100字范文 > 网络英语 internet English英语短句 例句大全

网络英语 internet English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-13 21:33:42


网络英语 internet English英语短句 例句大全

网络英语,internet English

1)internet English网络英语

1.Internet English——A New Variety of the English Language;网络英语——英语语言的一种新变体(英文)

2.The Patterns of Word-Formation of Internet English and its Language Characteristics;网络英语的构词规律及其语言特征

3.On the Characteristics and Formation of Internet English;网络英语的特点及构词特征探析


1.Internet English--A New Variety of the English Language;网络英语——英语语言的一种新变体(英文)

2.English Teaching through Computer and Network;计算机辅助英语教学及网络英语教学(英文)



5.Language Features of the Headline of English Sports News Report in the Internet谈网络英语体育新闻标题的语言特色

6.A Brief Analysis of English Cyber-Neologism and Its Influence on Chinese Language网络英语新词分析及其对汉语的影响

News: the Authentic Input in EFL Classes;网络英语新闻:真实性输入在英语教学中的应用

8.The Role of Mastering Network English Learning Skills in promoting English Language Teaching掌握网络英语学习技巧对英语教学的促进作用

9.The Features of Internet English News Text (IENT) Viewed from the Perspective of Language Metafunctions;从语言元功能角度看网络英语新闻的语篇特征

10.Study on pragmatic feature and function of English network slang words;网络英语俚语词的语用特点及功能研究

11.The Semantic Network and Acquisition of English Prepositions at, on and in;英语介词AT,ON和IN的语义网络及其习得研究

12.The Construction of Oral English Teaching System Based on Network;基于网络的英语口语教学体系的构建

13.Superficially Discuss the Use of the Network Language Lab Network in English Learning;浅谈网络语音室在英语学习中的应用

14.A New Language Formation--Net Lingo;网络语言——新的语言方式(英文)

15.Internet & Task-based Oral English Instruction Model;基于网络的任务型英语口语教学模式

16.Applying Net Corpus-based Approaches to EFL Writing;网络语料库在英语写作教学中的应用

17.Online Sports News English: A Corpus - based Study;基于语料库的网络体育新闻英语研究

18.The Social Pragmatic Effects of Netglish & Txttlk;网络交际英语N etglish和Txttlk的语用效应


network English网络英语

1.The Characteristics of the Two Word Formations in Network English;网络英语中两种构词方法的特点

2.Starting From the Neologism “Netiquette” ——Simultaneously Talking about the Features of Word-Formation of Network English;从“Netiquette”一词谈起——兼论网络英语构词特色

3)English Netspeak英语网络语言

1.A Study ofEnglish Netspeak in Chatrooms from Perspective of Register Theory;运用语域理论对聊天室英语网络语言的研究

4)network English teaching网络英语教学

1.This paper discusses the intrinsic relations betweennetwork English teaching and constructivist learning theories,expatiates on the ways of using network resources reasonably and bringing students subject effect into play,and making learning personalized so as to build a teaching model corresponding to constructivist learning environment.探讨了网络英语教学与建构主义学习理论的内在联系,阐述了如何合理利用网络资源,发挥学习者的主体作用,让学习个性化,从而建立与建构主义学习环境相适应的教学模式。

work English andnetwork English teaching have gradually been attached importance to in the foreign language world in China.网络英语和网络英语教学在我国外语界越来越受到重视。

3.This article discusses the necessity of carrying outnetwork English teaching, the English learning characteristics of the students in vocational college and how to cany outnetwork English teaching.本文从英语学习的角度探讨了在高职院校进行网络英语教学的必要性,高职学生英语学习的特点和如何开展网络英语教学。

5)online English teaching网络英语教学

1.Learners autonomous learning is the prerequisite for the effectiveness and the internal requirement ofonline English teaching.学习者积极推进自主学习既是网络英语教学的内在要求,又是网络英语教学取得成效的基本前提,因此培养学习者自主学习能力也就成为网络英语教学中的一个重要课题。

2.The mode of task-basedonline English teaching based on constructivism operates under computer network.基于建构主义的任务型网络英语教学模式旨在以计算机多媒体网络为基本条件,以英语主题教学内容为主要教学任务,密切结合教师的组织、引导、监督和评估,通过网络发挥学习者的互动性和主观能动性,对“任务”涉及的问题进行搜索、了解、反馈、探讨和掌握,进而对认知水平重新构建,提升学习者英语应用能力,拓宽其知识领域,增强其探究问题和独立解决问题的能力,使之具有创新性思维和主动获取信息的自主学习能力。

3.Based on constructivism theory,the paper first attempts to find out a link between the theory andonline English teaching.从建构主义理论入手,找出建构主义理论与网络英语教学的契合点,探讨建构主义背景下英语网络教学的特点及课程设计的原则与方法,提出一个更加适合现代英语教学的模式。

6)Web-based English Teaching网络英语教学

1.This paper was dedicated to the exploration of teacher s irreplaceable roles in web-based English learning by coping with the substance of web-based English teaching,its features and the relations among different elements of teaching.本文从二语习得过程以及建构主义学习理论出发,通过分析网络英语教学的实质、特点,各教学要素之间的关系,从而探讨了教师在网络英语学习中不可替代的多重角色。

2.Positioning the Roles of Teachers inWeb-based English Teaching Context;Burden的社会建构主义理论为基础,讨论了影响网络英语教学过程的各个组成因素,着重从教师自我完善、具体教学任务、学生个体发展及网络环境和其他环境等层面分析和讨论了基于网络的英语教学中教师的角色问题。


外贸英语--货物保险英语表达F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".WPA代表水渍险。insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 综合险,应保一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险
