100字范文 > 根据 basis英语短句 例句大全

根据 basis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-20 21:28:14


根据 basis英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussing the Basis of Penal Responsibility of Ministration Defect Sin;论职务过失犯罪刑事责任的根据

2.What is thebasis of the moral educational subjectivity is a basic question about the theory and practice of the moral educational subjectivity.德育主体性思想的根据何在?这是关系德育主体性理论和实践的根本问题。

3.First, the disciplines based on specific self-organization theories vary in their respective background, conception and methodology, which require regulating, elucidating and perfecting on thebasis of modern theoretical physics.本文作为尝试建构一般进化论的一部分 ,其主题在于集中探讨进化的内部根据。


1.on the authority of...根据…,以…为依据

2.on the Basis of根据,在...的基础上

3.be based on [upon]以...为基础[根据]的

4.according to ... port tally figure根据……港理货数字

5.establish, set up a base建立、 设立根据地.

6.(3) establishment of base areas;(三)建立根据地;

7....were separated into...groups based on...根据...,将...分成...组

8.petition for a retrial in the light of new evidence根据新证据请求重审.

9.Separated according to kind or class.根据种划分的,根据类划分的

10.This was painted from life, not from a photograph.这是根据实物而不是根据照片画的。

11.an estimate based on little or no information.基于少许根据或完全没有根据的估计。

12.According to our records/the information we have obtained...根据我方记载/根据我方已得到的信息...

13.hearsay evidence传闻证据(指证人根据传说提供的证据)

14.By the expansion of our base areas we mean the addition of areas such as these to the bases already established.将这些根据地,增加到原有的根据地里面去,就叫做发展了根据地。

15.Roots differ from shoots in lacking chlorophyll and not producing buds or lives.根据种子中根的生长情况,可将根分为须根系和直根系。

16.in the sage opinion of experienced journalists根据有经验记者的高见.

17.intelligence-based operatio根据情报而作出的行动

18.I am wearing a new hat.Ⅱ. Draw.根据下面句子画图。



1.Thefoundation of "Democracy within the Party is the Party s life" is: democracy within the party influences the party s survival and development and determines the party s advancement,the legitimation of its execution and the party s unity and unification.“党内民主是党的生命”的理论根据是:党内民主决定党的生存和发展;党内民主决定党的先进性;党内民主决定党执政的合法性;党内民主决定党的团结和统一。

2.After inducing and analyzing the contents andfoundation of opposite theory, the thesis dicusses and concludes the necessaryfoundation and feasiblefoundation in practice and theory of security measures legislate in China.在归纳并评析我国保安处分立法化反对论的立论及其根据的基础上 ,论证保安处分立法化的实践必要性根据和理论必要性根据 ,以及理论可行性根据和实践可行性根

3.The article, based on the defining and establishment of the legal systemization of the construction of spiritual civilization in the market economy, discusses about thefoundation, content and the method of the legal systemization of the construction of spiritual civilization from the perspective of theory and practice.文章围绕市场经济条件下精神文明建设的法制化这一问题,在界定其基本概念的基础上,从理论的视角和实践的层面,对精神文明建设法制化的根据、内容以及途径作了探讨。


1.The necessity andgrounds of the differentiation between public law and private law is the starting point and foundation of this theme.公私法区别的必要及其根据是公私法关系问题的出发点与立论基础。

2.There are profound humanitygrounds,thinkinggrounds,and practicalgrounds for the inquiry into philosophical ontology.哲学本体论探究,有着深刻的人性根据、思维根据和现实根据。

3.There are sufficiently theoretical and practicalgrounds for giving the victim appealing rights.赋予被害人上诉权具有充分的理论和实践根据。


1.There is no adequategrounds for doing this.目前征收案件受理费的根据不足、理由不充分,导致厌讼、私力救济盛行和管辖无序等一系列消极后果,从法院的性质和法院与仲裁机构的比较来看,征收案件受理费也不具有合理性。

2.All that can prove a case to be true are evidence and evidence can t beground for a case unless it has been verified".“证明案件真实情况的一切事实都是证据 ,而证据必须经过查证属实方能成为定案的根据。

3.This essay sets forth thegrounds of system of economic public good proceedings in our country from the function of procedural law, its historical origins, it s theoretical foundation and its actual situation, etc.文章从诉讼法的作用、产生的历史渊源、理论依据和实践情况等方面 ,阐述了我国经济公益诉讼制度产生的根


1.The corereason for the stipulation in the criminal law of our country is that the person eliminates the criminal intent voluntarily , promptly and thoroughly; but another two factors lie in the reduction of the objective social harm and the need in terms of the criminal policy .最后,中止犯的处罚标准不能纯粹依照“客观损害”的有无;而应坚持主客观相统一的原则,根据其社会危害性来决定对行为人是减轻处罚还是免除处罚。



