100字范文 > 四时 Four seasons英语短句 例句大全

四时 Four seasons英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-02 19:53:10


四时 Four seasons英语短句 例句大全

四时,Four seasons

1)Four seasons四时

1.On the four seasons, Yin-Yang and five elements ——A new exploration of the history of thePre-Qinthoughts;四时与阴阳五行——先秦思想史的另一条线索

2.Four seasons were important philosophical category in the spring and autumn and warring stage period, which affected the thinking mode of agriculture,military affairs,benevolent rule,punishment and medicine theory."四时"在春秋战国时期是一个重要的哲学范畴,影响着当时农业、军事、德政、刑罚以及医药学理论的思维方式,以致使中医药理论具有鲜明的四时特征,形成四时五脏、四时养生、四时脉象、四时治法等医学命题,蕴含着现代气象医学和时间医学的科学思想。

3.Based on the theory of four seasons and five organs in Internal Classic, this paper discusses the pathogenesis and treatment methods and experience of urinary protein with proven cases.根据《内经》四时五脏阴阳的理论,对蛋白尿四时发病之病机进行分析;结合临床医案阐述从四时五脏阴阳论治蛋白尿的方法和经验。


1.like the four seasons, they pass away to return once more.死而更生,四时是也。

2.- We"ve got four hours.- Four hours is plenty.-我们只有四个小时时间-四个小时应该够了

3.The Time Subject and Elements’ Variations in Four Quartets;《四个四重奏》的时间主题与元素变奏

4.It is 5:43 pm on the dot.现在是五时四十三分整。

5.The boy was kept back in the fourth grade.男孩在四年级时留级。

6.He had to repeat the fourth grade.他读四年级时留级一年。

7.The doctor was on call twenty-four hours a day.这医生二十四小时待命。

8.He has four hours"call - in pay.他有四小时的加班费。

9.In other years, April tiptoes in.四月有时蹑手蹑脚来到。

10.Mary"s spit flew as she shouted.玛丽喊叫时唾沫四溅。

11.24-hour psychiatric hotline二十四小时精神科热线

12.Interim Quadripartite Authority of National Reconciliation民族和解四方临时当局

13.Tao Tao was able to swim when she was four years old.涛涛四岁时就会游泳。

14.quadrilateral speed-time curve四边形速度时间曲线

15.You will need an injection every four hours.你要每隔四小时打一针。

16.Take ten drops every four hours.每隔四小时喝十滴。

17.Rub in this cream every four hours.每隔四小时涂这种药膏。

18.They divorced when I was four.“我四岁时,他们就离婚了。


the four seasons四时

1.The statistic on the climatic digits of China discover the corresponding relationships between the five Zang andthe four seasons,the four directions.对中国气象台站的数据资料进行统计 ,发现五脏与四时四方的对应关系。

3)Five zang viscera in four seasons四时五脏

4)Diagnosis in four seasons四时诊病

5)Therapeutic methods in four seasons四时治法

6)Health preserving in four seasons四时养生


四时1.四季。 2.指一年四季的农时。 3.指一日的朝﹑昼﹑夕﹑夜。 4.乐舞名。汉文帝作。
