100字范文 > 集散控制 Distributed Control英语短句 例句大全

集散控制 Distributed Control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-28 20:12:09


集散控制 Distributed Control英语短句 例句大全

集散控制,Distributed Control

1)Distributed Control集散控制

puter based distributed control system of circular knitting machine;针织圆机的计算机集散控制系统

2.Application of PLCDistributed Control System Based on PROFIBUS;基于PROFIBUS总线的PLC集散控制系统的应用

3.Design of distributed control system for 75t/h circulating fluidized bed Boiler;75t/h循环流化床锅炉集散控制系统设计


1.The Application of DCS in Oxygen Making MachineDCS集散控制系统在制氧系统中的应用

2.The application of DCS to a copper smelting furnace集散控制系统在铜冶炼鼓风炉控制中的应用

3.The Process Control Method by Means of Embedded Technology and Separating Layers on the Base of Distributed Control System;基于集散控制理论的嵌入式分层过程控制方法

4.Control system design of mechanical tridimensional garage on distributed control theory基于集散控制理论立体车库控制系统设计

5.Design of low cost DCS for intelligent charger智能充电机低成本集散控制系统设计

6.Design of Open-interfaced,Simple and Easy DCS一种开放型、简易集散控制系统设计

7.Study on the DCS of Plastics Extruding Line塑料挤出生产线集散控制系统的研究

8.Application of DCS in Chemical Enterprises浅谈集散控制系统在化工企业的应用

9.Research on Distribute Control System of Organic Glass Stretcher;有机玻璃拉伸机集散控制系统的研究

10.Research and Design on Distribute Control System for Grinding System;研磨工艺集散控制系统的研究与设计

11.Design of Initiating Explosive Device Pressing Production Line Distributed Control System;火工品压装生产线集散控制系统设计

12.Design and Implementation of DCS in Paper-making;集散控制系统在造纸中的设计与实现

13.Design of Temperature Fuzzy Control System of Central Air-condtioning Based on Distributing Control;中央空调温度模糊集散控制系统设计

14.The Design of Realtime Communication in Distributed Control System;面向集散控制系统通信实时性的设计

15.The Design and Realization of Configuration Software of Distributed Control System;集散控制系统组态软件的设计与实现

16.Application of Distribution Control System (DCS) on Acrylic Fiber Process;集散控制系统(DCS)在腈纶生产中的应用

17.Design of Distributed Control System of Sewage Treatment Based on WinCC;基于WinCC污水处理集散控制系统的设计

18.Design, Configuration and Application of DCS Distributed Control SystemDCS集散控制系统设计组态及应用




2.Design of Intelligent Steady Flow Test System for Messuring Inlet Gas Swirl of Diesel Engine Based onDCS;基于集散控制的智能型柴油机稳流气道试验系统设计

3.A Small-SizedDCS System of Low Cost Fermentation Process;一种小型低成本发酵过程集散控制系统

3)distributed control system集散控制

1.Application ofdistributed control system theory to design of automatic fire alarm system in the industrial building campus;集散控制理论在工业建筑群火灾自动报警系统设计中的应用

2.Study ondistributed control system for the high power transverse-flow CO_2 laser;高功率横流CO_2激光器集散控制系统的研究

3.Distributed Control System and Development Tread;集散控制系统及发展趋势

4)total distributed control集散控制

1.The paper briefly introduces the application oftotal distributed control system in the actual production of polyner driving and indicates the characteristics and functions of thetotal distributed control syste本文简要介绍了计算机集散控制系统在聚合物配液生产中的实际运用,说明了集散控制系统的特点和功能。

2.The paper deals with the design of a kiln of color incline small special computertotal distributed control system in a magnetic industry.针对磁性材料行业 ,设计了彩偏窑专用小型计算机集散控制系统 。

5)Distribution control集散控制

1.But chemical industry is special, it is important tochoose and apply distribution control system.本论文各个方面分析研究,认为集散控制系统是企业发展的必然选择。

2.On the basis,the sim- ulation software of distribution control system for wet limestone/gypsum flue--gas desulfu- ration is designed and empoldered.本文对湿式石灰石/石膏法烟气脱硫仿真系统进行研究,建立了一系列仿真数学模型,在此基础上,设计并开发了湿式石灰石/石膏法烟气脱硫集散控制仿真软件,初步实现了集散控制功能。

6)DCS collecting and distributing controlDCS集散控制

1.The paper narrates the situation of the applications in electrical drive and automatic control in papermaking process and the development ofDCS collecting and distributing control system.叙述了造纸生产过程的电气传动和自动控制应用方面的情况及 DCS集散控制系统的发展 ,介绍了保证造纸生产工艺和设备高效可靠运行重要手段的工业控制自动化技术。


