100字范文 > 用药特色 drug use characteristics英语短句 例句大全

用药特色 drug use characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-15 23:21:51


用药特色 drug use characteristics英语短句 例句大全

用药特色,drug use characteristics

1)drug use characteristics用药特色


1.The Guizhi and Sini therapy based on the theory of Fuyang从桂枝法和四逆法辨析卢氏扶阳之道与用药特色

2.The Study of Characteristics and Medicine Laws for Curing Amenorrhea by Chen Zi-Ming陈自明论治闭经特色及用药规律研究

3.Polyploidy Induction and Identification of Characteristics Medicinal Plants in Xinjiang;新疆特色药用植物多倍体的诱导与鉴定

4.The Characteristics of Green Fluorescent Protein and its Application in Pharmaceutical Research绿色荧光蛋白的特性及其在药学研究中的应用

5.Establishment of a Rice Enhancer Trap Mutant Library by T-DNA Insertion贵州特色药用兰科植物杜鹃兰和独蒜兰共生真菌研究与应用

6.The artcle make an introduction and analysis of unique form of a drug of Traditional dai medicine Ya Feng(grlnding compound).对傣医方药中“雅芬”(磨剂)剂型的特色和临床应用作了介绍和分析。

7.Research on Structural Characteristics and Applied Properties of Green Pesticide Dispersant GCL4-1绿色农药分散剂GCL4-1的结构特征及应用性能研究

8.Perform well in developing bases for Sichuan-specific medicinal herbs and competitive medicinal materials.抓好川产道地药材和优势特色药材基地建设。

9.Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility and the Resistance Mechanism of Staphylococcus Aureus;金黄色葡萄球菌耐药表型特征及耐药机制研究

10.Land Suitability Evaluation in Jiaozuo Huaiyao Characteristic Agriculture Area;焦作怀药特色农业区土地适宜性评价

11.Features of pharmacy s comprehensive laboratory of Dali University;大理学院药学综合实验室的建设特色

12.Highlight the characteristics of Chinese Medicine to promote the development of Chinese Medicine hospital突出中医药特色 推动中医院发展

13.Study of school-running characteristics in Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Part One)广州中医药大学办学特色研究(上)

14.Drug Resistance of 312 Staphylococcus aureus strains312株金黄色葡萄球菌耐药特性的研究

15.Treatment of 32 Cases of Lumbago due to Intervertebral Disc Diseases by Herbal Cupping Therapy特色水药罐治疗椎间盘源性腰痛32例

16.a cartridge-box worked with gold, and red and green silk;挂着一只用金色,红色和绿色丝锦绣花的弹药盒;

17.Explosives, especially when designed or used as weapons.炸药炸药,特别是指设计为或用作武器的炸药

18.Study on Preparation of Small Size Spheric Propellants and Special Industrial Explosives from Obsolete Explosives and Propellants;废弃火炸药制造小粒药和民用特种炸药的研究


On Using Method of Mongolian Medicine蒙医特色用药方法

3)characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine中药特色

4)special medicinal material特色药材

5)Medical uniqueness医药特色

6)characteristics of drug application用药特点

1.Sun Langchuan′s thinking of syndrome differentiation andcharacteristics of drug application in gynecological disease were concluded.总结孙朗川治疗妇科疾病的辨证思路和用药特点 ,认为孙朗川治病善调气血 ,注重肝脾肾三脏 ,辨证用药经验丰富 ,值得进一步整理和研

2.The swab embodies the contents of syndrome differentiation andcharacteristics of drug application in TCM.北宋名医吴的精湛医术和高尚医德在漳州、泉州和台南民众中久为传颂 ,流传在慈济宫的“济世仙方药签”是现存有关吴的宝贵医药资料 ,该药签体现了中医的选方特点和用药特点 ,今天仍有整理研究的价值。


