100字范文 > 灾变 catastrophe英语短句 例句大全

灾变 catastrophe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-20 04:32:54


灾变 catastrophe英语短句 例句大全



1.A Catastrophe-based Parallel Genetic Algorithm;一种基于灾变的多群体遗传算法


1.Artificial Nature and Technical Risk in the Disaster人工自然与灾变中的技术风险——以地震灾害为例

2.Damage regularity and control techniques of Dictyoploca japonica银杏大蚕蛾的灾变规律与控灾技术研究

3.A violent and sudden change in the earth"s crust.灾变地壳的剧烈而突然的改变

4.To establish paroxysmal catastrophe social defending system in China and to manage catastrophe;我国突发性灾变社会防范机制的建立与灾变处理

5.a convulsion of nature自然界的灾变((地震、火山爆发等))

6.Studied on Disaster Rule and Presentiment Technology of Diaphania Pyloalis (Walker) Disserving in Wujiang City;吴江市桑螟灾变规律及预警技术研究

7.Study on Self-Organized Criticality、Fractal and Theory of Disasters;自组织临界性、分形及灾变理论研究

8.Corrections on Astronomical Treatise of SuiShu;《隋书·天文志·五代灾变应》勘误

9.Study of Disasters Mind-damage Based on Logarithmic Normal Distribution;基于对数正态分布的灾变软毁伤研究

10.The research on technology of wall rock disaster in DongRong Second Mine东荣二矿深部围岩灾变控制技术研究

11.The most popular alternative to catastrophism is the gradualistic approach.最著名的灾变论的对立理论就是渐变论。

12.Canadian Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Addressing Climate Change加拿大应对气候变化下的防灾减灾战略

13."and if, when the priest sees the mark on his skin, the hair on the place is turned white and the mark seems to go deeper than the skin, it is the mark of a leper: and the priest, after looking at him, will say that he is unclean."祭司要察看肉皮上的灾病,若灾病处的毛已经变白,灾病的现象深于肉上的皮,这便是大麻疯的灾

14.The fire makes a world of difference.这场火灾之后情况完全变了。

15.Changes of Women s Role in Famine Relief Practices at the End of Qing and the Beginning of the Republic of China;清末民初女性的赈灾实践及角色变迁

16.Climatic changes and flood events since 1000 aBP in the Hai an region;海安地区近1000年来的气候变化与洪灾

17.Discourses on Celestial Omens and Disastrous Occurrences in the Political Context of the Northern Song;北宋政治变革中的“天文灾异”论说

18.The transmutation of natural and man-made calamities seen from the destructive earthquake in Gansu province in 1929;从19甘肃大地震看人祸天灾的嬗变



1.Evaluation index system fordisaster resistance capability of mine ventilation system;矿井通风系统抗灾变能力评价指标体系

2.A dynamic ant colony algorithm withdisaster;具有灾变的动态蚁群算法

3.The resistant capability todisaster of ventilation system is of great importance indisaster rescue and ventilation system evaluation involving structure of ventilation system itself, personnel quality, and management level.通风系统的抗灾变能力对于救灾和通风系统评价具有重要意义,通风系统抗灾变能力涉及通风系统结构、人员素质、管理水平等诸多因素,笔者根据矿井火灾的救灾、防灾具体情况及相关文献,选取了4类共22个指标建立了矿井通风系统抗灾变能力的模糊综合评价数学模型,给出了矿井通风系统抗灾变能力指标体系及分级界定值,采用模糊综合评价法对矿井通风系统抗灾变能力进行了分析。


1.Mimicking thecataclysm of the evolution of eco-system,Cat.模拟自然界中导致生物大规模灭绝的灾变现象,引入灾变的概念来保证解空间的多样性。

2.The sensitivity analysis andcataclysm are employed to improve the Genetic Algorithm for optimization of reactive power planning.以年综合费用最小为目标,建立了考虑系统多负荷水平的配电网无功优化规划数学模型;提出了在灵敏度分析的基础上以负荷功率阻抗矩法确定补偿节点,利用灵敏度分析和灾变思想改进遗传算法的配电网无功规划优化方法;该方法加强了遗传交叉、变异操作的针对性,提高了算法的收敛速度;算例结果表明了其有效性和实用性。

3.Diversity Enhancing Genetic Algorithm(DEGA)is presented to prevent premature convergence of GA,which introduced the ideas of affinity from immune system andcataclysm from biologic evolution process.引入免疫系统“亲和度”的概念和生物进化过程中的“灾变”概念,提出一种强多样性的遗传算法来克服早熟收敛。


1.Protective relaying and electric power systemcollapse prevention;继电保护与电力系统灾变防治

2.Power systemcollapse is the result of cascaded outage,its damage is severe.电力系统灾变,是事故连锁发生的汇集,后果十分严重。

3.Self-organization critical theory is just a statistical theory,it can not fully explain the occurrence of c power systemcollapse.自组织临界性理论只是一种统计学理论,这种统计学理论不能全面解释电力系统灾变的发生机制。


1.Environmental events andcatastrophes from the end of early pleistocene to the early stage of middle pleistocene;早更新世末中更新世早期的环境事件与灾变

6)catastrophic creep灾变蠕变


