100字范文 > 动的天人合一 Actional Unity of Nature and Humanity英语短句 例句大全

动的天人合一 Actional Unity of Nature and Humanity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 10:41:13


动的天人合一 Actional Unity of Nature and Humanity英语短句 例句大全

动的天人合一,Actional Unity of Nature and Humanity

1)Actional Unity of Nature and Humanity动的天人合一

2)the ideology of the unity of heaven and man"天人合一"的思想

3)harmony between man and nature天人合一

1.Briefly on "Harmony between Man and Nature" of Song-Ming Period;宋明时期的“天人合一”观

2.Probe into the Chinese package design with "harmony between man and nature ";以“天人合一”探究中国包装设计

3.The "harmony between man and nature" theory and the ancient Chinese human settlement building“天人合一”思想与中国古代人居环境建设


ment on the Relationship Between Nature and Human from the Angle of "the Unity of Heaven and Man" and "the Distinctiveness of Heaven and Man";从“天人合一”与“天人相分”看人与自然

2.Is "Heaven and Man combine into an integral whole" (Tian-ren heyi) the same as "Harmony of Heaven and Man" (tian-ren hexie);“天人合一”即“天人和谐”?──解读儒家“天人合一”观念的一个误区

3.Modern Enlightenment of the Dialectical Ideas of “Nature-man-as-two”and Nature-man-as-one”?;“天人二分”与“天人合一”辩证思想的现代启示

4.A Study on XUNZi s Thought of the Unity of Heaven and Man;是“天人相分”,还是“天人合一”——《荀子》天人关系论再考察

5.Human and nature in painting creation--therandom thoughts of heaven and man comhined into one绘画创作中的人与自然——天人合一随想

6.Man is an integral part of nature:the cultural connotation of harmony between man and nature;天人合一:人与自然和谐的文化意涵

7."The Combination of Man and Nature" Advocating the Harmonious Existence of Man and Nature;“天人合一”:倡导人与自然和谐相处

8.Mencius s Human-centered Thinking of “Harmony between Man and Nature”;论孟子以“人”为中心的“天人合一”思想

9."Unification between Human Beings and Nature "of Confucianism and Protecting of the Living Environment of Human Beings;儒学的“天人合一”与人类生存环境保护

10.Oneness of Heaven and Men: New Research on the View of Humanized Nature;“天人合一”:马克思人化自然观新探

11.At the same time,it has reflected many opinions of such archaic artists to the people and nature:the heaven is exalted but human is lowliness; the heaven is syncretic with human; there have induces between heaven and human;同时这也反映出古代艺术家对人与自然的认识 :天尊人卑、天人合一、天人感应、天人和谐。

12.Description of Stars in Shi Ji·Tian Guan Shu;《史记·天官书》星象(待续)——天人合一的幻想基准

13.Martin Buber’s Understanding of “Uninimity of Heaven and Men” and Its Implication马丁·布伯对“天人合一”的解读及其启示

14.The Landscape Research in "the Unity of Universe and Human Beings" of Hongcao Garden;《红草园》“天人合一”的景观空间格局研究

15."Harmony between Human Being and Nature" and Aesthetic Pursuit in China Classical Garden;“天人合一”与中国古典园林的审美追求

16.Philosophical Analysis on the Chinese Ancient Union of Nature and Man;中国古代“天人合一”思想的哲学分析

17.The Concept of "Harmony of Heaven and Man" Misinterpreted by Contemporary Design;“天人合一”理念在当代设计中的误读

18.On the Historical Heritage and Modern Variation of "Harmony between Man and Nature";试析“天人合一”的历史传承和现代变异


the ideology of the unity of heaven and man"天人合一"的思想

3)harmony between man and nature天人合一

1.Briefly on "Harmony between Man and Nature" of Song-Ming Period;宋明时期的“天人合一”观

2.Probe into the Chinese package design with "harmony between man and nature ";以“天人合一”探究中国包装设计

3.The "harmony between man and nature" theory and the ancient Chinese human settlement building“天人合一”思想与中国古代人居环境建设

4)oneness of heaven and man天人合一

1.Multiple value implications of Confucian oneness of Heaven and Man;儒家“天人合一”观之价值意蕴的多重性

2.The abundant and profound thought of"oneness of heaven and man"in chinese history is the ideologica l and cultural mother of the theory of human -environmental inte r relation.中国历史上丰富而深刻的天人合一思想是孕育、形成天人相应论的思想文化母体。

3.Running to its source,we could trace back to Chinese philosophy characteristic——Oneness of Heaven and Man.它既涉及"万物与我为一"的内涵,又涉及庄子的生死观问题,深究其思想来源,可追溯到中国哲学的主要特点——天人合一思想。

5)Harmony of Man with Nature天人合一

1.The "harmony of man with nature" in Confucianism and Taoism and the current environmental problem;儒道“天人合一”的人文意蕴与当今的环境问题

2.This paper makes a survey on it both statically and dynamically,that is,from the perspectives of separation man from nature and harmony of man with nature respectively.荀子天道观对中国传统文化影响深远,一直为后人称道,本文从静态——"天人之分"和动态——"天人合一"两方面对荀子天道观进行考察,并对有学者认为荀子的"制天命而用之"是"人定胜天"的理解进行反思。

3.The ancients in China always pursued the harmony of man with nature as the ultimate state of liv- ing.中国古代把人与自然的和谐统一作为人生理想的主旋律,把"天人合一"的境界作为最高的审美境界。

6)unity of heaven and man天人合一

1.The Correction of the Principle of Unity of Heaven and Manin the Traditional Confucian——Additionally on its Value to the Environmental Ethics;儒学“天人合一”说辨正——兼论其环境伦理学意义

2.The"human-oriented"ideas and notions of the"unity of heaven and man"are two great tra- ditions of Confucian ethics."以人为本"和"天人合一"是儒家伦理的两大传统。

3."The system of Heaven and by the people"is put forward in the concept of "Heaven Phase",that is,to bring people s initiative into full play;the "kind to people and love matters" is put forward in the concept of "Unity of Heaven and Man,"that is,to maintain the natural ecological balance.先秦儒家已具有自觉的生态意识,初步认识到生物体及其与环境的关系,在"天人相分"的观念中提出了"制天命而用之",发挥人的主动性和积极性;在"天人合一"的理念下提出"仁民而爱物",维护自然生态的平衡,没有"天人相分"的"天人合一"是不健全的,"天人合一"与"天人相分"是一个矛盾的统一体。


