100字范文 > 反导拦截 anti-missile interception英语短句 例句大全

反导拦截 anti-missile interception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-19 09:58:22


反导拦截 anti-missile interception英语短句 例句大全

反导拦截,anti-missile interception

1)anti-missile interception反导拦截

1.According to the different interception style of ship-to-air missiles, the model ofanti-missile interception for the ship-to-air missile is constructed under circumstances of self-interception and cooperative-interception.根据舰空导弹拦截方式的不同,在自身拦截和协同拦截两种情况下建立了舰空导弹反导拦截次数的数学模型,并在模型参数取典型值的条件下利用MATLAB进行了仿真。

2)anti-missile interceptor反导拦截弹

1.Blended control ofanti-missile interceptor using PW lateral thrust;用脉宽式直接弹道侧向力的反导拦截弹复合控制方法

2.A control method ofanti-missile interceptor using PW lateral thrust;反导拦截弹的一种PW直接侧向控制方法

3)intercept missile拦截导弹

1.The blended control system of anintercept missile by means of combining the aerodynamics control with reac- tion jets control is studied in this paper.以拦截导弹直接力和气动力的复合控制系统为研究对象,首先建立了导弹的数学模型。

2.The compound control system of anintercept missile by means of combining the traditional aerodynamics control with reaction jets control is studied in this paper.以大气层内拦截导弹侧向直接力和气动力的复合控制系统为研究对象 ,首先分析了侧向喷流与来流的干扰现象 ,建立了通过干扰放大因子来描述的侧喷与来流的干扰模型和侧向直接力与气动力的复合控制模型 ,将复合控制系统分解为直接力子系统和气动力子系统 ,并分别针对侧向直接力和气动力的特点设计了直接力控制子系统和气动力控制子系统 ,仿真分析了两个子系统的性能及复合系统的性

3.This paper mainly works on the problems of modeling, control and guidance for anintercept missile based on side jet and aerodynamics compound control.本文的研究主要是围绕着直接力/气动力复合控制拦截导弹的建模、控制和制导所展开的。


1.The Design of Attitude Control System of Moving Mass Actuated BTT Missile变质心BTT拦截导弹姿态控制系统设计

2.Side Jet and Aerodynamics Compound Control、Guidance and Simulation of Intercept Missile;拦截导弹直接力控制、制导及其动画仿真

3.Target tracking algorithm of super-low altitude interceptors based on UKF-IMM超低空拦截导弹武器系统的UKF-IMM目标跟踪算法

4.Intelligent Control、Guidance and Scene Simulation of Intercept Missile Based on Side Jet/Aerodynamics Compound;基于直接力的拦截导弹智能化控制、制导及其视景仿真

5.The interception of a missile by another missile or an aircraft by another aircraft.截击,拦截一导弹为另一导弹或一飞机为另一飞机所拦截

6.Analyzing on the Influences of Electronic Warfare for Ground-to-Air Missile Intercepting Air-Targets;电子战对地空导弹拦截行动影响分析

bat Effectiveness Analysis of the Line of Area Defense Missile Assembled in Surface Warship Formation编队区域防空导弹防线拦截效能分析

8.Study of Guidance and Control Technigue for ATBM In-atmosphere大气层内拦截战术弹道导弹制导控制技术研究

9.Studies of Guidance and Combined Control in Terminal Phase When Intercepting Tactical Ballistic Missile;拦截战术弹道导弹末段导引和复合控制研究

10.The Feasibility Analysis of Portable Surface-to-air Missile Intercepting Cruise Missile便携式地空导弹拦截巡航导弹可行性分析

11.Something, such as a missile, an aircraft, or a radio transmission, that is intercepted.拦截信号截取的导弹,飞机或无线电信号等

12.Modeling and Simulation of TBM Post-boost Interception Time Window弹道导弹被动段拦截时间窗口影响因子分析

13.Research on Modeling and Simulation of Anti-Missile Interception for the Ship-to-Air Missile舰空导弹反导作战拦截次数的建模与仿真

14.Guidance Precision Modeling of Air Defense Misslie Intercepting Formation Targets防空导弹拦截编队目标制导精度建模研究

15.Development of infrared imaging seeker simulation system and technologies for ballistic missile defense KKV弹道导弹防御动能拦截弹红外成像导引头仿真系统与技术的发展

16.Study on Multiple Defense Cruise Missile attack-defense Simulation System多层防御拦截巡航导弹攻防对抗仿真系统研究

17.What does the "Intercept Missiles" function of the Predator do exactly?什么是"导弹拦截"技能,掠夺者如何做到这点?

18.The Research of Model on Aerial Defence Missile Weapon System Detecting and Firing Low-height Aerocraft防空导弹武器系统探测拦截低空飞行器模型


anti-missile interceptor反导拦截弹

1.Blended control ofanti-missile interceptor using PW lateral thrust;用脉宽式直接弹道侧向力的反导拦截弹复合控制方法

2.A control method ofanti-missile interceptor using PW lateral thrust;反导拦截弹的一种PW直接侧向控制方法

3)intercept missile拦截导弹

1.The blended control system of anintercept missile by means of combining the aerodynamics control with reac- tion jets control is studied in this paper.以拦截导弹直接力和气动力的复合控制系统为研究对象,首先建立了导弹的数学模型。

2.The compound control system of anintercept missile by means of combining the traditional aerodynamics control with reaction jets control is studied in this paper.以大气层内拦截导弹侧向直接力和气动力的复合控制系统为研究对象 ,首先分析了侧向喷流与来流的干扰现象 ,建立了通过干扰放大因子来描述的侧喷与来流的干扰模型和侧向直接力与气动力的复合控制模型 ,将复合控制系统分解为直接力子系统和气动力子系统 ,并分别针对侧向直接力和气动力的特点设计了直接力控制子系统和气动力控制子系统 ,仿真分析了两个子系统的性能及复合系统的性

3.This paper mainly works on the problems of modeling, control and guidance for anintercept missile based on side jet and aerodynamics compound control.本文的研究主要是围绕着直接力/气动力复合控制拦截导弹的建模、控制和制导所展开的。

4)Induct and interception引导拦截

5)Missile interception导弹拦截

1.As one of the indispensable technologies in the future war, missile interception has become a researching focus in the military field.导弹拦截作为未来高技术战争的一项必备技术,已成为世界军事领域研究的焦点。

6)guidance interception制导拦截


脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明药物名称:吗多明英文名:Molsidomine别名: 吗导敏;吗多明;吗斯酮胺;脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明外文名:Molsidomine 特点: 脉导敏是一种属于亚胺类化合物,其作用与硝酸盐相似。舌下含服1毫克,2~4分钟起作用,可阻止心绞痛发作。口服一次可持续6~7小时,剂量每天3次,每次2毫克。副作用包括头痛、头胀、脸部发热感等,但不多见。 适应症: 防治心绞痛的发作。 用量用法: 口服:1次1~2mg,1日2~3次,发作时舌下含服:1次2mg。喷雾吸入:每次揿吸1~2次(相当于本品0.2~0.4mg),每日次数酌定。 注意事项: 1.一般不良反应可有头痛、面部潮红、眩晕等,停药后可自行消失。 2.低血压、青光眼病人忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片1mg、2mg。 气雾剂:每瓶含42mg(可揿吸200次左右)。 类别:非选择性钙通道阻滞剂||防治心绞痛药
