体等)。

17.Studies on Reproduction Physiological Function of the Estrogen Receptor and Androgen Receptor in Cultured Male Cynoglossus Semilaevis Günther雌激素受体和雄激素受体在养殖雄性半滑舌鳎繁殖生理中的作用研究

18.(of reproduction) characterized by asexual processes.(指繁殖)无性生殖过程。


asexual propagation无性繁殖

1.The test and investigation of ginkgo sasexual propagationin the southern hilly regions;南方山区银杏无性繁殖试验研究

parative studies on HPLC fingerprint of sexual andasexual propagation Gastrodia elata Bl.in Pan an county;磐安产有性和无性繁殖天麻药材HPLC指纹图谱的比较

3.Study onasexual propagation of the wild leguminous plant of Desmodium tiflourum野生豆科植物三点金的无性繁殖研究

3)Vegetative propagation无性繁殖

1.Physiological changes during the senescence process of vegetative propagations of eucalyptus.;桉树无性繁殖衰退过程中的生理变化

2.Analysis of maturity effect in vegetative propagation of trees;树木无性繁殖个体内成熟效应浅析

3.Study on the Vegetative Propagation Techniques of Tilia Amurensis;紫椴无性繁殖配套技术研究

4)reproduction performance繁殖性能

1.Effect of LH secretion onreproduction performance in different goats;不同山羊品种促黄体素分泌状况对繁殖性能的影响

2.Effects of dietary lipid sources on ovary development andreproduction performance of female Eriocheir sinensis;不同脂肪源饲料对中华绒螯蟹卵巢发育与繁殖性能的影响

3.Effects of photoperiod onreproduction performance and egg quality of Cherax quadricarinatus;光照对红螯螯虾繁殖性能及其受精卵卵质的影响

5)Reproductive performance繁殖性能

1.Effects of n-Butanol extract from Achyranthes bidentata on reproductive performance of mice;牛膝正丁醇萃取物对小鼠繁殖性能的影响

2.The effect of nutrition of energy and protein on Livestock reproductive performance;能量和蛋白水平对畜禽繁殖性能的影响

3.Effects of polymorphisms of FSHβ gene on reproductive performances in Suhuai pigs;FSHβ基因多态性对苏淮猪繁殖性能的影响

6)reproductive traits繁殖性状

1.Analysis on fixed effect affectingreproductive traits of sows;影响母猪繁殖性状的固定效应分析

2.Genetic polymorphism of FSH β subunit gene and correlation withreproductive traits in Beijing black pig;北京黑猪FSHβ亚基基因的多态性与繁殖性状的关联分析

3.Polymorphism of FSHβ gene and its correlation analysis withreproductive traits in Large white,Landrace and Landrace×Large white;大白、长白及其杂交母猪FSHβ基因多态性与繁殖性状的相关分析


