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索引 index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-24 03:54:47


索引 index英语短句 例句大全



1.Improving No.1 Military Medical Project by using Oracleindex;利用Oracle索引提高“军卫一号”的运行性能

2.Application and maintenance of the databaseindexes on hospital information system;军字一号数据库索引的应用与维护探讨

3.Dynamic packingindex structure for moving objects;一种动态紧缩的移动对象索引结构


1.To enter in an index.入索引把…编入索引

2.of or relating to or serving as an index.索引的,关于索引的,或用于索引的。

3.The index is at the back (of the book).索引在(书的)末尾.

4.Every publication is indexed in three ways: by subject, by author"s first name, and by title.每种出版物用三种方式索引:主题索引,作者名索引和书名索引。

5.A hint has been supplied suggesting that these indexes should be used.给定的索引建议应该使用这些索引。

6.The index was not accessible and was removed from the index list.索引不可访问,且已从索引列表中删除。

7.The rowset uses integrated indexes and there is no current index.行集使用了集成索引,但没有当前索引。

8.The number of tabs in the tab strip.索引標籤區域中的索引標籤數目。

9.search engine搜索器,搜索引擎,[台]搜寻器,搜寻引擎

10.WiseNut Search Engine white paper. Author: Wisenut Inc. 2001.搜索引擎目录。作者:搜索引擎指南网。

11.The Research and Implementation of Indexer Technology in Professional Search Engine System;专业搜索引擎索引技术的研究与实现

12.Inverted Index Research of Search Engine Based on XML基于XML的搜索引擎倒排索引研究

13.Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index.索引搜索的数目。索引搜索用于启动范围扫描和单个索引记录提取以及在索引中改变位置。

14.For fast searching, allow Indexing Service to index this file为了快速搜索,允许索引服务编制该文件的索引

15.Indexing has paused. Do you want Find Fast to continue indexing now?索引已暂停。现在是否让“文件检索”继续编制索引?

16.The Study of Retrieval Method and Searcher of Internet Search Engine;网络搜索引擎中检索器检索方法研究

17.Index does not match the table. Delete the index file and re-create the index.索引与表不匹配。请删除该索引文件然后重建索引。

18.PHPDIG: the smallest search engine in the universe. A powerful search and indexing engine written in PHP.最小的搜索引擎。一个强大的,搜索和索引引擎,用PHP开发。



1.An efficient imageindexing method based on adaptable fuzzy clustering;一种基于自适应模糊聚类的高效图像索引方法

2.The XMLindexing technology based on the PATRICIA-TRIES structure;PATRICIA-TRIES结构的XML数据索引技术

3.DBPVI:a DTD-based partly-value XMLindexing;一种基于DTD的不完全值索引结构

3)hook rope引索

4)search index搜索索引

5)indexed search索引检索

6)citation index引文索引

1.Scientific Citation Index and Evaluation of Scientific Achievements;《科学引文索引》与科技评价工作——《引文索引法的理论及应用》译后记

2.Approaches of Achieving Citation Index s Function on the Searching Flowchart of Web of Science;从Web of Science的检索流程看引文索引的功能实现途径

3.The Development, Functions and Significance of Chinese SocialSciences Citation Index;中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)之研制、意义与功能


