100字范文 > SST sea surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

SST sea surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 07:00:02


SST sea surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

SST,sea surface temperature

1)sea surface temperatureSST

1.The time-frequency structures of monthlysea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) series in NINO3 region and monthly mean maximum and minimum temperature anomaly series in Henan province during the last 55 years are analyzed using the wavelet transform and cross wavelet analysis techniques.采用连续小波变换和交叉小波变换方法,分析了NINO3区(150-90°W、5°N-5°S)海表温度(简称SST)和河南省最高、最低气温的多时间尺度特征,讨论了河南省最高、最低气温与NINO3区SST的时频域相关关系。

2.thesea surface temperature(SST) of the region around typhoon appearing is higher than that of others,and the SST is higher than 26.结果表明:海表温度(SST)在台风发生的区域要高于周围其它区域,而且都在26。



2.Diurnal Cycle of SST in South China Sea and the Effect of Summer Monsoon Onset;南海SST日变化特征及夏季风爆发对SST日变化的影响

3.A Research on the Rural Laborer s Schooling Poverty of China through SST Index;基于SST指数的中国农村教育贫困分析

4.Design and Implement Sea Surface Temperature(SST) Remote Sensing Retrieval System海表温度(SST)遥感反演系统设计与实现

5.Numerical experiment for the impact of SST to Typhoon "Chanchu"SST对台风“珍珠”影响的数值试验

6.Interpretation scheme of SST prediction in the tropical Pacific Ocean based on CCA-BP-BPNN基于CCA-BP-BPNN释用模型的太平洋SST预报

7.Analysis on Housing Industrialization Restrainging Factors from SST PerspectiveSST视角下的住宅产业化制约因素分析

8.A Resesrch on the Technical Changes of Modern Chinese Carpets in the Perspective of SST;SST视野中的近代中国地毯技术变革研究

9.Investigation of SST k-ω Reliabilityin Impinging Jet CoolingSST k-ω模型用于冲击射流冷却的可靠性

10.Asimulation of the Seawater Temperature Vertical Profile from Satellite SST Observation卫星遥感SST反演海水温度垂直剖面的方法研究

11.The Comparison Between EOF and Multi-Regression Method on the Fitting of Tropical SSTEOF方法与多元回归方法对热带SST拟合的比较

12.Design of High-accuracy Data Acquisition System Based on ADS1212 and SSTADS1212和SST单片机实现高精度数据采集设计

13.Numerical simulation of flow around circular cylinder using SST DES model用基于SST模型的DES方法数值模拟圆柱绕流

14.Inhibition Effects of Various siRNAs on Expression of Somatostatin in Gastric Cancer Cell Line BGC-823、SGC-7901;SiRNA抑制SST基因表达对胃癌细胞系BGC-823,SGC-7901的效应

15.Measurement of Mg/Ca Ratios in Planktonic Foraminifera on ICP-OES and Application of Mg/Ca Ratios in Sea Surface Temperature;ICP-OES测定浮游有孔虫的Mg/Ca比值及其在SST分析中的应用

16.The Teleconnection of Sea Surface Temperature in North Atlantic and North Pacific and Its Relation with China Winter Temperature/Summer Precipitation;北大西洋、北太平洋SST遥联与我国冬温夏雨异常关系研究

17.Study on Variation Characteristics of SST Observed in the Past 50 Years in the Coastal Region of South China under Globosity Climate Warming;全球气候变暖背景下近50年华南大陆沿海SST变化特征

18.The Relations of Technology and Society under the Social Shaping of Technology(SST);技术与社会之间关系的SST解读——兼评“技术的社会形成”理论


SST sine waveSST正弦波

3)SST technologySST技术

1.Develops a new type mechanical heat meter according to the design idea and technical features ofSST technology.根据SST技术的设计理念和技术特征,成功研制了基于SST技术的机械式热能表。

2.The mechanical heat meter withSST technology which is suitable for heat-supply metering is developed and manufactured.设计了具有对称结构、直通式进出水流道、独立横轴叶轮结构的SST技术机械式流量计,克服了单流束、多流束机械式流量计存在的堵塞、磨损、转速信号检测失灵、结垢问题。

4)SST(Sea Surface Temperature)温度场(SST)

5)kw-sst modelkω-sst模型

6)SST imagesSST图像


