100字范文 > 合成氨 synthetic ammonia英语短句 例句大全

合成氨 synthetic ammonia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-12 20:15:54


合成氨 synthetic ammonia英语短句 例句大全

合成氨,synthetic ammonia

1)synthetic ammonia合成氨

1.The use of hydrogen gas in the production ofsynthetic ammonia;氢气在合成氨生产中的应用

2.The energy use and economy analysis of thesynthetic ammonia system;合成氨系统的能源利用及节能分析

3.Technical economy analysis about application of powder coal gasification furnace onsynthetic ammonia system of methane-methanol technology;恩德粉煤气化炉在双甲工艺合成氨系统应用的技术经济分析


1.Advances in Processes for Ammonia Recovery合成氨生产中含氨尾气回收工艺进展

2.Environment Risk Analysis on Leakage of Liquid Ammonia Tank in Synthetic Ammonia Plant合成氨厂液氨储罐泄漏环境风险分析

3.Isoleucine A nonpolar AMINO ACID, synthesized from threonine.异亮氨酸:是一种非极性氨基酸,由苏氨酸合成。

4.Synthesis and Characterization of Unnatural Amino Acid (4S)-4-Amino-L-Proline;非天然氨基酸(4S)-4-氨基-L-脯氨酸的合成与表征

5.The Enzymatic Synthesis of γ-L-glutamyl-L-tyrosine with γ-glutamyltranspeptidaseγ-谷氨酰转肽酶法合成γ-L-谷氨酰-L-酪氨酸

6.Synthesis of 2-Aminoethyl-bis(3-aminopropyl)amine2-氨基乙基-二(3-氨基丙基)胺的合成

7.horizontal intercooled ammonia converter卧式中间冷却氨合成塔

8.aminolevulinate synthetaseσ-氨基- r-酮戊酸合成酶

9.Preliminary Summary of Revamp of Φ1600 mm Ammonia Synthesis SystemΦ1600mm氨合成系统改造小结

10.Optimization of theanine biosynthesis catalyzed by glutamine synthetase谷氨酰胺合成酶催化合成茶氨酸条件的优化

11.Cysteine A sulfur-containing AMINO ACID synthesized from methionine and serine.半胱氨酸:由甲硫氨酸和丝氨酸合成的含硫的氨基酸。

12.The Synthesis of Waterborne Polyurethane Modifed with Aminoe Silicane and Its Application;氨基硅化合物改性水性聚氨酯的合成及其应用

13.Synthesis of L-theanine via Ni(Ⅱ) complex of glutamic acid"s Schiff base谷氨酸席夫碱Ni(Ⅱ)配合物法合成L-茶氨酸

14.Carbamic acid is formed in reaction(1)and this picks up another molecule of ammonia to give ammonium carbamate.氨基甲酸按反应(1)生成,它结合另一分子氨生成氨基甲酸铵。

15.Peptide Synthesis of L-Prolyl-L-Leucyl-Glycinamide Using Mixed-Carbonic Anhydride Method;混合酸酐法合成L-脯氨酰-L-亮氨酰-甘氨酰胺(PLG)三肽

16.Liquid Phase Syntheses of Peptide Aldehydesand Tripeptide-Rgd;肽醛类化合物和精氨酰甘氨酰天门冬氨酸三肽的液相合成

17.Homoserine has also been implicated in the biosynthesis of methionine.同型丝氨酸也牵涉到蛋氨酸的生物合成。

18.A Novel Synthesis of o-Methoxy-p-[Bis-(2-Chloroethyl)-Amino]-Phenylalanine?甲氧基-对[双-(2-氯乙基)-氨基]-苯丙氨酸的新法合成



1.Advanced and Energy-saving Ratio Control Strategy in Mass Synthetic Ammonia Unit;大型合成氨装置中的先进节能比值控制策略

2.Caculation of available energy of the low temperature flue gas in the primary reformer ofammonia;合成氨一段炉低温烟道气的有效能计算

3.A secondary development ofammonia process on line simulation system;合成氨装置在线模拟系统软件的二次开发

3)ammonia synthesis合成氨

1.Process conditions for methanolization and methanation purification ofammonia synthesis feed gas;合成氨原料气双甲(醇烷化)精制工艺条件的讨论

2.Modification of cooling water process inammonia synthesis;合成氨生产中冷却水流程的改造

3.Wustite as new precursor of industrialammonia synthesis catalysts;合成氨工业催化剂的一种新型前躯体—维氏体

4)synthesis ammonia合成氨

1.This thesis describes the existing problems and process solutions to the low load hydrogen production converted from thesynthesis ammonia unit.介绍了合成氨装置低负荷改制氢存在的技术问题和工艺解决方法,同时论述PSA在低负荷改造中的特点和应用。

2.The natural gas consumption in the existingsynthesis ammonia system is diagnosed and the optimized plans are proposed.以合成氨生产的二段转化工艺流程为研究对象,对现有系统的天然气消耗状况进行了分析与诊断,提出了降低天然气消耗的调优方案。

3.For common condensation separation ofsynthesis ammonia, the energy consumption not only is high, but it is disadvantageous that the synthetical pressure is decreased largely.合成氨分离普遍采用的冷凝分离法不仅能耗高,而且不利于氨合成压力大幅度降低。

5)synthesizing ammonia合成氨

1.According to conditions of experiment and diagnosed transient components in discharge course of blend flowing of N 2 and H 2 by continuous real time mass spectrometry,the reaction path and steps ofsynthesizing ammonia were analysed,the standpoint of decay to ammonia via transient component N 2H 6 is presented.依据试验条件和实时连续质谱诊断的氮氢混合气流放电过程中的瞬态成份 ,分析合成氨的反应途径和步骤 ,提出经由瞬态成份 N2 H6 衰变为氨的观

2.After reviewing the different modes of gas utilization abroad,the paper points out gas at home will mainly be used to generate electricity in the future and the consumption amount of gas forsynthesizing ammonia will also sharply increase,but the ratio of utilizing gas as raw material in the consumption structure will remarkably go down.本文在综合分析了国外天然气利用的不同模式后指出 ,今后我国的天然气将以发电利用为主 ,作为合成氨原料利用的天然气消费量也将有较大幅度增长 ,但原料利用在消费结构中的比例则明显下降。

3.A new method onsynthesizing ammonia,heat equilibrium low temperature plasma method,is introduced.介绍了一种新的合成氨方法热平衡低温等离子体法。

6)ammonia synthesis氨合成

1.Study on impregnation mechanism and condition of Ru/ACammonia synthesis catalyst;活性炭负载钌基氨合成催化剂浸渍机理及条件研究

2.Evaluation of iron catalyst coupled with ruthenium tandem catalyst inammonia synthesis;氨合成铁、钌催化剂联用工艺

3.Study on the preparation of magnesia-active carbon supported ruthenium-based catalysts forammonia synthesis;以MgO-AC为载体的钌基氨合成催化剂的制备研究


