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社会环境 social environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-16 09:48:38


社会环境 social environment英语短句 例句大全

社会环境,social environment

1)social environment社会环境

1.Exploring Connection Between Tooth Caries and Factors Involved Social Environment and Human s Behavior;龋病与社会环境及人的行为因素关系的探讨

2.Rational consideration on the human resources development of university teachers in terms of thesocial environment;高校教师人力资源开发社会环境的理性思考


1.ESCAP Environment News亚太经社会环境季刊

2.train for a social environment.为适应社会环境而训练。

3.III.The Social Environment and the Competitiveness三社会环境与竞争力

4.The Differences between University Environmental Education and Society Environmental Education;学校环境教育与社会环境教育的区别

5.The dissertation is divided into two parts: Social Conditions and Human Situations.论文分两部分:社会环境和人的处境。

6.In China the environmental categories are further classified as natural environment and social environment.我国习惯把环境种类分为自然环境与社会环境两大类。

7.And completed the acculturation of the female and social sex in this kind of social milieu.并在这种社会环境中完成了女性性别的社会化。

8.Preserving and protecting the environment and supporting communities where we do business保护环境,回报社会。

9.ESCWA/UNEP Environment Coordination Unit西亚经社会/环境规划署环境协调股

10.On Environmental Theory of Laws,Environmental Ethics and Harmonious Society;浅谈环境法理、环境伦理与和谐社会

11.Division for Environment Management and Social Development环境管理和社会发展司(环社司)

12.Development in Sociology; Understanding Environmental Sociology from NIE社会学的变迁——从NIE中认识环境社会学

13.Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility and Boosting Harmonious Development of Society;社会和谐发展环境下的企业社会责任

14.Using the Idea of Circular Economy to Construct Environmental-Friendly Society;用循环经济理念构建环境友好型社会

15.Build few crucial links of environmental friendly type society;建设环境友好型社会的几大关键环节

16.Outline of the Environmental Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in the Environment-friendly Society;环境友好型社会中的环境纠纷解决机制论纲

17.Environment Education in Colleges and Universities From the View of the Construction of Environment-friendly Society;从建设环境友好型社会谈高校环境教育

18.Re source Saving Type and Environment Amity Type Society and Green Environment Tax;资源节约型、环境友好型社会与绿色环境税收


Society environment社会环境

1.The enterprise ethics deficiency can be concluded into five categories: systems,governments,society environments,consumers and enterprises.企业伦理缺失,可以归结为制度、政府、社会环境、消费者、企业五个层面的原因。

3)social circumstance社会环境

1.Therefore,the difference in the view of country deeply roots in the distinguishingsocial circumstances between eastern and western societies.二者国家观的深刻差异源于中西不同的社会环境。

2.The reform needs asocial circumstance of being harmonious and stable, needing the knowledges and conception to be unified into scientific development conceception, and further to emphasize the people foremost.改革需要一个和谐稳定的社会环境,需要把认识与观念统一到科学发展观上来,进而强调以人为本。

3.The first chapter studies the statements in Pre-Qin of the impact ofsocial circumstance on human nature.论文主要是由先秦社会环境与人性关系问题引出的思考,在探讨“何谓人性?”的基础上,着力回答人性是永恒的还是可塑的争论问题。

4)social circumstances社会环境

1.According to the change ofsocial circumstances and Porter’s theory of competition, it also tells why Chinese bank industry should place bancassurance in a strategic position and gives some advices to improve the development of bancassurance in China.本文分析了中国银行业对待银行保险的误区和产生的原因,根据社会环境的变化和Porter的竞争理论分析了我国银行业应将银行保险提到战略的高度来加以经营的理由,并提出了促进我国银行保险发展的几点建议。

2.Poor influence ofsocial circumstances is the most important reason which youngsters commit an offence increasingly.青少年犯罪率居高不下的一个重要原因是社会环境的不良影响,其中的主要影响因素有:价值观变迁、不良传媒、社会不良风气、就业困难与压力、封建糟粕文化残余等。

3.As a result of the efforts of several political interest groups,it took place in the complicatedsocial circumstances in which the attempts of western powers,the influences of western learning,the endeavors of the reformists and the power struggles of various groups were mingle mangled.它所面临的社会环境是复杂的 ,它是近代中国社会几股政治势力共同作用的结果。

5)social condition社会环境

1.An Analysis of Social Conditions for Promoting Farmers s Income Generation in Yunnan;促进云南农民增收的社会环境因素分析

2.As far as medical disputes be concerned, apart from the defect of medical management and medical service, there are some deep level reasons involved in comprehensivesocial condition, such as social values, right consciousness, sense of legality, and medium intervention,etc, which must be taken seriously.随着改革开放的不断深入 ,医患双方的利益格局发生了新的变化 ,只有从改善社会环境背景入手 ,才能适应这一变化 ,才有可能减少医患纠纷的发生 ,最终使医患双方的合法权利得到保

3.According to the research on the health of the living environment and thesocial condition during the construction of a residence,this paper summarizes the key points that should be noticed,then puts forward the points of view that healthy residence is a developing tendency of residence.通过对居住区建设中居住环境的健康性和社会环境的健康性两方面的分析研究,总结出建设健康住区应关注的要点,即:影响室内外环境健康性因素、自然环境的亲和性、健康环境的保护、社会环境的健康性及居住者心理等,进而提出融入健康设计思想的居住建筑是未来住宅发展的主要趋势。

6)social setting社会环境

1.Charity can never develop without donation culture and itssocial setting.慈善事业的发展需要捐赠文化及其社会环境,但由于多种原因致使我国捐赠文化严重缺失。


