100字范文 > 家族企业文化 corporate culture of family businesses英语短句 例句大全

家族企业文化 corporate culture of family businesses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-04 08:57:57


家族企业文化 corporate culture of family businesses英语短句 例句大全

家族企业文化,corporate culture of family businesses

1)corporate culture of family businesses家族企业文化

1.A profound reflection of the status quo of thecorporate culture of family businesses for the sake of developing the essence and discarding the dross and reconstructing it is of great significance to the sustained development of family businesses.因此,深刻反思家族企业文化的现状,实现家族企业文化的扬弃与重构,对家族企业的持续发展具有重要意义。


1.Research on Cultural Remoulding of LZJ Family Enterprise;LZJ公司家族企业文化改造的探讨

2.Anthropology Research on the Change of Emerging Family Corporate Culture新兴家族企业文化变迁的人类学研究

3.Pitfalls and Transcendence in the Cognition of Cultural Construction of Family Enterprise家族企业文化建设认知的误区与超越

4.On the Contradiction of Family Enterprise s Culture to the Management Pattern of Contemporary Enterprise;论家族企业文化与现代企业管理模式的矛盾性

5.A Research on Household Enterprises Institutional Transformation From the Angle of Traditional Culture;基于中国传统文化视角下的家族企业制度变迁——我国家族企业文化研究综述

6.Research on Chinese Family Business Cultural Management in Transitional Period--Improvement and Transcendency of Confucianism;转型期中国家族企业文化管理研究——儒家文化的提升与超越

7.Corporate Culture of Confucian Concept of Family and Japanese Family Business;儒家家族观念与日本家族企业的企业文化

8.Study on the Family Culture Transition of Chinese Modern Family Firms我国当代家族企业“家”文化转型探微

9.Analysis of The Correlation Between Organizational Culture Dimensions & Family Firm Enterprisers;组织文化的纬度对家族企业企业家精神的影响

10.The Influence of Traditional Family Ethical Culture on Family Drug Business;传统家族伦理文化对中国家族医药企业的影响

11.Culture Path Dependence Analysiss about Familial Management of Familial Corporation in China;我国家族企业家族式管理的文化路径依赖分析

12.Family Culture and the Family Enterprises Financing Behaviour;家族文化与中国家族制企业融资行为分析

13.The Influence of Traditional Family Culture on Household Enterprises in China and Its Abandoned Inheritage;传统家族文化对我国家族企业的影响及其扬弃

paris on of Family Businesses among America,Japanand China in Family Cultural View;家族文化视角中的美、日、中三国家族企业比较

15.On the Transformation from Family Enterprise to Modern Enterprise of the Family;家族化企业向企业化家族转变的思考

16.A Cultural Analysis about the Existence of Family Enterprises and Their Reform;家族企业存在和变革的一种文化分析

17.Study on Family Business Knowledge Succession under High Context Culture高语境文化下家族企业知识传承研究

18.On the Corporate Culture and the Sustainable Development of Family Enterprises in China;企业文化与我国家族企业可持续发展初探


business family家族企业化

1.Analyzing the differences of family business in Japan and China, this thesis shows the distance of management,company culture and structure between Japanese and Chinese family business and gives some useful advices for those family business in our country which are converting from "family management" to "business family".文章通过中日两国家族企业的对比分析,揭示了两国家族企业在企业文化、经营管理方式、产权结构以及学习先进文化的态度等方面的差异,对我国家族企业从"企业家族化"向"家族企业化"的转变,具有一定的借鉴价值。

3)familization of enterprises企业家族化

1.The management model offamilization of enterprises in Japan and Southeast Asia is one of the most important causes for the late 1970s Japan s rapid economic development and Southeast Asia s economic rise.日本、东亚企业家族化的经营模式 ,是日本 70年代末经济腾飞、东亚经济崛起的重要原因。

4)Building the family firms culture家族企业文化建设

5)clustering family business集群化家族企业

6)family enterprises家族企业

1.On cultural obstacles to bringing about system changes offamily enterprises in our country;论我国家族企业实现制度变迁的文化障碍

2.Analysis about Family Enterprises: How to Evade Managers Moral Hazard;经理人的道德风险:家族企业如何规避

3.Analysis on innovation of thefamily enterprises management;家族企业管理机制创新探析




中文名称:奈斯维市拉济维乌家族城堡和文化英文名称:architectural, residential and cultural complex of the radziwill family at nesvizh国家: 白俄罗斯所属洲: 欧洲批准时间: 奈斯维市拉济维乌家族城堡和文化位于白俄罗斯中部,拉济维乌王朝时期,修造和保留合奏从16 世纪直到1939 年, 诞生了一些最重要的个性在欧洲历史和文化上。由于他们的努力,奈斯维市巨大影响体现在科学、艺术、工艺和建筑学。复合体包括住所城堡和科珀斯克里斯提陵墓教会以他们的设置。城堡有十个相联的建筑组成, 显现出作为一建筑整体在一个六边庭院附近。宫殿和科珀斯克里斯提教会成为了重要原型, 是中欧和俄罗斯具有代表性的建筑。
