100字范文 > 失灵 Failure英语短句 例句大全

失灵 Failure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-14 19:06:23


失灵 Failure英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on breaker failure protection;断路器失灵保护有关问题的探讨

2.OnFailure of Stock Option;股票期权制度失灵引起的反思


1.On the market failure and government "failure" in urban management;城市经营中的市场失灵和政府“失灵”

2.About Distinction between Two Kinds of Ineffectiveness;浅析公共政策失灵与政府失灵的区别

3.Market Failure, Government Failure, Nonprofit Organization Failure and Public Service System Interacted Mutually;市场失灵、政府失灵与非营利组织失灵及三者互动的公共服务体系

4.underreaching protection继电器失灵保护装置

5.circuit-breaker failure portection equipment断路器失灵保护装置

6.BRAKES: Are your brakes mushy?刹车:刹车是否失灵?

7.Something is wrong with the machine;it is out of gear.机器出了故障,它失灵了。

8.But often,these features fail.但这些功能会经常失灵。

9.The shutter of this camera doesn"t work.这相机的快门失灵了。

10.a lift, bell, switch that doesn"t work失灵的电梯、 电铃、 开关

11.The car engine suddenly gave out.汽车发动机突然失灵了。

12.power-fail & auto restart电源失灵与自动恢复

13.The baggage carousel has broken down .行李传送带失灵了。

14.The clutch has burnt out.离合器因过热而失灵.

15.Animate and Inanimate in EC Translation;论英汉翻译中的“有灵”与“失灵”

16.The Retirement Insurance Market and the Government Out of Control and the Corrections;养老保险的市场失灵与政府失灵及其矫正路径

17.Governance: the New Choice Facing the Ineffectiveness of Government and Market;治理:面对政府失灵与市场失灵的新选择

18.From Market Failure to Government Failure: The Evolution of Externality Theory and Policy;从市场失灵到政府失灵:外部性理论及其政策的演进



1.Based on an analysis of law and economics,this paper has probed into the necessity andmalfunction of bank supervision.本文引入法经济学的分析方法,对银行监管制度从监管必要性和监管失灵两方面进行探讨。

2.The "malfunction of Okun s law" presently exists in China,which means that the high increasing rate of economy is combined with high rate of unemployment.“奥肯定律”在中国存在着失灵现象,即高的经济增长率同时伴随着高的失业率。


1.The ineffectiveness of the transaction right to discharge pollution is one of the "hot topics" being discussed in the world recent years.但是,对该交易潜在的失灵鲜有提及,缺乏及时和必要的立法准备。

2.Starting from the operation systems of the talent markets,the exterior,and the information s dissymmetry,this paper analyzed the problems of the ineffectiveness of talent markets in detail and raised the importance of formulating the talent introduction policies .文章试图从人才市场的运行机制出发,从外部性、信息不对称等方面详细论述了人才市场的失灵问题,并提出要弥补市场失灵,政府制定相应的人才引进政策至关重要。

3.The fundamental value of economic law lies in the realization of social interests as a whole;it is orientated decisively by the function and aim of the law;it is required in overcoming ineffectiveness of market and civil law,in seeking fairness and inexorably in developing sustainably.是克服市场失灵、民法失灵的要求;是追求公平的要求;是可持续发展的必然要求。

4)out of order失灵,失效

5)market failure市场失灵

1.The choice in the reform of public health system——How to deal with government failure andmarket failure;公共卫生体制改革的选择——如何应对“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”

2.Flood risk insurancemarket failure;洪水风险保险市场失灵研究

3.Study onmarket failure and government intervention in modulating wetlands;湿地资源配置中的市场失灵与政府干预研究

6)government failure政府失灵

1.The choice in the reform of public health system——How to deal withgovernment failure and market failure;公共卫生体制改革的选择——如何应对“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”

2.Analysis ofgovernment failure in the process of urban house dismantlement;论城镇房屋拆迁中的政府失灵

3.The revision of China’sgovernment failure intransition under the background of accede to WTO;转型期我国“政府失灵”在入世背景下的矫正


