100字范文 > 绘本 picture book英语短句 例句大全

绘本 picture book英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 23:18:04


绘本 picture book英语短句 例句大全

绘本,picture book

1)picture book绘本

1.Houhai Primary School in Nanshan District,Shenzhen carries onpicture book reading.深圳南山区后海小学推动绘本快乐阅读,历时3年,"后海"引发的阅读风潮正在向其所在的深圳南山区21所小学、国内6省的8所中小学及国外蔓延,国际儿童读物联盟(IBBY)的加入,使"后海阅读"链接到了更宽阔的阅读空间。

2.“Modernpicture book”as an emerging form of books,the academic establishment and interpretation of the name because of subject matter,content,expressions,means of communication,audience,etc.“现代绘本”作为一种新兴的图书形式,其学术名称的确立与释义因题材、内容、表现形式、传播方式和受众群体等方面的独特性而极具争议性。

3.The thesis is focus onpicture book Little Lovers.试图通过儿童绘本《小小恋人》的作品赏析,以设计美学角度解构如何有效传达情感,进而引发对生命美学相关问题的思考。


1.Picture Books and Psychological Reconstruction of Children Suffering from Earthquake Disasters论绘本对震灾区儿童心理重建之作用

2.On the Painter of Re-painting Lianchi Xinggong Shierjing Tuyong重绘本《莲池行宫十二景图咏》作者小考

3.Adult Readers’Interpretation toward"Picture Books of Mcdull and Mcmug"成人读者对《麦唛麦兜系列》绘本的解读

4.A Study of Map of the Yellow River(Huanghe tu) Painted in the Kangxi Period of the Qing Dynasty and an Examination of Related History清康熙绘本《黄河图》及相关史实考述

5.The Influence of Japanese Yamato-e on French Impressionism Drawing浅谈日本浮世绘对法国印象派绘画的影响

6.On the Painting of the Characters Dress and Adornment in the Dream of the Red Chamber by Sun Wen of Qing Dynasty;清代孙温绘全本《红楼梦》中人物服饰绘画研究

7.The Methods Used in the Painting of the Characters in The Dream of the Red Chamber Drawn by Sun Wen;孙温绘全本《红楼梦》中人物绘画的借鉴手法

8.A computer graphics program of cam design is presented.本文介绍凸轮设计的计算机绘图程序。

9.The book portrays the actor as a selfish person.这本书把演员描绘成一个自私的人。

10.All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale.本次展览中的所有绘画作品都出售。

11.This book on Chinese painting traces its origins, development, subjects, styles, and techniques.这是一本有关中国绘画的知识性读物。

12.Drag onto the page to add a multi-line text box.拖到绘图页后,可以添加多行文本框。

13.Clouds were done with a basic airbrush on an additional layer.在另一个图层上用基本的喷枪绘制韵。

14.These pictures represent Japanese landscapes at all seasons of the year.这些画描绘日本一年四季的风景。

15.White-and-Black Rainbow--Trace Back Zhang Ding’s Decorative Painting黑白虹——张仃装饰绘画本源探寻

parison between Zhuxianzhen Graphic Arts and Ukiyoe;朱仙镇木版年画与日本浮世绘之比较

17.On the Similarity Poems and Paintings and Wonderful Workmanship--On Shu Slui s Paintings;诗画本一律 天工与清新———谈苏轼的绘画

18.Textual research into the original of Tu Hui Bao Jian in Si Ku Quan Shu;《四库全书》载《图绘宝鉴》底本考原


Picture Books绘本

1.The library and information science realm in Taiwan establishes the 「Delivering Emotional HealingPicture Books to Children in 512 Sichuan Earthquake Areas」project activity in order to assist psychological reconstruction of children suffering from the 512 Sichuan earthquake.爰此,台湾大学图书信息学系与国家图书馆发起「送儿童情绪疗愈绘本到四川」之项目活动,结合台湾图书信息、心理卫生与心理谘商及儿童文学等各界专家学者组成选书小组,挑选50种具情绪疗愈效用之绘本,并出版《儿童情绪疗愈绘本解题书目》,作为导读手册。

2.It is found by studying that adult readers need more emotional demands in the course of reading,and find real life meeting point it the picture books’stories,as the picture books is a successful example.在国内几次绘本浪潮中,《麦唛麦兜系列》与几米、蔡志忠等有着明显的个性区别,它具有浓厚的香港本土气息和人文关怀,其绘本内容设计独具弹性,能包容丰富的读者年龄层。

3)sample drawing样本绘制

1.This paper describes functional frame,development architecture,spatial database design,and attribute database organization of system,especially introducessample drawing and value diffusing modules,also declares spatial diffusing algorithm,minimal seed algorithm and data compressed procedure in detail.本文描述了系统的功能结构、开发结构以及空间数据库设计和属性数据库设计,特别介绍了样本绘制模块和分值扩散模块,并详细给出空间扩散算法、最小种子算法和数据压缩的实现过程。

4)Japanese coloured woodblock print日本锦绘

5)the Essence of Painting绘画本体



