100字范文 > 审美风格 Aesthetic style英语短句 例句大全

审美风格 Aesthetic style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-19 14:45:40


审美风格 Aesthetic style英语短句 例句大全

审美风格,Aesthetic style

1)Aesthetic style审美风格

1.Feng Zhi and aesthetic style in his early writing;论冯至前期创作的审美风格

2.On the aesthetic style of the new realistic novel;“就是这一片沉重而多情的风景”——论新现实主义小说的审美风格


1.The Research for Aesthetic Style of Songci Which are in Songci s Selection Complied by the People of Song Dynasty--The Major Style Which is Soft Style;宋人选宋词选本的审美风格探究——以婉约的审美风格为主

2.On the Aesthetic Style of"Splendour"and"Elegancy"of Chinese Traditional Music中国传统音乐之“壮美”与“优美”审美风格探析

3.The Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Aesthetic Style of Figure Painting;魏晋南北朝时期人物画审美风格初探

4.The Style of the Family Ethnic TV Plays during These Years;近年家庭伦理电视剧的审美风格初探

5."By Fantasy to Enter the Truth": On the Aesthetic Style of Yan Lianke"s Novels“出幻入真”:阎连科小说审美风格论

6.Aesthetic Style of Song Dynasty"s Greenish White Porcelain in JingDeZhen论宋代景德镇青白瓷“雅”的审美风格

7.The aesthetic style of gaudiness--from a particular cultural viewpoint“艳俗”的审美风格——一种文化的探寻

8.Talk About the Changes of Aesthetic Styles from Song O in Southern Song Dynasty to San Qu in Yuan Dynasty;从南宋词到元散曲艺术审美风格的转变

9.Poetry and Tragedy──Aesthetic Style of the Chinese Modern Little Town Novels;诗意与悲剧——中国现代小城小说的审美风格

10.Emotion expressing--Study on style of Sun Guangxian s ci;气骨遒劲——论五代词人孙光宪词的审美风格

11.The Aesthetic Characteristics of the Folk Drawing Creation in Huangzhong County,Qinghai Province;青海湟中现代民间绘画创作的审美风格

12.On the Painting Style of the Tang Dynasty Through the Picture A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin;从《簪花仕女图》探看唐代仕女画的审美风格

13.Firm But Gentle Brief Comment on the Aesthetic Style of Gong Zizhen s Poems;剑气箫心 亦刚亦柔——龚自珍诗歌审美风格简论

14.A Study of Yi Kyu-bo s Criticism on the Aesthetic Styles of Ancient Chinese Poetry;浅析李奎报对中国古代诗歌创作的审美风格论

15.The Change of Cultural Vogues and the Supersession of Literature Looking from Aesthetic Style of Verse Popular in Yuan Dynasty;从元散曲审美风格看文化风尚的变迁与文学的代兴

parison and Exploration of Aesthetic Characteristics and Vocal Technique between Chinese Vocal Music Art and Western Vocal Music Art;中西声乐技术风格与审美特征之比较

17.On the Aesthetic Connotation of the magnificent Style of "Poetry Quality";论《诗品》“雄浑”风格的审美内涵

18.On Layuout Style of Modern Newspapers and some Easthetic Principles;当代报纸版面风格及其审美原则探析


art aesthetic style艺术审美风格

3)Style of beauty appreciations of chorus合唱审美风格

4)aestetic style审美艺术风格

5)design style and esthetic characteristic设计风格与审美特点

6)aesthetic personality审美人格

1.This paper has,from the perspectives of philosophical function and philosophy education and on the base of construction ofaesthetic personality,pointed out the internal connection between philosophy education and construction ofaesthetic personality.以哲学的功能和哲学教育为视角,从审美人格的建构出发,揭示哲学教育与审美人格建构中的内在关联。

2.Owing to the establishment ofaesthetic personality,the aesthetic perceivers are in independent,alool,free mood to comprehand the true meaning of nature.魏晋士人审美人格的确立,使主体能以独立、超然、自由的心态去把握、领悟自然美的真谛。

3.Hisaesthetic personality is the first part of his subject personality.嵇康的人格重在作为一个主体的“人”的自觉意识,他把人与人生作为审美的对象,将人生审美化、艺术化了,审美人格构成他主体人格的第一个层面;他崇尚自然、具有反抗意味的放达通脱、任性任情的个性构成他主体人格的自由层面;他的理想人格———“君子”形象既有道家的玄远、自然的理想色彩,又有亲切的人间气息,他以现实人生实践着自己的理想人格,使玄学精神有了可实践性。


