100字范文 > 笔迹 Handwriting英语短句 例句大全

笔迹 Handwriting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-31 21:33:04


笔迹 Handwriting英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on Dynamic Features of ChineseHandwriting Signature.;中文签名笔迹动态特征研究

2.Study on the impact of handwriting on perceptions of individuals attractiveness;笔迹对个体吸引力影响的实证研究

3.Examination of handwriting of an adult whose writing habit had not formed;书写习惯未定型成年人笔迹检验


1.villainous handwriting, weather糟糕的笔迹、 天气.

2.A style or individual sample of writing.笔迹个人的书法笔迹或风格

3.Study on Stabilization and Variation of The First Stroke and Last Stroke of Handwriting;笔迹检验中笔迹起收笔特征稳定与变化的研究

4.The study of handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing character.笔迹学笔迹研究,尤指旨在作为一种性格分析的手段的笔迹研究

5.The theory of Handwriting analysis mainly based on graphology psychology.笔迹分析是以笔迹学、笔迹心理学为基础的新兴学科。

6.Is that signature in your handwriting?那个签名是你的笔迹吗?

7.Your writing is hard to read.你的笔迹很难辨认。

8.I must erase this handwriting.我们得消除这些笔迹。

9.an illegible scrawl.难以辨认的潦草的笔迹。

10.Excuse my scrawl.原谅我潦草的笔迹。

11.I can"t read his handwriting.我看不懂他的笔迹.

12.`Are they in the prisoner"s handwriting?"“是那罪犯的笔迹吗?”

13.Your hand o" write, George?是你的笔迹吧,乔治?

14.His handwriting is difficult to imitate.他的笔迹很难模仿。

15.I can hardly read his handwriting.我简直认不清他的笔迹。

16.The letter was written in a strong, fine hand.信上的笔迹有力,洒脱。

17.- with his handwriting?-上头却有着他的笔迹呢?

18.an illegible scribble不易辨认的潦草笔迹


handwriting verification笔迹鉴别

1.Selection of SVM parameters using chaotic series and its application inhandwriting verification;基于混沌序列的SVM参数选择及其在笔迹鉴别中的应用

2.This paper presents a context dependent method of off-linehandwriting verification based on the texture feature.针对文本依存的离线笔迹鉴别,提出一种基于纹理的算法。

3.A Chinese character image could be compressed into a vector of 52 elements inhandwriting verification system.在笔迹鉴别中为了便于获取特征字符的细微特征,基于线性矩和小波变换提出了提取特征字符纹理特征的方法。

3)handwriting identification笔迹鉴别

1.The Pre-Processing&Feature Extraction Research On Computer Handwriting Identification;笔迹鉴别预处理与特征抽取技术研究

2.Analysis of pre-processing algorithms in computerhandwriting identification汉字手写笔迹鉴别预处理算法的研究

puter Handwriting Identification System Based on B/S Structure基于B/S结构的计算机笔迹鉴别系统

4)online handwriting在线笔迹

5)handwriting distinguishing笔迹辨伪

6)writer identification笔迹鉴别

1.A method is presented for text independentwriter identification using multi class SVM and texture feature of the whole script 2D Gabor filter is applied to feature extraction, after that multi class SVM is used to train and test the data In the WS ICT writer script gallery collected from 87 persons, the proposed algorithm obtained competitive result针对与书写内容无关的笔迹 ,提出利用快速Gabor小波提取笔迹图像的整体纹理特征、用支持向量机(SVM)进行训练和识别的方法 SVM是解决两类问题的算法 ,而笔迹鉴别是一个多类问题 ,通过“一对多”的方法将多类问题转化为两类问题 在 87人笔迹库上的实验结果表明 ,文中基于SVM和纹理的笔迹鉴别方法是有效

2.This text takes the handwriting as a kind of texture, transform thewriter identification for texture identification, withdraw the texture characteristics of handwriting images by multi-channel Gabor filtering, carry on the classification with the support vector machines.笔迹鉴别是通过分析手写字符的书写风格来判断书写人身份的一门技术。


